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w słowach kluczowych:  Biebrzanski Park Krajobrazowy
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Eight new localities of Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) were found in the Biebrza river valley, NE Poland, six of them in the Biebrza National Park (Figs 1, 2). The Biebrza river valley is famous as the largest complex of marshes in Poland and in Central Europe. N. speciosa has never been recorded there before. Six out of eight localities were found in the southern basin of the river that is best preserved, with vast areas of fen mires. The locality "Osowiec-Twierdza" (Fig. 1) represents small dystrophic water bodies with the Sphagnum moss mat; N. speciosa is present in the nearby Carex rostrata swamp. Habitats of the other seven localities (fen mires) are different from those most typical of the species in Poland as they do not contain Sphagnum. Additionally, these fen mires are floristically rich in comparison with many other habitats of A', speciosa in Poland. Locality "Bagno Ławki" is especially untypical as the plant community there is dominated by Equi- setum fluviatile that is known from only very few other localities of N. speciosa in Poland. Special feature of five out of six localities in the lower basin of the Biebrza valley is the dominance of Carex rostrata that is a common characteristic of the localities in eastern Poland. The presence of N. speciosa, recorded in vast areas of fen mires of the Biebrza valley may suggest that other localities of the species are to be discovered there.
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