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Features of the fossil record of evolution

Neither allopatric speciations nor extinctions of lineages are directly observable in the fossil record. This significantly reduces the value of inferred durations of taxa as a basis for studies on patterns of evolution. The ranges of taxa detected in rock strata are inevitably shorter than the real durations of lineages. Rates of evolution estimated by counting reported ranges of taxa therefore appear higher than they really were. Biometric studies of gradually evolving lineages indicate that the durations of ‘species’ (morphologies) were actually many times longer. Therefore, the ancestor-descendant relationships along monospecific lineages remain the most important subjects of study in evolutionary paleontology. A way, in which an ancestor-descendant hypothesis can be falsified, is presented.
The pa per pres ents some as pects cor re lat ing ther mal sta bil ity of RNA fold ing and the oc cur rence of struc tural mo tifs in nat u ral ri bo nu cleic ac ids. Par tic u larly, the ther- mody namic sta bil ity of 2 -5' and 3'-5' linked RNA and the contribution of unpaired ter mi nal nu cleo tides (dan gling ends) in sec ond ary (2D) and ter tiary (3D) struc tures of RNA are dis cussed. Both ex am ples sug gest that dur ing evo lu tion na ture se lected se­quences and struc tures of RNA which are the most ther mally sta ble and ef fi cient for their bi o log i cal func tion.
New subgeneric division of Chaetonotus is proposed, mostly basing on reconstruction of cuticular covering evolution. The largest subgenus Euchaetonotus Schwank, 1990 is redefined and its name replaced by Chaetonotus s. sir. The subgenera Bifasciculatella Schwank, 1990 and Diversichaetatella Schwank, 1990 are rejected and three new subgenera Primochaetus, Captochaetus and Marinochaetus are established. New or emended diagnoses of all valid subgenera are given.
Aminoacyl-tRNA syn the tas es play a cen tral role in main tain ing ac cu racy dur ing the trans la tion of the ge netic code. To achieve this chal leng ing task they have to dis crim i- nate against amino ac ids that are very closely re lated not only in struc ture but also in chem i cal na ture. A 'dou ble-sieve' ed it ing model was pro posed in the late sev en ties to ex plain how two closely re lated amino ac ids may be dis crim i nated. How ever, a clear un der stand ing of this mech a nism re quired struc tural in for ma tion on syn the tas es that are faced with such a prob lem of amino acid dis crim i na tion. The first struc tural ba sis for the editing model came recently from the crystal structure of isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, a class I synthetase, which has to dis crim i nate against valine. The struc­ture showed the pres ence of two cat a lytic sites in the same en zyme, one for ac ti va tion, a coarse sieve which binds both isoleucine and valine, and an other for ed it ing, a fine sieve which binds only valine and rejects isoleucine. An other struc ture of the en zyme in com plex with tRNA showed that the tRNA is re spon si ble for the translocation of the misactivated amino-acid substrate from the catalytic site to the editing site. These studies were mainly fo cused on class I syn the tas es and the sit u a tion was not clear about how class II enzymes discriminate against similar amino acids. The recent struc tural and en zy matic stud ies on threonyl-tRNA synthetase, a class II en zyme, re­veal how this chal leng ing task is achieved by us ing a unique zinc ion in the ac tive site as well as by em ploy ing a sep a rate do main for spe cific ed it ing ac tiv ity. These stud ies led us to pro pose a model which em pha sizes the mir ror sym met ri cal ap proach of the two classes of en zymes and high lights that tRNA is the key player in the evo lu tion of these class of enzymes.
I analyze and summarize the empirical evidence supporting alternative hypotheses posed to explain the evolution of rodent group-living. Eight hypotheses are considered: two rely on net fitness benefits to individuals, five rely on ecological and life-history constraints, and one uses elements of both. I expose the logic behind each hypothesis, identify its key predictions, examine how the available evidence on rodent socioecology supports or rejects its predictions, and identify some priorities for future research. I show that empirical support for most hypotheses is meager due to a lack of relevant studies. Also, empirical support for a particular hypothesis, when it exists, comes from studies of the same species used to formulate the original hypothesis. Two exceptions are the hypothesis that individual rodents live in groups to reduce their predation risk and the hypothesis that group-living was adopted by individuals to reduce their cost of thermoregulation. Finally, most hypotheses have been examined without regard to competing hypotheses and often in a restricted taxonomic context. This is clearly an unfortunate situation given that most competing hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. I suggest that in the future comparative approaches should be used. These studies should examine simultaneously the relevance of different benefits and constraints hypothesized to explain the evolution of rodent sociality.
Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) has emerged as an important pathogen of greenhouse tomato crops and is currently distributed worldwide. Population genetic studies have revealed a shift in the dominant PepMV genotype from European (EU) to Chilean 2 (CH2) in North America and several European countries. New genetic variants are constantly being created by mutation and recombination events. Single nucleotide substitutions in different parts of the genome were found to affect on development of symptoms resulting in new pathotypes and accumulation of viral RNA. The variability of the PepMV population has a great impact on designing specific diagnostic tools and developing efficient and durable strategies of disease control. In this paper we review the current knowledge about the PepMV population, the evolutionary dynamics of this highly infective virus, methods for its detection and plant protection strategies.
The early evolution of salamanders, which are one of the three living groups of lissamphibians, is not well known. Both stem- and crown-group salamanders first appeared in the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian), but subsequently had different evolutionary histories: stem salamanders were thought to have gone extinct in the Late Jurassic, while crown salamanders persist to the present day. Here, I report the discovery of an indeterminate stem salamander in the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian) Ilek Formation of Western Siberia. This is new evidence that the most basal salamanders survived beyond the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary and co-existed with crown-group salamanders during approximately the first 40 million years of the known history of salamanders. The recognition of stem salamanders in the Early Cretaceous of Western Siberia adds to the inventory of taxa that suggest this area was a refugium for various groups of vertebrates with Jurassic affinities.
Recent studies suggest that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) played a significant role in the evolution of eukaryotic lineages. We here review the mechanisms of HGT in plants and the importance of HGT in land plant evolution. In particular, we discuss the role of HGT in plant colonization of land, phototropic response, C4 photosynthesis, and mitochondrial genome evolution.
In a letter to Nature (February, 2011), Xunlai Yuan and col− laborators recorded carbon compression fossils from black shales of the Lantian Formation (Ediacaran), southern Anhui Province, South China. The new fossils, described under five morphological types (Types A to E), exhibit de− grees of morphological differentiation suggesting that they were multicellular eukaryotes. Some of the Lantian macro− fossils were interpreted as algae, but others are of unknown affinities. For reasons noted in this discussion, Type A fossils attracted our particular attention, and we suggest an alter− native interpretation of their affinities. According to our view, some of them (at least those with three faces and no globose holdfast at their base) may represent conulariid cni− darians or close medusozoan relatives. The undistorted or− ganism probably was a three−sided cone in life. We believe that our suggested alternative interpretations of the anat− omy and affinities of the fossils in question can be useful in guiding future research on the oldest currently known fossil assemblage of multicellular organisms.
Rab GTPases are a vast group of proteins serving a role of master regulators in membrane trafficking in eukaryotes. Previous studies delineated some 23 Rab and Rab-like paralogs ancestral for eukaryotes and mapped their current phylogenetic distribution, but the analyses relied on a limited sampling of the eukaryotic diversity. Taking advantage of the recent growth of genome and transcriptome resources for phylogenetically diverse plants and algae, we reanalyzed the evolution of the Rab family in eukaryotes with the primary plastid, collectively constituting the presumably monophyletic supergroup Archaeplastida. Our most important novel findings are as follows: (i) the ancestral set of Rabs in Archaeplastida included not only the paralogs Rab1, Rab2, Rab5, Rab6, Rab7, Rab8, Rab11, Rab18, Rab23, Rab24, Rab28, IFT27, and RTW (=Rabl2), as suggested previously, but also Rab14 and Rab34, because Rab14 exists in glaucophytes and Rab34 is present in glaucophytes and some green algae; (ii) except in embryophytes, Rab gene duplications have been rare in Archaeplastida. Most notable is the independent emergence of divergent, possibly functionally novel, in-paralogs of Rab1 and Rab11 in several archaeplastidial lineages; (iii) recurrent gene losses have been a significant factor shaping Rab gene complements in archaeplastidial species; for example, the Rab21 paralog was lost at least six times independently within Archaeplastida, once in the lineage leading to the “core” eudicots; (iv) while the glaucophyte Cyanophora paradoxa has retained the highest number of ancestral Rab paralogs among all archaeplastidial species studied so far, rhodophytes underwent an extreme reduction of the Rab gene set along their stem lineage, resulting in only six paralogs (Rab1, Rab2, Rab6, Rab7, Rab11, and Rab18) present in modern red algae. Especially notable is the absence of Rab5, a virtually universal paralog essential for the endocytic pathway, suggesting that endocytosis has been highly reduced or rewired in rhodophytes.
In this study of the genesis and evolution of social participation in spatial planning (sometimes social pressure was also concerned with operative programmes of revitalisation of city districts and this is why the article also discusses social participation in space formation) I have tried to show that this process is of a complex and multidisciplinary character in which various forms of participation, that are now treated separately, intermingled. Public protests or even riots (chaotic participation) forced the authorities to juridise social participation in spatial planning (passing laws on participation forms) and enhancement of the provisions of the existing laws by their instrumentalisation (equipment) in more or less efficient tools of participation (e.g. advocacy planning or J. Fishkin’s deliberative poll). This is treated as the so-called non-statutory form of social participation in spatial planning. In my opinion, this complex and multidisciplinary process is best presented in a way that is subject to chronology rather than to separate treatment of various phenomena. The chronological attitude used in this article shows that social participation in spatial planning is assessed with pessimism. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries the pessimist tone prevails in the assessment of the efficiency of social participation in spatial planning. But this article shows that in the 1970s the tone was quite different – full of optimism and hope, mainly concerned with advocacy planning. This should lead us to the conclusion that verifies the goal of this article, that the short history of social participation in spatial planning tells us we should expect further maturation and development of the participation phenomena.
To study the fishing behaviour of Myotis capaccinii, we performed an experiment in a flight tent containing an artificial pond. We recorded the behaviour of two groups of bats — eight individuals from two different roosts — using IR video camcorders and ultrasound detectors, and evaluated diet by analyzing faeces. Nightly, increasing amounts of fish were released in the pond. Our data show that M. capaccinii is able to exhibit fishing behaviour when fish occur in high densities in shallow waters, gaffing live fish from the water using their hind feet. They were attracted neither by dead fish floating, nor by ripples made by fishes feeding on the water surface. Bats showed a specific fishing behaviour with two main foraging patterns: A) long series of circular flights, skimming along the water and dipping in softly twice or three times in each roundabout; B) long figure-eight loops with bats flying faster and higher, swooping down on the centre of the pond, where they snapped their hind feet hard into the water. Compared with the echolocation calls used to catch insects from the water's surface in the wild, terminal buzzes were incomplete during the dips made to fish. Buzz II were always lacking, and buzz I had much longer inter-pulse intervals. This suggests that they were not pursuing specific targets but dipping randomly. We propose a scenario in which fishing behaviour occurs in the wild, linked to the seasonal drought of small ponds, marshes, or channels where large numbers of small fish become readily available and thus a profitable resource.
The in vitro protein biosynthesis has the potentials to be come a powerful technology for biochemical research. Beside the determination of structure and function the in vi­tro evolution of proteins is also of great interest. The system described was used to produce bo vine heart fatty acid binding protein (FABP) and bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) with and with out fu­sion of the Strep-tag II af fin ity pep tide. The proteins were purified after and during protein biosynthesis by using a StrepTactin Sepharose matrix. No significant influence of the Strep-tag and the conditions during the af fin ity chro ma tog ra phy on mat li­ra tion or activity of the protein was observed. The in vitro evolution of proteins is feasible by means of ribosome display. The selec­tion of a specific mRNA coding for a short ened FABP with a N-terminal His-tag via the accompanying protein property was shown. Goal of the selection was to bind the FABP via the His-tag on Ni(II)-IDA-agarose. Af ter nine cy cles of tran scrip tion, trans la tion, affinity selection and RT-PCR the protein with the His-tag could be enriched 108-fold. In or der to cor re late a pos si ble re la tion ship be tween changes in pro tein pop u la tion and bi o log i cal func tion stud ies were ini ti ated in which 2-dimensional pro tein pat terns of the to tal in vitro sys tem were com pared af ter 0 and 2 h re ac tion time. The very in ter- esting findings are that a number of proteins disappear, while others are newly formed dur ing protein synthesis.
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