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The aim of the paper is to analyse different perspectives of place brand attachment derived from marketing, psychology, and brand equity in order to fully understand the meaning and role attachment plays in place branding. The author conducts a systematic review of the possible perspectives of place attachment together with the methodological approaches and findings of respective researches. The presented research results suggest that place attachment should be understood from several angles as each adds important insight into the subject. In addition, attachment best reflects destination brand equity and it is its most important source. Therefore, destination managers should devote more attention to brand attachment, applying to this end relevant strategies and tools.
Światowy rynek żywności staje się coraz bardziej złożony. Przejawem tego jest m.in. wzrost popytu na bardziej wyrafinowane substytuty mięsa. Nadrzędnym celem produkcji analogów jest odtworzenie wyglądu, barwy, smaku i tekstury mięsa. Produkty te stanowią potencjalne możliwości rozwoju tego sektora w przemyśle spożywczym ze względu na niższe koszty wytwarzania, w porównaniu z produktami z całych mięśni, pozytywną opinię zdrowotną (brak cholesterolu i obniżona zawartość tłuszczu) i wygodę użytkowania. Do ich produkcji wykorzystuje się najczęściej teksturowaną mąkę sojową, teksturowane koncentraty sojowe, teksturowany gluten pszenny i mikoproteiny, a także kombinacje teksturowanych białek, takich jak soja i pszenica, które ponadto można konsumować jako analogi mięsa.
Currently, the public is concerned not only with the quality of food products, but also with the methods of obtaining these products. For animal products such as milk and meat, the conditions under which animals are reared and slaughtered are of prime importance. The circumstances of slaughter are subject to strict regulations related to animal welfare, food hygiene and safety, as well as working conditions. Humane slaughter regulations aim to minimize anxiety, pain, and distress or suffering at slaughter. Therefore, from the welfare point of view, the basic purpose of stunning is to render the animal unconscious and insensible so that it may not feel pain during slaughter. Current slaughter methods are either conventional (with stunning) or prescribed by religious tradition (without stunning). In most countries that require pre-slaughter stunning, there is dispensation for religious slaughter methods. The religious dispensation is allowed on the basis of human rights, which take precedence over animal welfare in all but a few European countries. Halal (Muslim) and Shechita (Jewish) slaughter methods, the principle religious slaughter techniques, are subject to much debate. With regard to religious slaughter, most objections are raised against the method of neck cutting without prior stunning and, to some extent, against the pre- and post-slaughter handling of animals. It is also suggested that a compromise can be reached between the requirements of religious slaughter and animal welfare, as well as humanitarian principles. This review presents the results of recent research concerning the impact of slaughter methods (conventional vs. religious) on animal welfare, as well as the technological parameters and hygienic criteria of the slaughter process.
The conversion of muscle into meat is a complex process in which all mechanisms responsible for the development of meat qualities are very likely interdependent. Understanding the complicated biochemical mechanisms regulating cell death processes after slaughter may help us in the future to provide better solutions for pre-slaughter animal handling and post-slaughter interventions to manage meat toughness. Differentiating muscle cell death processes after slaughter from apoptosis or necrosis may consequently lead to enhanced technological meat quality. Many results have indicated that a number of molecules such as those from the caspase family are likely to be involved in the cell death process after slaughter and also in meat tenderization. Apoptosis as a unique possible route for cells and tissues of a dead animal and for all animal species may constitute a new way of thinking about the post-mortem development of the organoleptic qualities of the final product, namely meat. Analysis of the consequences of apoptosis can brings possible answers to many questions about the conversion of muscle into meat.
The meat of deer is widely held as a healthy food because of its several nutritional characteristics attractive to consumers. However, the nutritional qualities of venison are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Furthermore, consumers are increasingly concerned about animal welfare and the environmental aspects of animal production systems. Dear meat has high protein and low fat contents, a favourable fat composition (it is richer in long-chain n-3 PUFAs and poorer in MUFAs and SFAs), and high levels of minerals, especially a highly bioavailable form of heam iron. Less information is available on numerous other compounds in venison that are not generally recognized as nutrients, but have been reported to possess bioactive properties under certain conditions. Food ingredients identified as bioactive have a proven beneficial effect on the health and well-being of consumers beyond the normal nutritional properties. Their action has a selective and positive effect on specific functions of the human body, including the prevention and treatment of diseases. Examples of such compounds in meat include antioxidants such as vitamin E homologues (tocochromanols), coenzyme Q10, taurine, carnosine, anserine, and isomers of CLA (particularly rumenic acid). All these qualities of venison are in great demand by today’s discerning meat consumer, and make it a healthy alternative to traditional red meat, such as beef or mutton.
Background: Self and proxy-reports sometimes are the main source of information on physical activity among schoolchildren. To pool the together, the knowledge on comparability is required. The main aim of the study was to assess the comparability of data gathered from schoolchildren and their mothers concerning physical activity of youths and to identify factors associated with disagreement. Material/Methods: A cohort of 91 children (66% girls), aged 7-15 years, and their mothers were studied using a questionnaire in a cross-sectional design. Information gathered included average leisure time physical activity during the summer and winter weeks over one year prior to the interview. Results: The observed level of Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient for agreement between children and their mothers varied from 0.32 for TV/movie viewing to 0.79 for non-seasonal activity. Sedentary lifestyle (>25.5 hours in sedentary activity/week) was identified as a factor associated with disagreement in reports on general seasonal activity (OR=5.47, 95%CI: 1.78-16.83) and on seasonal team games (OR=5.42, 95%CI: 1.74-16.88). Increase in categories of BMI percentiles was associated with an increased risk of disagreement (p for trend 0.037, 0.041; respectively). Conclusions: The comparability of information on the level of children’s and young adolescents’ leisure time physical activity depends on the nature of this activity. Sedentary lifestyle and increased body mass index may be responsible for disagreement in some types of physical activity. The use of parental proxy reporting as a supplementary source of information on the level of physical activity of children should be applied, if ever, with caution.
Spośród różnych właściwości mięsa wpływających na jego jakość, dla konsumenta najważniejsza jest kruchość. W czasie pośmiertnej konwersji mięśni do mięsa zachodzi złożony proces tenderyzacji. Od dawna mechanizm tenderyzacji mięsa był przedmiotem szczególnego zainteresowania badaczy z tego obszaru wiedzy. Pomimo intensywnych badań istota tych procesów nie została dokładnie poznana. W pracy przedstawiono główne teorie dotyczące mechanizmów tenderyzacji mięsa, zarówno nieenzymatyczne (wapniowa teoria kruszenia mięsa, wpływ ciśnienia osmotycznego), jak i enzymatyczne (procesy z udziałem proteolitycznych enzymów endogennych: kalpain i kalpastatyny, kaspaz, katepsyn, proteasomów, macierzy metaloproteaz). Wymienione enzymy prawdopodobnie uczestniczą w pośmiertnej proteolizie białek mięśniowych. Dokonano ponadto omówienia potencjalnych markerów z różnych szlaków metabolicznych, biorących udział w kształtowaniu kruchości mięsa post mortem.
Celem pracy było porównanie wartości użytkowej i właściwości fizykochemicznych mięsa pstrągów tęczowych z chowu ekstensywnego i intensywnego. Badaniami objęto łącznie 40 ryb pozyskanych w wybranym gospodarstwie rybackim na Lubelszczyźnie. Ryby odłowiono ze stawów betonowych (chów intensywny, n=20) oraz ze stawów ziemnych (chów ekstensywny, n=20). Pomimo istotnych różnic w masie oraz długości i wysokości ciała, ryby z chowu ekstensywnego (o masie 342,7 g) i z chowu intensywnego (o masie 516,2 g) miały zbliżony udział filetu (odpowiednio 43,1% i 44,5%). Mięso pstrągów utrzymywanych intensywnie zawierało istotnie więcej tłuszczu (o 2,26 punkty procentowe) i kalorii (o 67,4 kJ.100 g-1), a jego barwa charakteryzowała się większą jasnością (wyższe L*) i istotnie mniejszą intensywnością (niższy udział barwy czerwonej i żółtej, mniejsze nasycenie i odcień) w porównaniu do mięsa ryb z chowu ekstensywnego.
The purpose of this study was to compare the haematological profile and meat colour of calves slaughtered in summer and autumn. The material covered 42 calves chosen randomly i.e. 22 slaughtered in summer (June-August) and 20 in autumn (October-December). Haematological analyses included haematocrit (HCT), haemoglobin level (HGB), red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC) and platelets (PLT). The morphology of the erythrocytes and platelets, and differentiation of leucocytes were examined. The colour of meat was evaluated instrumentally by Minolta CIE L*a*b* and haematin pigment content was determined. The blood haemoglobin content in calves in the compared seasons was similar (11.3 g/L) and found within a normal range. Blood of calves from the autumn season showed higher HCT, RBC, and MCV values with concurrent lower MCH and MCHC values in comparison to the summer season. Blood of calves slaughtered in summer showed a higher content of WBC and a significantly higher percentage of lymphocytes as against blood of calves from the autumn. Meat of calves from the summer season was paler (higher L* value), and had a significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher proportion of yellowness (b*). A brighter colour of meat from calves presented for slaughter in the summer season was noted along with a lower content of haematin pigments. Significant correlations were found between haematological variables (HGB, HCT and RBC, particularly) and haematin pigment content and meat lightness (L*) and redness (a*).
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