Waste biomass produced during breeding and the processing of mushrooms is still an unresolved problem. The utilization method include various technologies, which are not always sufficient enough to manage the total amount of the produced wastes. One of the most promising method is the use raw material after breeding as the substrate for the biogas production. The material obtained after the cultivation of mushrooms contains significant amount of gypsum and, while fermented, gives the biogas which characterizes with low methane content, but high concentration of the hydrogen sulphide. However waste from mushroom production plants contain not only used compost but also stalks of mushrooms as well as unclassified mushrooms. Those, on the other hand, while fermented give large amounts of biogas in which the content of methane is high and a low concentration of the hydrogen sulphide is observed. Nowadays, waste produced in mushroom-growing cellars are utilized on farmland and used as fertilizer. In this paper research results of the use of waste biomass from the mushroom-growing cellar for the biogas production are discussed.