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Results of various culture conditions on adhesion of Listeria monocytogenes strains to hexadecane are presented. Listeria strains cultured in optimal conditions adhered to this hydrophobic carbohydrate to a small extent. It reveals that their cell walls have hydrophilic properties. Application of low-nutrient medium, incubation at low temperature, acidification of medium to pH 5 and addition of 8% of NaCl caused transformation of strains into hydrophobic. Growing in vacuum conditions produced the opposite effect – all strains were extremely hydrophilic. Changes of strain properties from hydrophilic into hydrophobic affected analysed strains to a different degree. One of tested strains continued to be hydrophilic regardless of culture conditions. The other – a standard strain isolated from patient – became hydrophobic most frequently.
Lipophilic corynebacteria isolated as natural flora of human skin were examined. Among 119 assayed strains 94% presented a hydrophobic cell surface and 75.6 % were able to form biofilms. These attributes, as well as aggregation in liquid media, were statistically connected with each other and promote the developing of biofilms on solid surfaces. This was characteristic of all the lipophilic Corynebacterium species found on human skin that were examined in this study. C. jeikeium and CDC group G2 strains dominated in this population, and they could be responsible for investigated features in the whole lipophilic skin bacterial population. These two groups are the most common coryneform bacteria isolated from nosocomial infections and these attributes most likely promote them to cause opportunistic infections.
The retention behaviour of eighteen new antifungal dihydroxythiobenzanilides in a reversed-phase high performance thin-layer chromatographic system has been examined. Using water-acetone as the mobile phase, a linear relationship between the volume fraction of the organic solvent and the log k' values over a limited range was established for every solute. The physico-chemical parameters of these compounds were characterized by their hydrophobicity parameters log k'w, determined by extrapolation of the linear relationships for retention data in binary solvent systems to pure water. The good correlation obtained between log k' and S values of TLC equation supports the validity of the extrapolation technique. It was found that log k'w values of examined substances were correlated to their antimicrobial activity. The results suggest that log k'w might be an accurate model for assessment of the hydrophobicity of studied fungicides in biological systems.
Contemporary medical and biochemical research shows that Mg complex with organic ligands seem to be of great interest to researches. The study was undertaken in order to look for new drugs, which could meet the needs and expectations of clinical doctors. The selected QSAR parameters describing the geometrical structure of magnesium salts were compared with the log P values in order to estimate bioavailability of magnesium from these compounds. Intramolecular reactions e.g. donor-acceptor and occurence of hydrogen bonding influencing values of the calculated surface area of molecules to their volume and changes of log P value and polarity were confirmed.
The bacterial strains from the genera: Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Aeromonas, Achromobacter, and Flavimonas isolated from soil contaminated with crude oil were the subject of studies. The effect of the addition of rhamnolipids on cell surface properties and the removal efficiency of diesel oil were investigated. Rhamnolipids caused the modification of cell surface properties of tested strains, which depended on the amount of external additions of biosurfactant. Additionally, the decrease of Zeta potential was observed after the introduction of rhamnolipids to the diesel oil system. Particle size distribution provides information about system homogeneity and the tendency of particles toward agglomeration. Cell surface hydrophobicity during hydrocarbon biodegradation is a dynamic parameter. There were no different effects, after the addition of rhamnolipids, on the Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial strains. Moreover, the addition of rhamnolipids does not always increase the efficiency of diesel oil biodegradation. The most effective bacterial strain in diesel oil removal was the genus Pseudomonas.
The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) traces for binary mixtures of single chain amphiphiles present more than one transition temperature, while the traces for pure single chain amphiphiles have a single (or at most two) transition temperature(s). These secondary transition temperatures can appear owing to the selective association processes between the components of the lipid mixtures. This paper presents an attempt to examine theoretically the association of single chain amphiphiles between (a) two identical molecules (self-association) and (b) two different molecules (cross-association). Association probabilities, the mean association probabilities and the overall ratio of efficiency, were evaluated for 36 binary mixtures of single chain amphiphiles. A test system for evaluation of differential effects of the hydrophobic chain length on the mean association probabilities was considered. Self-association of longer hydrophobic chains and cross-association phenomena show a high probability compared with the self-association of shorter hydrophobic chains. We found that "the efficacious length of association" in a binary mixture of single chain amphiphiles is 8 methylene groups.
The collection of 314 staphylococcal strains including Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) was isolated from skin or nasopharynx of healthy people. It was found that the majority of staphylococci possessed the ability to produce slime intensively or moderately, irrespective of ecological niche-nose, throat or skin. Most of them showed the hydrophilic cell surface. However, among S. aureus skin isolates or CNS throat isolates predominated strains with hydrophobic cell surface. There was a slight correlation between slime production and the nature of cell surface among CNS isolates but not among S. aureus strains. It was found that most of slime-producing CNS strains showed hydrophilic cell surface, while slime-negative isolates usually possessed hydrophobic cell surface. Our data suggest that slime production but not cell surface hydrophobicity can be regarded as an essential colonization factor responsible for staphylococci adherence to skin or mucous membranes of upper respiratory tract. These data also suggest that slime production seems to be a general feature of staphylococci isolated from various niches of healthy people.
The application of supported liquid membrane (SLM) extraction for the enrichment of short peptides is presented. The extraction efficiency is dependent on the pH of do­nor phase and salt concentration in acceptor phase. Moreover, the extraction effi­ciency is also influenced by the peptide amino-acid sequence and hydrophobicity.
The effect of incubation temperature on hydrophobic properties of Listeria spp. using ammonium sulphate aggregation test was analyzed. 29 strains of Listeria spp. isolated from beef, pork and smoked fish were tested. Results show that reducing the incubation temperature causes transformation of hydrophilic Listeria spp. into hydrophobic.
Thermal stabilities of chicken, grey lag goose (Anser anser), turkey as avian hemoglobins (Hbs); and human, bovine, sheep and horse as mammalian Hbs in hemolysate form were investigated and compared with oxygen affinities taken from literature. The thermal stability was obtained from thermal profiles using tempera­ture scanning spectrophotometry. The buffer conditions were 50 mM Tris, pH 7.2, and 1 mM EDTA. The average of the inverse temperature transitions, average hydrophobicity, total van der Waals volume, partial molal volume and hydration po­tential were calculated by computational methods. The hemolysed avian Hbs have a lower oxygen affinity, higher thermal stability and higher self association than the mammalian Hbs. These observations are based on amino-acid composition, influence of ionic effectors, and the presence of Hb D in several avian Hbs. The results indicate that the avian Hbs have a more tense (T) conformation than the mammalian Hbs.
The ceramide glycanase (CGase) activities, which cleave the intact oligosaccharide chain and the ceramide moiety of a glycosphingolipid, have been characterized from two mammalian sources. The enzymatic activities are almost comparable in rabbit and rat mammary tissues. The majority of the activities has been concentrated in the soluble fraction which could be partially purified using hydrophobic columns. The rabbit mammary ceramide glycanase activity has been purified up to 1438-fold using ion exchange and hydrophobic columns in tandem. The purified protein exhibited a molecular mass of 54 kDa which could be immunostained on the Western blot with clam anti-CGase polyclonal antibody. In addition, a 98 kDa protein also exhibited positive immunostain in a successive purified fraction with that antibody and is under investigation. The requirement for the optimal enzymatic activities are similar for both rabbit and rat CGase activities. The CGase activity requires the presence of detergent for optimal activity but is not dependent on the presence of any divalent cations. However, Hg2+, Zn2+, and Cu2+ are inhibitory to the enzymatic activities. It has been observed that rat as well as rabbit CGases are inhibited by both D- and L-PDMP (1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol.HCl) and its higher analogue PPMP (1-phenyl-2-palmitoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol.HCl). Alkyl amines containing C12 and higher chains are also found to inhibit both rat and rabbit CGase activities. Substantial levels of CGase activities have also been observed in various human tumor cells as well as in developing avian brains. These observations are significant in view of the recent findings that ceramide, which is one of the enzymatic reaction products of CGase activity, is mediating different cellular events like signal transduction and apoptosis. The role of this enzyme in development, metastasis and cellular regulation are anticipated.
Mając na względzie fakt, że kwasy humusowe w bardzo małym procencie występują w sianie wolnym w glebie, lecz tworzą połączenia z mineralną częścią gleby, dokonano próby syntetyzowania preparatów kwasów humusowych z bentonitem i illitem oraz scharakteryzowano wybrane właściwości fizykochemiczne tych preparatów jak również określono ich stopień prze reagowania przy różnych wartościach pH, W preparatach tych wykonano pomiary powierzchni właściwej metodą adsorpcji pary wodnej BET oraz molowej energii adsorpcji na podstawie izoterm w dwóch temperaturach (20 i 40 °C). Powierzchnia właściwa illitu i bentonitu po dodaniu kwasów humusowych (kwasu huminowego i p-humusu) przy wszystkich wartościach pH uległa zmniejszeniu. Świadczy to o różnym stopniu ich przereagowania oraz prawdopodobnie o częściowej hydrofobizacji minerałów. Okazało się. że stopień przereagowania preparatów kwasów humusowych z minerałem jest uzależniony od wartości ph oraz, że dla wszystkich kombinacji jest on największy przy pH 4.
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