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Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie Mistrzostw Świata Międzynarodowej Federacji (FIS) organizowanych w Zakopanem w okresie międzywojennym w latach 1929 i 1939. Autor opisuje przygotowania do mistrzostw, wskazuje na zachowane materialne ślady zawodów w postaci obiektów sportowych. Prezentuje wpływ, jaki wywarły mistrzostwa na rozwój polskiego narciarstwa, a także rozkwit Zakopanego i jego popularyzację na całym świecie. W artykule usystematyzowano przebieg poszczególnych konkurencji i osiągnięte rezultaty.
Przełom XIX i XX wieku to okres silnego rozwoju turystyki tatrzańskiej, a także lata, w których Zakopane jako ośrodek tego ruchu staje się konkurencją dla Krynicy, Rabki, Szczawnicy, czy też licznych kurortów w Karpatach Wschodnich. Dokonania pionierów turystyki tatrzańskiej stanowiły temat zainteresowania lokalnej prasy, której dynamiczny rozwój następował wraz ze zwiększającą się frekwencją odwiedzających Zakopane. W latach 1891–1914 w Zakopanem ukazało się ogółem dwanaście czasopism, w których oprócz spraw związanych z rozwojem społeczno-gospodarczym Zakopanego wiele miejsca zajmowało propagowanie turystki, sprawozdania z odbytych wycieczek górskich, działalność Polskiego Towarzystwa Tatrzańskiego i Tatrzańskiego Ochotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego. Na łamach zakopiańskiej prasy odbywała się dyskusja na budzący kontrowersje temat dotyczący budowy kolejki na Świnicę. Początkiem XX w. w lokalnej prasie publikują swoje artykuły propagatorzy sportu i rekreacji: Leopold Świerz, Stanisław Będzikiewicz, Eugeniusz Piasecki, Stanisław Barabasz i Mariusz Zaruski.
W latach 2005 i 2006, w Instytucie Roślin i Przetworów Zielarskich w Poznaniu przeprowadzono analizę zawartości wybranych substancji czynnych w surowca kozłka lekarskiego w dziewięciu następujących fazach fenologicznych w drugim roku wegetacji: początek wegetacji, rozeta wiosenna, wykształcanie pędów kwiatostanowych, początek kwitnienia, pełnia kwitnienia, zbiór nasion, trzy tygodnie po zbiorze nasion, rozeta jesienna, po pierwszych przymrozkach. Celem badań było zbadanie zależności pomiędzy zawartością olejku i kwasów walerenowych, a fazami fenologicznymi co pozwoliłoby ustalić optymalny termin zbioru surowca. Materiał do badań stanowiły korzenie kozłka odmiany Polka oraz rodu hodowlanego nr 4 pobierane losowo w każdej fazie. W surowcu oznaczono zawartość: olejku eterycznego, kwasu walerenowego, kwasu acetoksywalerenowego, kwasu hydroksywalerenowego oraz sumę kwasów walerenowych. Największe ilości olejku eterycznego oraz kwasów walerenowych stwierdzono w różnych fazach wegetacji: u rodu 4 w fazie pełni kwitnienia (1,3% i 0,266% odpowiednio), natomiast u odmiany Polka - w trzy tygodnie po zbiorze nasion (zaw. olejku 1,25%), a kwas walerenowy - w fazie zbioru nasion (0,218%). Najmniejsze zawartości olejku w surowcu występowały na początku wegetacji oraz po pierwszych przymrozkach jesiennych. Wyniki badań sugeruj ą, że wysokie zawartości olejku oraz sumy kwasów walerenowych w drugim roku wegetacji można uzyskać w surowcu kozłka od pełni kwitnienia roślin (0,278%) do fazy rozety jesiennej (0,316%).
Roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge contain mainly fractions of water-soluble substances. Most tanshinones are found in ethyloacetate fractions, slightly less in hexane extract. Tanshinones in water extracts have not been found. Ethyloacetate and hexane extracts from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge root are characterized by high microbiological activity (MIC range of 10–75 μg/ml using standard strain Staphylococcus aureus FDA 209P). The highest activity and maximum amount of cryptotanshinone was found in extracts obtained from roots of Polish origin. The microbiological activity of water fraction is quite low regardless of the source of raw material (MIC range 500-1000 μg/ml). The results suggest that the microbiological activity of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge extracts depends on the quality and quantity of tanshinones composition.
Rhodiola Kirilowii (Regel) Maxim. (Crassulaceae) is a traditional medicinal plant used in North Asia and China, especially in the cardiopulmonary disorders in the hypoxic conditions induced by high altitude. The presented results are the part of the investigations carried out in the Branch of Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants in cooperation with the Department of Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany, Medical University in Warsaw on R. Kirilowii plants and tissue cultures. The aim of recent study was to determine the growth dynamics and active compounds production during the cultivation of callus tissues of R. Kirilowii on solid/liquid media. Tissue cultures of R. Kirilowii shown the ability to produce all the active compounds determined in the roots of plants of Polish origin. It is worth emphasizing, that rosavins, according to known literature, were not detected in roots of plants growing in Asia. The best time for collection the tissues from solid medium was fifth or sixth week of the culture – the tissues were growing dynamically and the contents of the main active compounds was high. The material from suspension should be collected in 12–15 days after inoculation. The obtained results will be applied in future investigations on the use of R. Kirilowii extracts in the experimental hypoxia in rats.
The main aim of this study was to search the influence of exogenous addition of rosavin precursor: cinnamyl alcohol on the enhancing of rosavins content in callus culture of R. rosea, cultured on solid and liquid media (CCA). This is the first report – according to available literature – which concerns its biotransformation on solid medium conditions. The two strains of R. rosea tissue cultures showed different ability of cinnamyl alcohol glycosides production: both of them produced rosin (with or without supplementation), but the obtained level of rosavin production was notable higher in case of supplementation of the strain induced from axially buds of R. rosea. The exogenous cinnamyl alcohol was added into medium at concentration of 2.5 mM/L or 5 mM/L in the day of the inoculation. The application of 2.5 mM cinnamyl alcohol resulted in the increase of rosin content in the callus started from hypocotyle to very high levels: 1056.183 mg/100 g on solid medium and 776.330 mg/100 g in liquid medium. The content of rosavin showed the same growing tendency, but the final concentration of this phenylopropanoid in the supplemented callus tissue was about 7 times lower as compared to the roots of intact plant (63.603 mg/100 g). Addition of cinnamyl alcohol also enhanced rosarin biosynthesis but only in small amount: to 4.896 mg/100 g on solid medium. Callus tissue obtained from axially buds and treated by cinnamyl alcohol (2.5 mM) produced rosavin in a higher concentration: 92.801 mg/100 g and reached one fifth part of the amount produced by roots. The process of supplementation with cinnamyl alcohol influenced the enhanced biosynthesis of another bioactive substances as well (salidroside, tyrosol, chlorogenic acid). The obtained results confirmed that even on a solid medium the callus tissue can produce the characteristic active substances and the concentration of some of them, mainly rosin and rosavin, can be significantly improved by addition of the precursors to the medium.
The aim of this research was to enhance the content of salidroside by exogenous addition of p-tyrosol in R. rosea tissue cultures. The callus tissue cultured on solid medium (MS with addition of NAA, BAP and adenine chloride) and compact callus agregate (CCA) were used in the experiments. The p-tyrosol was added to medium at a concentration of 5 mM/L (both into liquid and solid medium) and at concentration of 2.5 mM/L (only into liquid medium) in the day of the inoculation. The content of salidroside approximated: 23.15 mg/g (on solid medium) and 43.22 mg/g (CCA) after 7 days of 5 mM/L p-tyrosol application. The yield of salidroside was 3.1% (solid medium) and 4.3% (CCA). The addition of 2.5 mM tyrosol to CCA culture induced the increase of the content of salidroside to 34.73 mg/g and 3.5% yield of salidroside was obtained. The adverse effect was observed in biomass. Salidroside was not released into the medium.
Salvia milthiorrhiza root (Danshen) is one of the oldest and most traditional drug of Chinese origin, mainly used in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The tanshiniones (diterpenoids) and phenolic acids are the main biological active substances of S. miltiorrhiza. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal conditions for callus cultures and biosynthesis of the biological active compounds. The callus cultures (on solid medium, CC A in shake flask and CC A in bioreactor) were obtained and phytochemical studies on them were carried out. Total amount of phenolic acids determined in callus (solid medium) averaged from 2.58% to 5.72% of dry weight (DW). The callus cultured on solid medium and CC A (in flasks) did not produce tanshiniones. Culture conditions in the bioreactor enabled the biosynthesis of tanshiniones (0.27% of dihydrotanshinione, 0.12% of cryptotanshinone, 0.01% of tanshinione 2A and tanshinione 1). The obtained contents of rosmarinic acid in callus on solid medium and CC A (cultured in shake flasks) are relatively high and comparable to raw material. The callus cultured in bioreactor is eligible for tanshinione production, moreover the accumulation of them is comparable with the intact plants.
Rhodiola kirilowii (Regel) Maxim (Crassulaceae family) is used in traditional East Asian medicine, mainly in China, to prevent damages due to hypoxic environment of high altitude. On the basis of own achievements and wide review of the published articles the authors describe the status of field cultivation as well as phytochemical and biotechnological investigations carried out on R. kirilowii (callus tissue cultures, micropropagation in vitro, somatic seeds production, hairy roots cultures). The identified chemical constituents of the extracts of roots and callus tissues of R. kirilowii are presented and divided according to chemical groups.
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