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In this review the influence of ectoparasites on nestlings' of some hole-nesting birds is discussed, especially the impact on nestlings' mortality or condition.
The main focus of the study is on evaluation, from entrepreneurs perspective, of the current and the future desired level of activity on the part of the state for creating favorable conditions for accommodation and food facilities’ development within the Lublin province. In April and May 2013, in the Lublin province a sample of 317 accommodation and food companies was interviewed through computer-assisted web interview (CAWI). According to the entrepreneurs the state shows little involvement in creating solutions facilitating business activities. Among the most severely criticized the following were indicated: tourism and fiscal policies, and too high charges imposed on employers on account of employing workers. Changes are needed in these areas. Many of the interviewed claimed that in the future the state should intensify activities aimed at both para-tourist and tourist infrastructure development.
Toxic elements often occur in the natural environment at doses higher than the maximum allowable concentration. The honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) is inextricably connected with the external environment, from which it obtains air and water and food. Bees are exposed to contaminants while collecting pollen, nectar, honeydew and water. Therefore, they are highly sensitive to all kinds of environmental pollution and water and air contamination. It is proven that there is a close relationship between the level of accumulation of heavy metals in soil and plants and their content in the bodies of bees and in bee products. Bees are good biological indicators of environmental contamination. At the same time, heavy metals accumulate in bee products that are later consumed by humans and animals. Research on the content of these metals in the bodies and brood of bees is extremely important because the increased use of chemicals in agriculture and other environmental factors, such as pollution with toxic elements, affect the health and mortality of bees. This paper provides an overview of studies on the harmfulness and bioaccumulation of lead, mercury and cadmium in the bodies of bees and on the impact of these elements on living organisms.
Conditions of trading and handling of animals during transportation are regulated by numerous norms which cover the humanitarian, sanitary, veterinary as well as technical and construction requirements to transportation means. Veterinary services play a particular role in trade of slaughter animals due to their controlling authority. They execute sanitary supervision over animal trading according to the regulations. Polish legislation related to the transport of animals is adjusted to the European Union standards.
Street greenery as a particularly important element of city greenery, faced with the identified problems of marginalisation and inappropriate planning on the local level, requires an enhancement. This article presents conclusions of studies and the worked out solutions saying how street greenery is covered in the ecophysiographic study and the study of conditions and directions of spatial management. This suggestion of coverage of street greenery in the ecophysiographic study or the study of conditions and directions is inscribed in the scope of currently prepared studies in a harmonious way, extends them and fills in the gaps in this respect. Opportunities of appropriate, relevant, precise and realistic street greenery planning are discussed concerning the subsequent stages of works: starting from inventory works, analyses, guidelines for ecophysiography, through conditions through directions of spatial management covered by the study. Simultaneously, the issues connected with greenery/street greenery in spatial planning on the local level require comprehensive works and solutions, particularly within the scope of methodology, standards and legal regulations.
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Uwarunkowania produkcyjne w rejonizacji nawodnień

На основании данных статистических ежегодников за 1983-1985 г. охватывающих урожаи 4-х хлебов, картофеля и сахарной свёклы в пересчете на зерновые культуры, а также разработанных Институтом агротехники, удобрени и почвоведения показателей валоризации сельскохозяйственной производственной площади, были сравнены, с помощью расчетных показателей использования естественной производственности четырёх выбранных макрорайонов: северного, средне-западного, средне-южного и средне-восточного. Разницы использования естественной производственности между сравниваемыми макрорайонами достигают 21,1%, а в заготовке сельскохозяйственных продуктов - 50%. О том решают организационные и техническо-ресурсные факторы. В условиях небольшого использования естественной производственности дождевальные установки могут быть заменены другими, неинвестиционными и более дешевыми средствами. Капиталовложения, понесённые на оросительную инвестицию, были бы тогда нерентабельными. Таким образом районирование орошений не может основываться исключительно на естественно-почвенных и климатических критериях. Должна быть проверена верность оценки использования сельскохозяйственной производственной площади, как в макро, так и микромасштабе.
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