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w słowach kluczowych:  Helicobacter pylori
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There are ambiguous results about the involvement of Helicobacter species in production of hepatobiliary diseases. is study was aimed to investigate any possible association between the presences of Helicobacter spp., their genotypes and occurrence of di"erent biliary diseases. Cultures of 102 bile samples for Helicobacter spp. did not show any growth, but the presence of Helicobacter genus specific DNA (16s rRNA gene) was detected in 3.92% of them. No significant association was found between development of the diseases and presence of the bacteria. All the Helicobacter genus positive samples belonged to H. pylori species and showed vacA+ (s1/m2), cagA– genotypes.
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Role of histamine H3 receptors in the regulation of gastric functions

The role of central and peripheral histamine H3 receptors in the regulation of gastric acid secretion and gastric mucosal integrity is reviewed. The activation of H3 receptors by peripheral administration of the selective agonist (R) alpha-methylhistamine reduced acid secretion in cats, dogs, rats and rabbits, while increasing it in mice. The antisecretory effects were observed against indirect stimuli that act on vagal pathways or on enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, such as 2-deoxy-D-glucose, food or pentagastrin, but not against histamine or dimaprit. Inhibitory effects on acid production were observed in rats after central administration of histamine or of H3 receptor agonists. In the conscious rat intragastric administration of (R) alpha-methylhistamine caused gastroprotective effects against the damage induced by absolute ethanol, HCl, aspirin and stress. The mechanism involved seems to be related to the increased mucus production, via nitric oxide-independent mechanisms. Gastroprotective effects against ethanol were also observed after central administration of histamine or its metabolite Nalpha -methylhistamine, suggesting that brain H3 receptors participate in the histamine-mediated effects on gastric functions.
Badano wpływ skojarzonego działania sorbinianu potasowego i klarytromycyny na wzrost Helicobacter pylori na podłożu agarowym. Sam sorbinian w stężeniu 10 mg 1100 ml podłoża hamował wzrost 10% szczepów, a klarytromycyna w stężeniu 0,01 mg I ml - 15% szczepów tych bakterii. Przy połączonym działaniu obu tych substancji nie wyrosło aż 75% szczepów.
There have been no reports on the relationship between virulence genes and gastric diseases based on the same bacterial colonization density. Our results indicated that Helicobacter pylori virulence genes were more relevant than colonization density as a pathogenic mechanism of gastric diseases, which helps elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms of bacteria and aids in the development of improved strategies for the treatment of gastric disease.
Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative spiral-shaped bacterium, member of ε-Proteobacteria specifically colonizing the gastric epithelium of humans. It causes one of the most common infections worldwide, affecting about half of the world’s population. However, it should be noted that the prevalence of H. pylori, particularly in the Western world, has significantly decreased coinciding with an increase of some autoimmune and allergic diseases, such as asthma. Various epidemiological studies have also documented a negative association between H. pylori colonization and the presence of GERD (gastroesophageal re/ux disease) and risk of esophageal cancer. Additionally, an upward trend of obesity recently observed in inhabitants of developed countries raised a question about the relationship between H. pylori infection and the human body mass index. The first part of this review describes common, recommended anti-H. pylori treatments. The second part, presents the results of recent experiments aimed at evaluating the association between H. pylori infections and gastro-esophageal diseases, the level of stomach hormones, the human body mass index and allergic diseases. Although some studies suggest an inverse association of H. pylori infection with some health problems of the modern world such as asthma, obesity or GERD, H. pylori should be considered as a harmful human pathogen responsible for serious and sometimes lethal diseases. Thus, many scientists advocate the eradication of H. pylori.
The presence of spiral-shaped micro-organisms in the human stomach was described over 100 years ago by Polish clinical researcher, Professor W. Jaworski at Cracow Jagiellonian University. Their presence was then confirmed in animals by G. Bizzazero, but was not really taken seriously until the late 1970s, when J.R. Warren, a pathologist in Perth, Australia, noted the appearance of spiral bacteria overlaying gastric mucosa, chiefly over inflamed tissue. Warren and B.J. Marshall cultured these organisms in 1982 from 11 patients with gastritis and were able to demonstrate a strong association between the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and the finding of inflammation in gastric biopsies. People, who did not exhibit gastritis, also did not have the organism, a finding which was confirmed in a number of studies. Originally called Campylobacter pyloridis, the name was changed to Campylobacter pylori, and then later to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) as specific morphologic, structural, and genetic features indicated that it should be placed in a new genus. Marshall elegantly fulfilled Koch's postulates for the role of H. pylori in antral gastritis with the self administration of H. pylori, and also showed that it could be cured by use of antibiotics and bismuth salts. Most persons who are infected with H. pylori never suffer any symptoms related to the infection; however, H. pylori causes chronic active, chronic persistent, and atrophic gastritis in adults and children. Infection with H. pylori also causes duodenal and gastric ulcers. Infected persons have a 2- to 6-fold increased risk of developing gastric cancer and mucosal-associated-lymphoid-type (MALT) lymphoma compared with their uninfected counterparts. The role of H. pylori in non-ulcer dyspepsia remains unclear. These practical aspects of H. pylori were subjects of two international symposia organized by us in 1995 and 1997 in Cracow, helping to promote research and Polish consensus regarding treatment of H. pylori infection.
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Guidelines in the medical treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection

Scientific evidence based on controlled clinical research confirm substantial benefits resulting from the eradication of H. pylori infection in such pathologies of the alimentary tract as: gastric peptic and duodenal ulcer (active or confirmed in the future and ulcer disease complications), MALT (Mucosa Associated Limphoid Tissue) lymphoma, atrophic gastritis, past stomach resection, gastric cancer in the family. The above group of indications is strongly recommended for eradicative treatment. During the last several years there have been many guidelines made by international and national specialist groups. “Test and treat” strategy of undiagnosed dyspepsia treatment is based on possibility to carry out non-invasive tests confirming H. pylori infection. First symptoms of dyspepsia in people over 45 years of age constitute recommendation for endoscopy, as well as symptoms assumed to be “alarming” (loss of weight, anaemia, bloody vomiting, tarry stool, dysphagia) regardless of patient age. An individual approach to eradication is proposed in gastroesophageal reflux disease, and use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Antibacterial activity towards H. pylori is shown by many antibiotics (amoxicillin, macrolides, tetracyclines) and some other chemotherapeutic agents (nitroimidazoles) and bismuth. PPIs are recommended, because through increase of pH in stomach they create conditions to act for antibiotics. During the stage of first line triple therapy, it is advised to apply PPI and two antibacterial medicines at the same time (PPI + amoxicillin+metronidazole or clarithromycin). Such therapeutic action ensures achievement of eradication of H. pylori infection in 80-90% of cases. In case of lack of treatment efficiency in the first-line therapy, 7-14 day treatment may be repeated using triple therapies (PPI + 2 antibiotics) substituting the antibiotic with the metronidazole or tetracycline, or quadruple therapies (PPI + bismuth citrate + 2 antibiotics). Side effects during eradicative treatments occur quite rarely (from 15 to 30%).
50 wybranych losowo chorych przyjmowanych do szpitala, u których wykonano oznaczenia stężeń homocysteiny, witaminy B12 i kwasu foliowego we krwi, podzielono na dwie grupy w zależności od wyniku testu serologicznego na obecność zakażenia H. pylori. W grupie I (kontrolnej) bez zakażenia H. pylori znalazło się 14 chorych (28%), zaś w grupie II (z zakażeniem H. pylori) - 36 chorych (72%). W grupie chorych z zakażeniem H. pylori stwierdzono znamiennie niższe statystycznie średnie stężenie witaminy B12 (279,2 ± 69 pq/ml vs 430 ± 98 pq/ml) (p < 0,001) i kwasu foliowego (4,1 ± 1,2 ng/ml vs 6,8 ± 2,7 ng/ml) (p < 0,05) oraz wyższe stężenie homocysteiny (16,8 ± 3,9 µmol/l vs 12,1 ± 2,8. µmol/l) (p < 0,05). Otrzymane wyniki mogą wskazywać na to, że zakażenie H. pylori może sprzyjać rozwojowi choroby niedokrwiennej serca poprzez wzrost stężenia homocysteiny we krwi, zaś niedokrwistości megaloblastycznej poprzez obniżenie poziomu witaminy B12 i kwasu foliowego.
Zakażenie Helicobacter pylori jest jedną z najczęściej występujących infekcji bakteryjnych na świecie, badania epidemiologiczne wskazują, że może ona dotyczyć 30% populacji ludności krajów uprzemysłowionych i aż 80 - 90% ludności krajów rozwijających się. Badania sugerują, że zakażenie H. pylori może zaburzać homeostazę różnych składników pokarmowych: żelaza, witaminy B12, kwasu foliowego, α-tokoferolu, witaminy C i ß-karotenu. Szczególnie istotnym zagadnieniem wydają się być związki pomiędzy zakażeniem H. pylori a niedoborami żelaza i rozwijającą się przy braku tego pierwiastka w organizmie anemią. Grupy ryzyka występowania niedoborów żelaza obejmują dzieci i młodzież w okresie intensywnego wzrostu i rozwoju, ludzi starszych oraz kobiety w ciąży. Wydaje się zatem, że osoby te powinny być objęte szczególną opieką w kierunku wykrywania zakażenia H. pylori.
Ustalono maksymalne stężenia kwasu askrobinowego (witaminy C) oraz amoksycyliny pozwalające na wzrost na podłożach bakteriologicznych ponad 90% klinicznych szczepów Helicobacter pylori, pod warunkiem, że każda z tych substancji będzie zastosowana oddzielnie. Przy jednoczesnym wprowadzeniu do podłoża kwasu askrobinowego i amoksycylliny w uprzednio stosowanych stężeniach obserwuje się silny efekt synergicznego działania, prowadzący do zahamowania wzrostu większości badanych szczepów. Rozważana jest możliwość zastosowania powyższej kombinacji w terapii.
W trakcie badań gastroskopowych 193 pacjentów porównywano wyniki badań w kierunku obecności Helicobacter pylori (Hp), otrzymane przy zastosowaniu testu ureazowego oraz posiewów na podłoże agarowe. Przy użyciu obu metod Hp wykryto w 97 przypadkach. U 71 pacjentów wynik dodatni otrzymano zarówno w teście ureazowym jak i w posiewie. U pozostałych zakażonych osób bakterię tę wykryto tylko w teście (20 osób) lub tylko w posiewie (6 osób). Na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań wnioskuje się, że test ureazowy jest metodą bardziej czułą niż posiew.
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