Presented in the paper are characteristics of the meadow communities and assessment of the degree of their synanthropization. The studies were conducted on meadows utilized in Walim District at the base of the Sowie Mountains in 2009 and 2010. Floristic releves were collected using the Braun-Blanquet method. The material obtained served to define the phytosociological affiliation and to estimate the degree of synanthropization on the basis of the following indexes: synanthropization, apophytization and anthropophytization. The meadow communities studied were representative of the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Within this class, four phytosociological units were allocated: Arrhenatheretum elatioris, the community Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra as well as two communities with either Agrostis capillaris or Alopecurus pratensis. The meadows examined were characterized by a high average level of synanthropization. The highest values for the synanthropization and apophytization indices were found in meadows of Arrhenatheretalia, in Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra and of Agrostis capillaris. The lowest values were found in the meadow the class Molinietalia. The high values for the apophytization index show that most of the species found in the meadows are of native origin. The low values for the anthropophytization index confirm that only an small number of geographically foreign species are found in extensively utilized meadow communities.
Celem pracy była analiza realizacji „Programu rolnośrodowiskowego” (PR) do 2012 r. w powiecie wałbrzyskim. Ocenie poddano również efekty środowiskowe na przykładzie wartości przyrodniczych łąk i pastwisk użytkowanych zgodnie z wymogami Programu. Z analizy wynika, że skala przestrzenna przedsięwzięć Programu nie przekraczała 25% powierzchni użytków rolnych powiatu. Najpopularniejsze pakiety dotyczyły utrzymania i ochrony użytków zielonych (30% ich powierzchni w powiecie). Łąki i pastwiska użytkowane zgodnie z wymogami tych pakietów charakteryzują się duża różnorodnością botaniczna, obecnością gatunków chronionych i niewielkim udziałem gatunków inwazyjnych. Mankamentem PR dotychczasowych edycji w aspekcie gospodarowania w terenach górskich jest brak działań ukierunkowanych na prośrodowiskowe, ekstensywne systemy chowu zwierząt.
The paper presents the characteristics of Sudeten grasslands (species composition, floral diversity and habitat parameters) from the perspective of diversified management. On the sites examined, hay meadows were found with Arrhenatheretum elatioris, variant with Trisetum flavescens and pastures of Lolio-Cynosuretum. Mowing and grazing promoted floristic diversity. There were few grass species. On the sites examined, the share of tall grasses (Arrhenatherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Alopecurus pratensis) was high. There were many species of dicotyledons (including leguminous plants). The pasture was characterized by a larger quantity of total grasses, with a larger share of low grasses (Cynosurus cristatus, Trisetum flavescens, Festuca rubra and Agrostis capillaris) along with grazing species (Trifolium repens, Alchemilla monticola, Carum carvi and Leontodon autumnalis). Both meadow and pasture were dominated by ground-level budding plants (hemicryptophytes) with a share of about 80%. Differences occurred in remaining life forms: the meadows contained larger quantities of one-year plants (terophytes). Dominating in both cases were species of plants preferring moderate light (76 to 79%). However, meadows contained more species requiring full light, and pastures contained more numerous species growing in partial shade. Pastures contained slightly more species with high water requirements. These species grew mainly in moist areas. Meadows had a greater share of mesotrophic species, pastures had a greater share of eutrophic species.