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Analysis of the current level of table potato production was based on the survey carried out on 120 farms located in the area of Siedlce community; their activity was focused mainly on table potato production. Collected data referring to the year 2004 were analysed statistically, what enabled to determine the relationships and phenomena occurring in the field of potato production. Table potatoes were cultivated on examined farms on average area of 2.15 ha and their share in cropping structure was higher in comparison with the whole country. However, in the nearest future, a dropping tendency should be expected as almost half of the farmers intend to reduce the area of potato cultivation. Qualified seed potatoes were used by 73.3% farmers under study. Most frequently they cultivated a few cultivars, to adjust their produce to the requirements of largest number of consumers. The survey revealed that early potato tuber yield was significantly modified by: delaying planting time, tuber spacing in the row, number of chemical treatments, N, P and combined NPK fertilization and delaying the harvest time. Significant relationships were also found between late potato yield and planting density, P, K and combined NPK fertilization. The farmers growing potatoes on larger areas applied cultivation practices more carefully and - as a result - they obtained higher tuber yields.
The preferences of edible potato consumers where analysed on the basis of survey carried out among 180 randomly selected households in Siedlce. Collected data referring to the year 2004 after statistical analysis enabled to determine some relationships in the sphere of potato consumption. Obtained results showed that the level of potato consumption by the inhabitants of Siedlce was higher than the average for the whole country; the highest amount of unprocessed potatoes being eaten in the households of pensioners and annuitants. People purchased small amounts of early potatoes at once. Among the inhabitants of Siedlce, most popular was purchasing late potatoes with a view to winter storage. The analysis of potato consumers' preferences revealed that the inhabitants of Siedlce prefer the white and creamy flesh cultivars which represent floury and medium types. The consumers paid a lot of attention to ecological production by Polish producers. When making choice which potatoes to choose, on the first place the respondents considered potato cultivar and appearance and next their price. Importance of particular factors was significantly connected with the age and education of respondents as well as with an average income of household.
Furanokumaryny występujące w surowcach zielarskich, takich jak arcydzięgiel lekarski (Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.), pasternak (Pastinaca sativa L.) oraz barszcz (Heraceleum sosnowskyi Manden.) wykazują szerokie spektrum aktywności biologicznej, a zwłaszcza działanie przeciwbakteryjne i przeciwgrzybicze. Działanie przeciwgrzybicze jest ukierunkowane na dermatofity oraz na grzyb Ascospliaera apis - patogen pszczoły miodnej. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań opracowano metodę otrzymywania zespołów furanokumarynowych metodą ekstrakcji ciągłej, biologiczną metodę oceny aktywności przeciwgrzybiczej in vitro oraz opracowano preparaty zalecane do testów laboratoryjnych i klinicznych.
Analizę rynku ziemniaka jadalnego przeprowadzono na podstawie trzyletnich badań. Do analizy rynkowych cen ziemniaka jadalnego w trzech sezonach wykorzystano dane zebrane przez Wojewódzki Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego, Oddział w Siedlcach. Materiał do badań cech jakości stanowiły bulwy ziemniaka, będące w sieci handlowej Siedlec. Analiza bulw pozwoliła ocenić jakość oferowanych na rynku ziemniaków i określić preferencje konsumentów. Producenci ziemniaka jadalnego w okresie od sierpnia 2001 roku do czerwca 2004 uzyskiwali średnio cenę 0,63 złotego za kilogram bulw. Cena ta w sezonie 2002/2003 była wyższa o 15,25% w porównaniu do sezonu 2001/2002 i o 9,68% w stosunku do sezonu 2003/2004. Największą zmiennością w okresie od sierpnia do czerwca charakteryzowały się ceny ziemniaków jadalnych w sezonie 2002/2003. Najbardziej stabilne ceny były w sezonie 2003/2004, dla którego współczynnik zmienności był równy 50,0%. Barwę miąższu w istotny sposób modyfikowały tylko punkty zakupu, co tłumaczyć można tym, że ziemniaki do punktów sprzedaży dostarczali różni dostawcy, oferujący ziemniaki niejednolite odmianowo. Typ kulinarno-użytkowy w sposób istotny modyfikowany był przez lata badań i miesiące zakupu. Mogło to wynikać z dostosowania asortymentu oferowanych bulw do zmieniających się preferencji konsumentów. Klienci preferowali odmiany o miąższu kremowym do jasnożółtego, w typie ogólnoużytkowym z tendencją w kierunku mączystego. Duże zróżnicowanie barwy miąższu i typu kulinarno-użytkowego świadczy o różnorodności oferowanych odmian. Dominującymi odmianami na rynku są: Irys, Irga, Wineta, Anielka, Ibis i Orlik.
Stosując zespoły furanokumaryn otrzymane z arcydzięgla lekarskiego (Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.) o znanej aktywności in vitro w stosunku do grzybów patogennych dla człowieka i zwierząt, określono LD50 badanych zespołów stosunku do Ascosphaera apis. Wyciągi z owoców arcydzięgla lekarskiego, okazały się przydatne i skuteczne w terapii grzybicy otorbielakowej pszczół, grzybic skórnych i grzybicy paznokci.
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been described as major components of the innate immune system, recognizing the conserved molecular structures found in the large groups of pathogens called pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). TLR expression is ubiquitous, from epithelial to immunocompetent cells. TLR ligation triggers several adapter proteins and downstream kinases, leading to the induction of key pro-inflammatory mediators but also anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor cytokines. The result of this activation goes beyond innate immunity to shape the adaptive responses against pathogens and tumor cells, and maintains host homeostasis via cell debris utilization. TLRs have already become potent targets in infectious disease treatment and vaccine therapy and in neoplastic disease treatment, due to their ability to enhance antigen presentation. However, some studies show the dual effect of TLR stimulation on malignant cells: they can be proapoptotic or promote survival under different conditions. It is therefore crucial to design further studies assessing the biology of these receptors in normal and transformed cells. The established role of TLRs in human disease therapy is based on TLR7 and TLR4 agonists, respectively for the novel treatment of some types of skin cancer and for the anti-hepatitis B virus vaccine. Some clinical trials involving TLR agonists as potent enhancers of the anti-tumor response in solid tumors have begun.
The objective of the research was to estimate the microbiological quality of feed and fodder components for the occurrence of Salmonella produced in the area monitored by the Department of Veterinary Hygiene in Olsztyn in the period 2010-2015. The compilation was prepared on the basis on the data of the Department of Veterinary Hygiene in Olsztyn. The research was performed according to the requirements of Polish Standard PN-EN ISO 6579. In the Warmia and Mazury Provinces in the period 2010-2015, 6109 fodder samples were tested. 54 samples gave positive results, which accounted for 0.88%. In 2010, 1537 samples were tested. Whereas in the years: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 the number of samples tested was, consecutively: 1187; 950; 1304; 659 and 472. At this time, the most contaminated feed materials were rapeseed meal, which accounted for 5.81%. This feed material has had the highest degree of fodder contamination with Salmonella, and is represented as a good substrate for the development of bacteria. Afterwards, fishmeal was contaminated for 3.13% and soybean meal – 3.02%. The rarest contaminated materials for fodder production was meat and bone meal (0.28%). The results from the area monitored by the Department of Veterinary Hygiene in Olsztyn are similar to the levels of contamination reported in other years in the Warmia and Mazury. Technological advances and increasingly stringent control systems make it possible to reduce the degree of contamination of feed with Salmonella. However, it needs to be remembered that Salmonella is common in the environment. The bacteria has a high ability for survival. It is not possible for it to be completely eliminated.
Inhibition of pyruvate (PDHC) and ketoglutarate (KDHC) dehydrogenase complexes induced by thiamine pyrophosphate deficits is known to cause disturbances of cholinergic transmission in the brain, yielding clinical symptoms of cognitive and motor deficits. However, particular alterations in distribution of acetyl-CoA, in the glial cells of thiamine pyrophosphate-deficient brain remain unknown. Therefore, the aim of our work was to find out how amprolium-induced thiamine pyrophosphate deficits (TD) affect distribution of acetyl-CA in the compartments of glial cells. As an experimental model we used astroglial C6 and microglial N9 cell line cultured in low thiamine medium. In such conditions microglial N9 cells displayed significantly greater loss of viability than the C6 ones. In both groups of the cells the activity of the key enzymes of energy/acetyl-CoA metabolism such as: PDHC, KDHC, aconitase was inhibited by amprolium-induced thiamine deficits. It explains why acetyl-CoA levels in the mitochondrial compartment were decreased in the cells. Supported by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education projects: IP 2011 046071, 01-0100/08 and St 57.
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