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Voluntary Control System for juices; nectars and similar products (DSK) has been established in Poland in the year 2002. It has been financed by the members of DSK and also supported by the Polish Association of Juices Producers and SGF Project „Quality Initiative for South and East Europe" (QUI- SEE). In the article the author analysed the driving forces of adulteration and the control measures enforcing fair competition. The general conclusion is that only industrial self-control system allows to clear the market of falsified products. Voluntary Control System in Poland took advantage of the experience of the European Quality Control System and in particular those of Schutzgemeinschaft der Fruchtsaftindustrie e. V. Over the last 3 years great progress has been made in adjustment of the Polish processors to the requirements of the EU legislation. Most products supplied by the members of DSK are in accordance with the AIJN Code of Practice reference values. Major problems are found with nonmembers. Proper measures are taken in cooperation with state authorities and retailers to clear the market of falsified products, which in total amount to about 30% of the analyzed products. The figure may not quite reflect situation on the marked as the analyses concentrated on suspicious producers and products. To further improve the situation the list of DSK control measures has been recently extended by the negative covenant.
Jednym z tematów założonych w programie pracy KUPSiNB jest wprowadzenie w Polsce badań konsumenckich krajowych soków i napojów znajdujących się na rynku. W wyniku spotkania Grupy Roboczej KUPSiNB ds. Integracji Europejskiej ze specjalistami z Unii Europejskiej podczas Międzynarodowego Sympozjum Sokowniczego JUICE ’99 w Rytrze w dniu 21 października 1999 r. sprawa ta znacznie się przybliżyła. Uzyskano zapewnienie o pomocy zagranicznych gości dla KUPSiNB we wdrażaniu procedur na wzór przyjętych w UE.
Brak jest jednoznacznej definicji jakości, jak również nie ma uznanych powszechnie metod jej pomiaru. W badaniach mierzy się cechy produktu, które wpływają na jakość. Wykorzystuje się zarówno metody instrumentalne, jak i metody sensoryczne. Dąży się do obiektywizacji pomiaru jakości i rozszerza zakres ocenianych parametrów przygotowując partie towaru do handlu. Poza sortowaniem dotyczącym wielkości i wybarwienia wprowadza się do praktyki sortowanie owoców wg parametru jędrności. Bliskie zastosowaniu w praktyce na liniach sortowniczych są metody optyczne z wykorzystaniem bliskiej podczerwieni i programów komputerowych do badania zawartości ekstraktu w owocach. Jakość owoców i otrzymanych z nich produktów w dużym stopniu decyduje o możliwościach ich sprzedaży. Różne czynniki, zależne i niezależne od producenta oddziałują na roślinę i wpływają na wygląd, smakowitość, teksturę i choroby fizjologiczne owoców. Największe znaczenie mają czynniki genetyczne i stopień dojrzałości. O jakości owoców, szczególnie jagodowych i możliwościach ich zagospodarowania decyduje sposób postępowania po zbiorze. I tak natychmiastowe schłodzenie owoców miękkich po zbiorze rozszerza możliwości ich zagospodarowania w stanie świeżym, w tym z przeznaczeniem na eksport. Wprowadza się nowe technologie pakowania, przechowywania i przerobu. Pomimo różnic w preferencjach konsumentów w różnych krajach rozwija się globalny handel do czego przyczynia się ujednolicenie ustawodawstwa, giełda, sieć supermarketów czy handel poprzez Internet. Zaostrza się konkurencja na rynku europejskim i w skali całego świata. Okazało się, że normy są znacznie bardziej tolerancyjne niż rzeczywiste wymagania rynku europejskiego.
The report from sessions of QUISEE/VdF/SGF/IRMA (Quality Initiative South and East Europe / Schutzgemeinschaft der Fruchtsaft-Industrie / International Raw Material Assurance / Verband der deutschen Fruchtsaft-Industrie) is presented in this paper. QUISEE project is destined to make easy the adjustment of running countries to requirement of European Union.
Voluntary Control System for juices, nectars and similar products (DSK) has been established in Poland in the year 2002. It has been financed by the members of DSK and also supported by the Polish Association of Juices Producers and SGF Project "Quality Initiative for South and East Europe" (QUISEE). In the article the author analysed the driving forces of adulteration and the control measures enforcing fair competition. The general conclusion is that only industrial self-control system allows to clear the market of falsified products. Voluntary Control System in Poland took advantage of the experience of the European Quality Control System and in particular those of Schutzgemeinschaft der Fruchtsaftindustrie e. V. Over the last 3 years great progress has been made in adjustment of the Polish processors to the requirements of the EU legislation. Most products supplied by the members of DSK are in accordance with the AIJN Code of Practice reference values. Major problems are found with nonmembers. Proper measures are taken in cooperation with state authorities and retailers to clear the market of falsified products; which in total amount to about 30% of the analyzed products. The figure may not quite reflect situation on the marked as the analyses concentrated on suspicious producers and products. To further improve the situation the list of DSK control measures has been recently extended by the negative covenant.
EU "ISAFRUIT" Project covers different areas of research including investigation of effects of fruit consumption on well being, human health and obesity. Allergy induced by fruit consumption is also covered beside investigation of the risk to human health and environment of new methods of fruit production. Pillar covering fruit processing has been divided into 4 work packages (WP's), which share common idea of preservation in processed products, to the highest level possible, components beneficial for human health that are found in raw material. In the WP covering minimally processed fruit various techniques are applied including high pressure and microwaves to increase fruit safety. Direct juices, nectars and drinks are also object of research of this pillar as healthy products with high export potential. Selection of raw material for direct juice production and improvement of technology has been foreseen. The outcome of the project will also be new dried fruit products with functional properties. Proposal to utilize waste products (fruit pomaces) will also be given. Within the project several new approaches to fruit production methods and product management are developed, including Decision Support System, which will contribute to improvement of fruit quality supplied to the consumer. A new pesticide application system is under development, which will allow higher protection of environment. Beside applied research also basic research will be conducted within the project covering identification and mapping of the major genes responsible for fruit quality and development of safe and efficient transgenic techniques applicable to quality-fruit production. Knowledge created within the project will be disseminated using various tools such as internet, conferences, scientific publications and popular articles to inform European citizens. This should contribute, according to the project premises, to increased consumption of fruits and improvement of human well being and health.
A review of the world-wide literature concerning storage of strawberries in controlled or modified atmospheres is given. The storage of fruits in the atmosphere with CO2 and low O2 content, under vacuum conditions, in the atmosphere enriched in CO and other gases was analyzed. The strawberry storage effect on weight losses, external defects and palatability is estimated. Controversial views on the fruit storage period length are quoted.
Report on the official stay in Canada, in wich organization of science, financing research works and selected scientific units working for benefit of the food industry are presented.
EU „ISAFRUIT" Project is an integrated Project (IP), coordinated by Dr Ole Callesen from Denmark. The duration of the Project shall be 54 months from 1st January 2006. In the Project participate 250 scientists and technical workers from 60 legal enrities (including 20 SME's) from 16 countries. Community financial contribution is 73.8 million Euros. The strategic aim of the project is to increase consumption of fruit and investigation of ways which will increase health and well-being of European consumers, improve their environment by complex approach to identified barriers of fruit production and consumption. Consumer preferences will get special attention. Project covers the whole chain from consumer to producer. Operational structure of the project covers 8 pillars dealing with fruit production, storage, processing, genetics of quality, relationship between fruit consumption and human health, supply chain, knowledge dissemination and Project management. Novelty of the project is multidisciplinary approach involving cooperation of scientists from different countries, specializing in medicine, marketing, food science, food technology, pomology, genetics and other disciplines, integrating consumers, scientists, specialists in knowledge dissemination, fruit growers, representatives of SME's, and other areas. „ISAFRUIT" Project will have significant effect on consumption of fresh and processed fruit, health improvement of European Union citizens, improvements of environment through safe, sustainable production, more dynamic and competitive production. It will also effect integration of research and technical workers from different scientific disciplines.
In November 11 to 17, 2001 in Sydney IFU Juice Congress was held, which was attended by almost 200participants. During the Congress 16 lectures were delivered and 9 World Crops reports were presented (for apples, grapes, orange, grapefruit, bananas and some tropical fruits). The lectures were grouped into 3 topics: management, marketing and technical. During the first session in the lecture " What a juice executive should know about Codex ", K. Gunter described activities of Codex Alimentarius Commission, force and effects of Codex Alimentarius texts and the status of Codex proposed draft standards for fruit and vegetable juices and nectars. G. Brisco in a lecture on Codex regulation and health benefits concentrated on the opportunity for fortification of fruit juices under the proposed draft Codex standard for fruit juices and nectars. Food for tification is subject of interest of FAO/WHO Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses. The Committee advises CAC on various aspects of addition of nutrients and declaration. Codex Committee on Food Labeling regulates the principles of labeling that also cover different claims. The declaration of nutrients and claims still create legislative problems and it is expected that the final version of standard for fruit juices and nectars will not appear before 2005. Garcia using orange juice as a case study lectured on "Managing information flows The author described the situation in production of oranges, their domestic utilisation and market trends over the last ten years. Brazil, which is the primary world supplier of orange juice concentrate, has problems with citrus cancer and CVC virus. Within last few years citrus canker has killed over 10 millions trees and CVC virus in the next 5 years will kill 20 millions trees. If the problems with these diseases are solved the recovery will take 6 years. The main goal of Brazilian producers is to keep groves healthy and productive and increase market access for orange juice world wide. D. Kellor expressed the opinion that the best tool for managing quality and to control safety risk due to contaminants in fruit juice products is HACCP and GMPs. Raw material is the primary source of contaminants and by cooperation between industry, government and trade associations it is possible to develop new, better and uniform quality and food safety management techniques and regulations. The author stressed that the industry must become proactive versus reactive, it means that it must reorient efforts directed to the prevention of problems versus responding to crises after they happen. Industry and governments need to be monitoring new realities, knowledge, and technology and be able to take appropriate action in a timely manner. Industry needs to pursue innovation that will enable continuous improvement and more effective protection of its businesses. Several of new technologies that may decrease risk and increase quality, safety and nutrient content have been discussed. In a lecture "Nutritional improvement: communicating functional aspects of fruit and vegetable juices in Russia " D. Kolokatow from Wimm Bill Dann reported on the market trends in fruit juices and drinks in Russia. Consumption of these products in 2000 was about 51/person. The most popular are orange juices followed by apple and tomato juices. Nectars are less popular and drinks share only about 10% of the market. Price is the most important factor in purchase decision, which is obvious taking into consideration that the average salary per month in Russia is only 82 USD. Over the last 4 years import of juices, nectars and drinks based on juices substantially decreased. In 1997marked share of imported juices was 40% whereas in 2000 it decreased to 18%. The offer of locally produced juices and drinks increased and it also includes functional drinks.
Przedstawiono korzystną sytuację finansową AIJN i zatwierdzone propozycje Komitetu Technicznego dotyczące niektórych wskaźników jakościowych uaktualnianego Kodeksu Praktyki AIJN. Omówiono wyniki prac nad weryfikacją Kodeksu Higieny oraz dalsze prace nad Kodeksem Praktyki. Przedstawiono wyniki dotyczące produkcji i konsumpcji soków w Unii Europejskiej i w krajach kandydujących. Przedstawiono ustalenia podjęte w Antwerpii, dotyczące systemu glosowania i struktury AIJN.
W artykule omówiono trendy w krajach UE dotyczące produkcji i spożycia soków, nektarów i napojów oraz szansę dla polskiego rynku zagęszczonego soku jabłkowego, cieszącego się największym popytem w Niemczech. Podkreślono konieczność dostosowania się do wymagań prawnych UE, w tym w zakresie higieny, jakości i znakowania.
Owoce truskawek powinny być produkowane zgodnie z Dobrą Praktyką Agrotechniczną. W artykule powołano się na ustawodawstwo Unii Europejskiej, wskazując, ze zasady higieny obowiązujące w produkcji przemysłowej żywności dla zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego są obecnie brane pod uwagę w produkcji polowej, np. truskawek przeznaczonych na zaopatrzenie rynku owoców świeżych oraz na mrożonki. W artykule omówiono zasady, których przestrzeganie powinno zminimalizować zagrożenia. Zwrócono uwagę na prace przygotowawcze przed zbiorem, wybór terminu i technikę zbioru. Wskazano na znaczenie rodzaju stosowanych opakowań, szybkość dostawy do przetwórni oraz konieczność schładzania truskawek przeznaczonych na zaopatrzenie rynku owoców świeżych. Niezbędnym warunkiem zwiększenia konkurencyjności produkowanych w naszym kraju truskawek na rynek Unii Europejskiej jest podniesienie ich jakości i solidność handlowa.
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