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A 15-day experiment was performed on male Wistar rats allocated into three blocks diversified by a daily thiamine dose: 0, 20, 40 μg/day/rat. In each block the rats were divided into five groups depending on the type of diet: control group (FF) – fructan-free diet; experimental groups (I-5, I-10, OF-5, OF-10) – diets containing: 5%, 10% of inulin, as well as 5%, 10% of oligofructose respectively. Thiamine-free experimental diets were prepared according to AIN-93M recommendations, where inulin and oligofructose were added instead of wheat starch. The thiamine was administered per os as a water solution. Compared to the initial value, caecal pH decreased in all groups of rats. The daily thiamine dose as well as the kind of fructan influenced caecal pH. There could be observed the synergistic action of inulin and thiamine in decreasing pH. Inulin and oligofructose, due to prebiotic properties, can cause fluctuations in the caecum pH but the direction of changes is closely dependent on the presence of dietary thiamine. The most suitable pH values for endogenous thiamine uptake are reported during dietary deficit of this vitamin, independently on the type and dose of fructan.
Celem badań była analiza zawartości tiaminy w sokach warzywnych świeżych i fermentowanych z ogórka, kapusty białej, marchwi, buraka ćwikłowego i selera. Ilość tiaminy w sokach fermentowanych była niższa niż w sokach świeżych a około 50% zawartej w nich witaminy było w formie wolnej. Soki warzywne fermentowane nie są wyjątkowym źródłem tiaminy ale powinny być spożywane z uwagi na inne właściwości prozdrowotne.
Badano wpływ muliny i oligofruktozy stosowanych jako 5% і 10% dodatki do diet na koncentrację tiaminy w osoczu krwi szczurów, którym nie podawano t i aminy. Niezależnie od udziału w diecie zarówno inulina jak i oligofruktoza przyczyniły się do istotnego zwiększenia koncentracji darniny w osoczu krwi zwierząt grup badanych w porównaniu do grupy kontrolnej. Stwierdzono też, że u zwierząt, którym podawano z dietami 5% badanych fruktanów, koncentracja tiaminy w osoczu była dwukrotnie wyższa niż u otrzymujących 10% w/w związków.
There is relatively little information concerning the bioavailability of thiamine from food products; nevertheless available data on thiamine show that this vitamin is a significant factor that plays an important role in their nutritional status. The bioavailability of thiamine depends on several factors of which food and diet composition appears to play a paramount importance.
In the study of the concentration of thiamine in the plasma, liver, urine and faeces as indices of its utilisation we found that cellulose enhances the bioavailability of this vitamin in vivo; however, pectin has an opposite effect, that is, it lowers its bioavailability.
Badano zawartość błonnika pokarmowego w wybranych produktach spożywczych dwiema metodami enzymatycznymi i wyniki porównano z enzymatyczną metodą odwoławczą.
Badano stan odżywienia kobiet stosujących „dietę optymalną" (dr Kwaśniewskiego). Jako mierniki stanu odżywienia zastosowano poziomy hemoglobiny, hematokrytu, glukozy, białka, cholesterolu (całkowitego, H DL, LDL), trój glicerydów, magnezu, wapnia, GGT,ALT, ALP, AM S we krwi lub osoczu. Stwierdzono prawidłowy stan odżywienia żelazem, magnezem i białkiem. Niski poziom wapnia oraz podwyższony poziom cholesterolu w osoczu krwi wskazują na niezbilansowany charakter „diety optymalnej"
Celem badań byia analiza struktury źródeł wapnia, fosforu, żelaza, magnezu, potasu i sodu w „diecie optymalnej" (wysokotłuszczowej, niskowęglowodanowej) Kwaśniewskiego. Dane o spożyciu uzyskano metodą trzydniowego bieżącego notowania jadłospisów. Badaniami objęto 15 kobiet w wieku 30-64 lata stosujących „dietę optymalną" przez okres 2-4 lat, dla których grupę kontrolną stanowiło 15 kobiet żywiących się tradycyjnie. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono, że struktura źródeł wybranych składników mineralnych w „diecie optymalnej" różniła się od struktury charakterystycznej dla diety zwyczajowej. „Dieta optymalna" Kwaśniewskiego, poprzez strukturę spożywanych grup produktów, może przyczyniać się do zaburzeń w gospodarce wapniem, fosforem i magnezem a co za tym idzie sprzyjać schorzeniom wynikającym z deficytu tych pierwiastków.
Praca dotycząca przeglądu piśmiennictwa za okres ostatnich 15 lat w zakresie spożycia żywności i stanu odżywienia dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i szkolnym.
Background. Tea is a very popular drink throughout many parts of the world, that includes Poland. The tea infusion (cup of tea) itself contains phenolic compounds with anti-oxidant properties that constitute 30% of the dry mass of tea leaves responsible for a health promoting effect on the human body. Objectives. To estimate the determinants and amounts of black and green tea consumed by a selected population group, along with their polyphenols intake from tea. Material and Methods. A survey was conducted of 281 subjects in 2012 from the Mazovian region of Poland, recruited from social-networking sites which had been sent a web application questionnaire ( Results. Subjects were aged 18-56 years, of whom the majority (73%) were aged 21-30 years. City dwellers constituted 86%, whilst those remaining were from small towns (14%). Black tea was drunk by 80% of whom 39% did so daily, whilst green tea was drunk by 72% of whom 17% did so daily. Determinants affecting the amounts of tea drinking were principally gender, education, place of residence and number of household members. Women significantly drank more than one cup of green tea daily compared to men. Those with a higher education significantly drank more than one cup of black tea daily compared to those with lower education levels. Homeowning subjects with 2 household members significantly drank more than one cup of green tea daily than the others. The average daily intakes of polyphenols from black tea in those who drank so regularly was 503 mg and that for green tea was 361 mg. Conclusions. The main source of tea polyphenols was found to be black tea as this was drunk more often than green tea. There is a need for promoting more green tea to be drunk as a source of polyphenols.
Background. Appropriate nutrition in humans is one of the most important factors affecting normal development, nutritional status and keeping healthy. University students can be overburdened with responsibilities arising from their studies which may result in abnormal diet/nutrition and decrease their levels of physical activity. Objective. To determine and assess nutrition and eating habits for selected female students studying nutrition at the Siedlce University of Natural Sciences & Humanities (UPH), compared with young people from other academic centres also studying nutrition and having a similar education profile. Material and methods. A diagnostic survey was undertaken anonymously on 100 female student subjects using a proprietary questionnaire. Students were undergraduates at the UPH during their 2nd and 3rd year. Results. Dietetics students considered that the practical application of proper nutrition principles is very important. Nevertheless, 44% assessed themselves to follow abnormal diets; 58% declared they ate whole grains frequently whereas 58% and 65% respectively consumed fruit and vegetables daily. Dietary irregularities were identified, particularly in how often fish was eaten, where 46% either never ate fish or did so only occasionally. Subjects preferred lean cuts of poultry meat (65%), and the most common cooking practice was frying (52%). Conclusions. Subjects did not follow dietary recommendations, although responses varied in the different academic centres. Despite learning from their studies about normal nutritional requirements it seems that, to large degree, students follow eating habits acquired during their childhoods in the home.
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