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w słowach kluczowych:  zmiany anatomopatologiczne
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In a six-month-old white pig, crossbreed of Polish meat pigs of a 110 kg body weight, from a small farm, clinical signs of back muscles necrosis have appeared. The lesions developed after 3 hours since the ocurrence of such stress factors as the slaughter of one pig in close proximity to the piggery and transport of the pig into a smaller and worse lit room. After 14 days of a typical treatment including corticoids ,cardiac and analgesis drugs, clinical symptoms of the disease disappeared. The pig was slaughtered after 4 months (body weight about 200 kg). Post slaughter examinations showed a significant decrease of the longissimus dorsi muscle of the left half carcass and necrotic lesions in the anterior part of this muscle on a 20 cm length. Histopathological examinations showed in the affected part of the m. longissimus necrotic foci with disrupted and disappearing muscular fibres, together with an associated resorptive reaction (infiltration of micro- and macrophages), and an advanced development of granular tissue which after cicatrication were filled up by decrements of muscular fibres.
The presence of subendocardial and subintimal calcium deposits is reported as a rare pathological lesion. According to the literature on the topic, changes of this type are found most often in the left atrium where the lesions appear as small grains and occasionally in the left aortal trunk together with ulcerative endocarditis and renal insufficiency. The calcification process appears as a metastatic or dystrophic one depending on the kind of base of calcium salt deposition. The article describes the lesions resulting from metastatic calcification found in the pulmonal artery, causing right heart failure and peripheral blood flow disturbances. The nutritional imbalance of Ca and P together with the excess of vitamins and mineral preparations are the cause of this type of lesions in carnivorous animals.
The studies were carried out on 35 European bisons of both sexes and various age. The animals were culled for the following reasons: poor condition, old age, lameness and diseases of the reproductive tract in males. Blood for biochemical tests was collected from the extern jugular vein, and the carcasses were autopsied and histopathologi- cally examined. An analysis of the relationships between selected biochemical blood parameters (total protein, immu­noglobulins, urea, uric acid, alkaline phosphatase) points to the role of disorders of the urinary tract in males in the pathogenesis of diseases of the penis and prepuce. The results also suggest that disorders of the urinary tract which are common in both male and female European bisons incraese their susceptibility to other diseases.
W pracy dokonano oceny zmian chorobowych stwierdzanych u bydła rzeźnego w wybranych powiatach południowego Podlasia w 2003 roku. Największe straty w ubocznych surowcach rzeźnych u cieląt i bydła powyżej 12 miesięca życia powodowała motylica wątrobowa. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje fakt spadku ekstensywności wągrzycy u bydła w stosunku do poprzednich lat. Przyczyną dużych strat były również ogniska ropne, zanieczyszczenia i przekrwienia.
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