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2002 | 54 | 3 |

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Transfer in vitro genu aac-aph[2] warunkujacego opornosc na antybiotyki aminoglikozydowe pomiedzy Staphylococcus aureus a Enterococcus faecalis i Enterococcus avium


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Dla 2 gatunków enterokoków izolowanych od ludzi i zwierząt zbadano częstość nabywania oporności na antybiotyki aminoglikozydowe w kontakcie z gronkowcami złocistymi posiadającymi gen aac(6')—aph(2"). Stwierdzono różnice w częstości nabywania oporności w zależności od gatunku i pochodzenia szczepu.
In nine strains of Enterococcus, frequency of resistance gene transfer from MRSA caring gene acc(6')—aph(2") was investigated. Transfer was inducted in broth at 44°C for 24 h. Presence of acc(6')—aph(2") gene was confirmed by PCR method. Frequency of gene transfer was the higest for strains Enterococcus faecalis isolated from humans (0.13), significant lower for Enterococcus avium (0.007) and the lowest for strains of Enterococcus faecalis isolated from animals (0.004).








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  • Akademia Medyczna, Gdansk


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