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Nitrogen fractions in spent mushroom substrate

In the last decade, Poland has become the leader in mushroom production in Europe. Mushroom cultivation generates large amounts of spent substrate, which is a waste material and must be recycled. The substantial content of macroelements, including nitrogen, prompts using this organic material as a soil fertilizer. The objective of the paper was to determine the proportion of nitrogen in different forms extracted from spent mushroom substrates. The studies were aimed at determining the potential for the rational use of spent mushroom substrate in soil fertilization. The sequential extraction of nitrogen compounds was performed with a 0.25 M KCl solution (for the extraction of mineral nitrogen forms and the most labile organic nitrogen compounds) and with 0.25 M and 0.25 M H2SO4 (hot hydrolysis for sequencing of organic nitrogen linkage that are easily hydrolysing and difficult to hydrolyse). The prepared solutions were tested for the total content of nitrogen with the method by Kjeldahl and for carbon with the oxidative-potentiometric method. The samples were also subjected to extraction of nitrogen bound to humic substances. It was found that spent mushroom substrate had a substantial potential for enriching fertilized soil with organic nitrogen compounds, which are, to a large extent, potentially liable to degradation. In summary, approximately 2/3 of the total nitrogen pool in the organic complexes and about 1/3 of the carbon pool were extracted using sequential extraction with a neutral salt solution and acid hydrolysis at different concentrations of hydrogen ions. The calculated C/N values suggest that the extracted organic compounds are vulnerable to degradation and indicate the resistance of compounds present in post-extraction residues. While fractioning organic matter, it was found that a relatively large amount of nitrogen was sequenced at the stage of decalcification of the samples, and the proportion of humic substances equalled about 1/5 of the total content of this element.
We evaluated copper content and its distribution in the exchangeable fraction (F1), the reducible fraction (F2), the oxidizable fraction (F3), and the residual fraction (the residues after extraction – F4) extracted with the optimized sequential BCR procedure in the particular horizons of 11 profiles of arable Cambisols and Luvisols of the Siedlce Upland region. In these soils, the varied natural, uncontaminated levels of total copper were determined. For the complete profiles, the average percentage share of copper fractions in the total copper content was arranged in the following decreasing order: F4 > F3 > F2 > F1 (Cambisols) and F4 > F2 > F3 > F1 (Luvisols). In the humus horizons of the tested soils, the highest percentage share of copper was found in F1 and F3 fractions, whereas the enrichment horizons and in the parent material horizons – in the F4 fraction. The highest Cu percentage share in the F2 fraction was measured in the humus horizon of Cambisols and in the enrichment horizons and in the parent material horizons of Luvisols. A statistical analysis revealed the significant impact of selected soil properties (pH, CEC, C org, clay fraction Ø < 0.002 mm) on copper fractionation in investigated soils. The low total content of copper and low percentage of its bioavailable forms indicated deficit of these elements for plants. Taking into account the normal growth of crops, it is advisable to supplement copper deficiency by fertilization.
Sequential extraction methods enable identification of chemical fractions of heavy metals in soil environment as well as evaluation of their availability and potential toxicity to biotic elements of a trophic chain. The study aimed at separating nickel fractions from particular genetic horizons of forest Luvisols by means of three sequential extraction methods (modified Tessier’s, Zeien and Brümmer’s as well as Hedley’s with Tiessen and Moir’s modifications methods), and to compare the metal content in four fractions: easily soluble, exchangeable, organic, and residual, along with their distribution within studied soils’ profiles. Nickel concentrations in the examined fractions varied: the largest amounts of the heavy metal (regardless of the analytical procedure applied) were found in residual fraction Fresid (mineral horizons) and organic fraction Forg (forest litter horizons – Ol), while the smallest ones occurred in easily soluble fraction F1 (all genetic horizons). Statistical processing revealed significant dependences between the four nickel fractions as well as between the fractions and selected properties of analyzed soils (except soil pH and total nickel content Nit).
Celem pracy było zbadanie zawartości ogólnej fosforu, potasu, wapnia, magnezu, sodu i siarki oraz ich rozmieszczenia w zróżnicowanych typologicznie 30 profilach gleb ornych Wysoczyzny Siedleckiej (gleby brunatne właściwe wyługowane – Dystric Cambisols, płowe typowe – Haplic Luvisols, płowe opadowo-glejowe – Stagnic Luvisols, deluwialne – Endogleyic Cambisols).W badanych glebach stwierdzono zróżnicowaną zawartość ogólną fosforu, potasu, wapnia, magnezu, sodu i siarki między poszczególnymi profilami glebowymi oraz w poszczególnych poziomach genetycznych danego profilu. Pierwiastki te można ułożyć w następujące szeregi malejących średnich zawartości (g·kg-1): w glebach brunatnych właściwych wyługowanych i płowych typowych Ca (9,97-13,6) > Mg (2,55-3,84) > K (2,13-2,68) > P (0,238-0,353) > Na (0,130-0,163) > S (0,076-0,103) oraz w glebach płowych opadowo-glejowych i deluwialnych.Ca (2,00-3,75) > K (1,13-3,17) > Mg (1,06-2,76) > P (0,235-0,344) > Na (0,103-0,121) > S (0,093-0,106). Najwięcej P, Ca, Mg i Na stwierdzono w glebach brunatnych właści-wych wyługowanych, K – w glebach płowych opadowo-glejowych, a S – w glebach deluwialnych. Profilowe rozmieszczenie badanych makroelementów zróżnicowały procesy geologiczne, glebotwórcze i działalność antropogeniczna (w tym rolnicza). W poziomach próchnicznych zanotowano najwię-cej P i S, w poziomach wzbogacania i skał macierzystych – K, w skałach macierzystych – Ca, Mg, Na. Obliczenia statystyczne wykazały istotne zależności (dodatnie i ujemne) pomiędzy N, P, K, Ca, Mg i S oraz wpływ wybranych właściwości gleby (pH, Corg, kationowej pojemności sorpcyjnej, frakcji iłowej) na akumulację i rozmieszczenie badanych makroelementów w omawianych glebach.
Badano zawartość chromu we frakcji wymiennej (F1), redukcyjnej (F2), utlenialnej (F3) wydzielonych według sekwencyjnej procedury BCR i poekstrakcyjnej pozostałości, rozpuszczalnej w 6 mol HCl∙dm-3 (F4) oraz ich rozmieszczenie w profilach 9 gleb brunatnoziemnych (brunatne właściwe wyługowane, płowe typowe, płowe opadowo-glejowe) użytkowanych rolniczo. W badanych glebach, niezależnie od podtypu, średni procentowy udział chromu w wydzielonych frakcjach można przedstawić w następującym szeregu malejących wartości: F4 > F3 > F2 > F1. Najwięcej chromu we frakcji wymiennej (1,15%) i poekstrakcyjnej pozostałości (85,1%) zanotowano w glebach brunatnych właściwych wyługowanych; utlenialnej (18,9%) - w glebach płowych typowych; redukcyjnej (5,01%) - w glebach płowych opadowo-glejowych. Najwięcej chromu we frakcji F1, F2 i F3 oznaczono w poziomach próchnicznych (AE i Ap) badanych gleb, a ich udział na ogół zmniejszał się w głąb profilu glebowego. Udział chromu we frakcji F4 zwiększał się wraz z głębokością i w poziomach skały macierzystej (C), zanotowano jego maksymalne wartości.
The content and profile distribution of lead in exchangeable (F1), reducible (F2), oxidizable (F3) and residual (F4) fractions, separated according the BCR sequential procedure in cultivated Stagnic Luvisols of Siedlce Upland was examined. Natural total content of lead was found in the soils, and its profile distribution resulted mostly from the abundance of parent material and advancement of the soil formation of lessivage process. Mean percentage of lead in green fractions with the BCR method presents the following series of decreasing values: F4 > F2 > F3 > F1. The most lead in fractions F1 and F3 was recorded in surface horizons (Ap, EB); F2 – in the enrichment horizon (Bt); F4 – in the parent material horizon (C, Ck). Significant effect of soil properties (pH, Corg, clay fraction, KPW, Pbt) was indicated on the lead content in separated fractions. Accumulation of lead in humus horizons, including its percentage in readily soluble bioavailable fraction F1, is a result of a small but long lasting anthropopressure, which does not limit agricultural use of the studied soils to production of high quality agricultural products.
In order to evaluate a potential threat to soil environment by heavy metals, it is important to separate and determine their fractions by means of sequential extraction. The research aimed at evaluating the total content of lead and chromium as well as their fractions in soils localized on a moraine slope in the Siedlce Heights (transects A and B). Sequential fractionation of these elements was carried out according to Zeien and Brümmer’s method. Chemical analyses revealed varied contents of seven lead and chromium fractions in the soils. The largest amounts of both heavy metals were mostly recorded in the residual fraction (F7), and those of lead also in the organic fraction (F4). The least lead was found in the exchangeable fraction (F2) (it was not detected in easily soluble fraction F1), while the least chromium appeared in the easily soluble (F1) and organic fractions (F4). Statistical processing revealed that the examined lead and chromium fractions generally depended on separated fractions, total contents of these metals, and some properties of analyzed soils.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the total content of zinc in the fractions separated from the soils located in two transects on the moraine slope of the Siedlecka High Plain (some situated above and some beneath the underground municipal landfill site). The highest total content of zinc was detected in the soils situated beneath the underground municipal landfill site. The sequential fractioning was performed by the Zeien-Brümmer method. The speciation analysis revealed that this metal was bound to different components of the soil solid phase. The highest percentage of zinc content was detected in the residual fraction F7 in the parent rock horizons and the lowest was noted in the bioavailability fractions, i.e. exchangeable F2 and easilyeasily soluble F l. In transects A and B of the tested soils significant correlations were found between the content of zinc in the separated fractions and its total content, the total content of iron and manganese, clay fraction <0.002 mm, cation exchange capacity (CEC) as well as between the content of carbon organic compound and zinc in the F4 organic fraction.
Spent mushroom substrate used as fertilizing material provides nutrients for plants in forms with a different degree of availability. A two-year experiment was conducted in central eastern Poland (Siedlecka High Plain) to determine the fertilizing effect of substrate previously used to grow mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) on the total content chromium and copper content and their quantitative content in the fraction in humus horizon pseudogley loessive soil. The experiment included the control (without fertilization), and several fertilized variants: NPK, swine manure, swine manure + NPK, spent mushroom substrate and spent mushroom substrate +NPK. The sequential fractionation of chromium and copper, carried out according to the BCR protocol, in the soil humus horizon under the above treatments demonstrated various concentration of these metals in the extracted fractions and their shares in the total content. Fertilization with spent mushroom substrate alone and with NPK contributed to a decrease in the Cr content in the F2 and F3 fractions, but resulted in an increase in the Cu content in the F1, F2 and F3 fractions after the second year of plant cultivation in comparison with the first year. The highest share of the tested metals in the total content was detected in the residual fraction F4: after the second year for chromium and after the first year of the experiment for copper.
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Sorpcyjne właściwości gleb Wysoczyzny Siedleckiej

Celem badań była ocena sorpcyjnych właściwości (kwasowość całkowita – Hcał, suma kationów zasadowych – S, pojemność sorpcyjna – T, stopień wysycenia gleby zasadami – V oraz zasadowe kationy wymienne – Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+) w 36 profilach uprawnych gleb brunatnych, płowych, opadowo-glejowych i deluwialnych Wysoczyzny Siedleckiej. Właściwości sorpcyjne badanych gleb były zróżnicowane miedzy poszczególnymi typami i w obrębie danego profilu; były charakterystyczne dla gleb mineralnych wytworzonych z materiału zwałowego i wodnolodowcowego zlodowacenia środkowopolskiego. Największe wartości kwasowości całkowitej (Hcał) w badanych glebach stwierdzono w poziomach próchnicznych (Ap, AE), a sumy kationów zasadowych (S), pojemności sorpcyjnej (T) i stopnia wysycenia gleby zasadami (V) w poziomach wzbogacania (Bbr, Bt) i skały macierzystej (C, Cgg, CG). Zawartość kationów zasadowych w badanych gleb można ułożyć w następującym szeregu malejących wartości: Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ > Na+; udział kationów Ca 2+, Mg2+ i K+ zwiększał się, a kationów Na+ zmniejszał wraz z głębokością profilu glebowego. Analiza statystyczna wykazała istotny wpływ zawartości węgla związków organicznych (Corg), frakcji iłowej (ø < 0,002 mm) i odczynu gleby na właściwości sorpcyjne badanych gleb.
In peat-muck soils of the upper Liwiec River valley (from the locality of Sobicze 52°06’N and 22°38’E to the locality of Żytnia 52°12’N and 22°13’E), total contents of iron, aluminium and manganese showed a great spatial and profile variation. Chemical analyses revealed that mean contents of these elements can be arranged in the following decreasing series for muck layers (Mt) and peat layers (Otni): Fe > Al > Mn; for mineral subsoil (D): Al > Fe > Mn. The enrichment of muck layers of the peat-muck soils in the elements analysed resulted from organic matter becoming muck and from the precipitation of iron, aluminium and manganese compounds in the aeration zone as a result of capillary rise of soil moisture of the groundwater. Due to the agricultural character of the research area, the degree of anthropopressure should be considered low.
W badanych leśnych glebach bielicoziemnych Niziny Południowopodlaskiej stwierdzono zróżnicowane zawartości ogólne baru, tytanu, strontu, wanadu, arsenu, litu i kobaltu. Biorąc pod uwagę średnie zawartości (mg∙kg-1), badane pierwiastki śladowe można ułożyć w następującym szeregu: Ba (22,5) > Ti (15,6) > Sr (8,28) > V (4,22) > As (0,92) > Li (0,74) > Co (0,68). Zawartość i rozmieszczenie analizowanych pierwiastków w profilach glebowych wynikało przede wszystkim z akumulacji biologicznej, rodzaju procesu glebotwórczego oraz zasobności skały macierzystej. Stwierdzone zawartości pierwiastków były charakterystyczne dla gleb bielicoziemnych, co wskazuje na mały wpływ antropopresji na badanym terenie.
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