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Tourism has become one of the most important examples of human activities and this is the fact nobody can question. Contemporary people tend to have more and more free time, their economic status is relatively high, they have easy access to numerous unknown before areas and their thirst for experiencing something new and satisfying natural curiosity make them become interested in the surrounding world. The purpose of the present article is on the one hand describing the factors that influence considerably the development of tourism in the Baltic regions illustrated by an example of the gmina of Ustronie Morskie, and on the other hand presenting the tendencies of tourism trends and their evolution in the period of the recent 20 years. The article focuses on the period of social and economic transformations. Attractive location, picturesque views and interesting flora make the described area a perfect place to develop the whole infrastructure necessary to interest a great number of tourists. The present paper describes a group of villages located in the vicinity of the Baltic Sea: Ustronie Morskie, Sianożety, Winiotowo and Olszyna. The biggest administrative unit is Ustronie Morskie (2 030 inhabitants). After having completed the research, the results show that the best developed part of the described region is located between the Baltic shore and a railway line connecting Kołobrzeg and Koszalin.
Present population structure of Central Pomerania is a consequence of demographic transformations introduced in the post-war period. The population of the described region is heterogenic and has been combined by people who came from different parts of Poland, autochthons and generations born in this particular area. However the settlers from Central Poland (41.9%) and people who came from abroad (24.3%) including over 23.0% from the former USSR played the most important role in creating a new population structure (Rydz 1979). One of crucial factors influencing evolutions of population’s patterns in basic population structures are migrations. Migrations seem to confirm spatial adjustment abilities of population to constantly evolving social and economic conditions. A fast pace of a demographic development in Central Pomerania was an effect of a fast rise in the urban population (Tab. 1). An incredible role in developing processes have played industrialization that improved accommodation conditions and generated a shift of population from rural to urban districts. However between 1988-2002 a crucial role in the process of the dynamics’ evolution played social and economic transformations. A source of those unfavorable transformations (Fig. 1) should be considered in evolving social and economic situation of population. It makes young people migrate to other cities of Poland or other countries of the European Union such as Germany, the Great Britain, Ireland. According to the research the majority of the communities are characterized by a regressive type of demographic abilities (Fig. 2). A spatial concentration of the urban population is characteristic to a band-junction structure (Fig. 3). The biggest and best developed cities play a role of junctions in a settlement structure e.g. Koszalin, Słupsk, Lebork and Szczecinek. The present article also concentrates on factors influencing evolutions of population’ natural movements. The scientists recorded a tendency to limit a number of births in central Pomerania (Tab. 3 and Fig. 5). In a period of transformations they also recorded egression processes of the rural population.
W prezentowanym artykule dokonano oceny zmian, jakie zachodzą w gospodarce strefy podmiejskiej Słupska (gmina: Kobylnica i Słupsk) w zakresie struktury własnościowej gruntów, strukturze wielkościowej gospodarstw, użytkowaniu ziemi jak i w poziomie wyposażenia w infrastrukturę. Badania przeprowadzone na terenie gmin podmiejskich wykazały, że w latach 1988-2000 nastąpił dość wyraźny rozwój przedsiębiorczości, co wskazuje na postępujący wielofunkcyjny rozwój obszarów wiejskich. Lata dziewięćdziesiąte, a zwłaszcza ich druga połowa były okresem dość dużych przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych w strefie podmiejskiej Słupska. Innym ważnym problemem podjętym w artykule jest zwrócenie uwagi na rozwój infrastrukturalny na terenach wiejskich. Prowadzone inwestycje przeobrażają wieś, dostosowując ją do dokonujących się przemian społczno-ekonomicznych.
In seeking to identify the educational and vocational aspirations of young people from rural areas, the issue of the accessibility to different levels of education takes on great significance. It is obvious that a high level of education is connected with broad horizons and a willingness to take on new ideas. In turn, the low actual level of educa-tion among people from Poland's rural areas is regarded as one of the main barriers to the development of these parts of the country. The problem is not purely one of the systemic change, since the educational gap between people from rural and urban areas was also considerable before 1989. However, the transformation being achieved since that time has if anything made accessibility to education for the rural population even more difficult. University-level education in particular would seem to be largely out of reach. The impoverishment of rural areas and financial problems might be considered two essential factors impeding accessibility to education, but these have been aug-mented by new profiles of higher education and a new educational system that has brought extensive change in the compulsory stage of education in elementary schools. The present article thus describes the unfortunate situation regarding educational levels in rural parts of Poland as of the end of the 20th century. An attempt to explain the situation in three different ways has also been made, with the issues presented concerning the economy, systemic factors and culture. While all of these are of crucial sig-nificance, it is the economic factors that have been dominant where a concentration of educational centres makes it impossible for the poor to gain access to education.
Specyficzną cechę współczesnych przeobrażeń struktury gospodarki regionalnej jest tendencja do przestrzennej koncentracji działalności gospodarczej. Wyrazem tego procesu jest dość szybki wzrost ośrodków miejskich, przekształcających się coraz częściej w centra układów osadniczych o różnych stopniach złożoności i specjalizacji funkcjonalnej. W świetle przedstawionych założeń przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza rozwoju stanu osadnictwa na Pomorzu z uwzględnieniem wcześniejszych czynników wpływających na przeobrażenie sieci osadniczej. Celem jest również określenie roli jaką odgrywają w systemie osadniczym Pomorza aglomeracja gdańska i aglomeracja szczecińska. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazują, że spośród wielu elementów wpływających na wykształcenie się obecnego układu sieci osadniczej największą rolę odegrała bliskość morza. Wzdłuż linii brzegowej morza oraz u ujścia Odry i Wisły rozłożyły się największe ośrodki miejskie Pomorza. Wykształcił się w ten sposób dwubiegunowy system osadniczy, w którym ośrodkami nadrzędnymi są: aglomeracja gdańska i aglomeracja szczecińska stanowiąc główne węzły struktury przestrzenno-gospodarczej całego Pomorza. Obserwacja zbioru miast przyjętych do analizy pozwoliła dostrzec pewną ich stabilizację, a jednocześnie zmienność rang. Stabilizacja dotyczy przede wszystkim największych miast, a więc regionalnych i ponadregionalnych. Spadek liczby dotyczy szczególnie miast do 10 tys. mieszkańców. Analiza potwierdziła znane skądinąd zjawisko nierównomiernego przebiegu procesów urbanizacji na Pomorzu. Najmniej zurbanizowany jest niewątpliwie obszar Pomorza Środkowego, w którym istnieją jedynie dwa ośrodki regionalne krajowego rozwoju: Koszalin i Słupsk.
Deep and multi-level economic transformations that occurred in the cities and rural areas caused profound changes in the demographic structures. The problems connected with the issue of the demographic transformations in the cities, especially those big ones, such as agglomerations or metropolises, have remained a subject of numerous geographic, demographic or sociologic studies in the post-war period. It was a result of a high concentration of population in the analyzed units, their economic position and the role they played in the settlement network of a country. The main purpose of the present paper is to define the general mechanisms of social, demographic and set-tlement transformations in the coastal agglomerations, being developed and influenced by various factors influencing development patterns of their inner zones. The author analyzed the changes of demographic and social structures recorded between 1988 and 2006 and accommodation re-sources. Analyzing the changes of population patterns by their inner spatial structure, the author discovered an increasing number of inhabitants recorded in each zone, however generally more dynamic development patterns characterized the urbanized zones (Fig. 1). The author also re-corded considerable changes of accommodation resources increase concerning their general and ownership structure during the analyzed period (1988-2006). Estimation of demographic transfor-mation factors including concepts of natural increase and migration rate is considered an essential element in conducting the research on population dynamics (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). The observed ten-dencies of population’s structures were also recorded in economic groups (population in pre-production, production and post-production age). Generally the author observes a significant in-crease of people in production and post-production age. The number of children and teenagers un-der 18 has considerably decreased – pre-production group (Fig. 5).
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Development of sea angling tourism

Maritime tourism should be understood not only as a system of fixed, maritime links and attractive cruises but also as individual yacht cruises, and many other forms of spending time on the water or under the water. A special type of tourism is maritime tourism, which includes features such as recreational fishing in the sea. Sport and recreational fishing became popular in Poland in the 90’s of last century. According to the data of harbor masters that keep records of fishing vessels out in the sea, the first effective service providers were the skippers from Łeba and Darłowo. The following study presents the development of specialized tourism in Poland which is fishing tourism with particular emphasis on Darłowo. Rules for organizing fishing trips, and the conditions that must be met in order to start this kind of business were discussed. Another important issues in the article include preparations of individual units for realizing tourist function, presenting additional services provided by the organizers of fishing cruises. On the basis of the survey research, the characteristic of fishing service users has been prepared, taking into account: motives and forms of arrivals, territorial origin of tourists, accommodation and length of stay.
This article introduces the transformation process in functional and spatial structure in Ustka. The present spatial structure and land utilization in this town was influenced by numerous historical, cultural and natural conditions. The research shows that transformation processes and development trends observed in small holiday resorts located by the sea result from substituting former economic and service functions by tourist and service functions connected with providing tourist and health protection facilities in holiday and spa centers.
The article presents problems of unemployment in the districts of the coastal gminas in West Pomerania Voievodship. The region is characterized by high touristic attraction and considerable volume of investment into touristic services. Besides rapidly developing areas, there are also agriculture districts characterized by the necessity to increase incomes of the inhabitants and improve the condition of infrastructure. The aim of the article is to answer the question: does tourism in its economic aspect stimulate economic performances and in consequence cause a considerable decrease of unemployment in the described region. Analysis includes differences of unemployment intensity and its structural factors that allow to identify the causes and also to define options and directions of further transformations.
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Therapeutic potential of Polish Baltic spas

The main objective of this paper is to show the therapeutic potential of Polish spas situated on the Baltic coast. The introduction discusses the development and the importance of spa treatment for the present society. The gradual growth of technical civilization has caused major changes in working and living conditions as well as lifestyles and diets of people. It has been emphasized that the new health risks connected with the evolution of technical civilization often have ecological background. In the further part of the article, particular attention has been paid to natural and socio-economic conditions of development of Polish Baltic spas. The paper presents also treatment profiles provided in the spas in question as well as their share in providing medical treatment in the scale of the whole country. It should be emphasised that the potential of Polish seaside spas may be proved not only by spa facilities, treatment profiles and numbers of services provided but also by significantly increasing in past six years number of patients, both foreigners and fully paid natives.
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