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The study was conducted from 1997-2001 in the city of Słupsk. Observations of individually marked birds were conducted from blinds located at city-centre sites where Feral Pigeons breed. The pigeons bred throughout the year, with peak broods in spring and summer. Different pairs timed their breeding such that the beginning of the season (from October to September of the next calendar year) overlapped the dates of completion (from April to December). 10% of pairs had already begun breeding in the autumn, while 86% did so between January and May. The remaining pairs (young ones, in particular) started breeding even later, mainly because of the lack of suitable nesting sites. The breeding period most often ended between August and October (75% of pairs), when the pigeons began their moult. 91% of the young birds joined the breeding population in their second calendar year of life. The remaining young birds had their first broods in the first or third calendar year of life. Pairs of young birds started nesting 2-3 months later than adult birds. The average length of a pair's breeding season was 183 days.
Research on the annual postfledging survival of young Feral Pigeons Columba livia was conducted in 1998-2001 in five breeding colonies located in the city centre of Słupsk (NW Poland, area 43 km²). Breeding pairs and their offspring were individually ringed. A total of 1016 clutches were studied, as was the fate of 809 fledglings. It was found that although fledglings were produced throughout the entire year, about 81-93% of young was leaving the nest in the period between April and September. The peak period of fledging occurred in May, August or June accordingly in successive study years. The dynamic of fledging in one year reflected the pairs’ egg laying activity occurring two months earlier. Juvenile mortality was highest during the first month after fledging and was found to be 45% of young birds. The main cause of death was hunger, as the young, inexperienced individuals were unable to compete successfully with adults for food at foraging areas. Loss of young clearly decreased with every successive month. The annual survival rate of juveniles produced in a calendar year was 30%. Almost all the juveniles surviving their first year of life joined the breeding population. Young produced in winter and spring had better survival rates than did those leaving the nest in summer, and especially, in autumn. The differences in survival rates found among the seasons of the year most likely resulted from changes in the pressure of competition for food in foraging areas.
In 2007, the population of Feral Pigeons in Gdańsk City (almost 500,000 inhabitants) constituted 14 200 individuals. The population density in the built-up areas of Gdańsk (82.2 km²) was estimated at an average of 17.2 birds 10⁻¹ ha, however the highest density occurred in Gdańsk’s city centre area (5.7 km²) – 44 birds 10⁻¹ ha. Blue plumage type pigeons dominated in the population (93%), while black, red and albinotic types were rarely observed. Melanistic birds were more frequently found than blue-bar birds, whose plumage is inherited from the Rock Pigeon. However, blue-bars were more numerous in Gdańsk compared with other pigeon populations in central and northern Europe. Old pre-war buildings were not confirmed as influencing the plumage pattern of pigeons. Melanistic birds were more numerous in old district of Oliwa, whereas blue bars in old Gdańsk city centre. The plumage of pigeons in small flocks of up to 50 birds did not differ from that of pigeons in flocks of over 50 and 100 birds. Blue-bars, checkers and dark checkers did not differ in body mass or breeding parameters. Other causes of polymorphism variation among pigeons in a population are discussed.
This research was conducted on the Feral Pigeon population in Słupsk (NW Poland). Breeding parameters and the number of parental pairs' young recruited into the breeding population were determined for 52-112 marked pairs over three breeding seasons. Pairs had an average of 4.4 broods and produced 3.6 fledglings per breeding season. From 39 to 49% of pairs in various seasons did not have any young recruited. Every fourth pair (25-30%) had a single young bird recruited, from 12 to 20% of pairs — two young, from 4 to 11% — 3 young, and 6% of pairs had from four to six young recruited. The number of recruits depended on the breeding parameters of the parents: it was lowest among young pairs (low quality birds), those that began breeding late in the season, had a short breeding season, or low breeding success. In contrast, high quality birds with a long breeding season, the highest reproductive parameters and breeding success, had the most young recruited. Survival rate of young after leaving the nest was not found to be influenced by the starting date or the length of the breeding season of pairs. However, nesting conditions, such as pair density in colonies, may influence the fate of young birds after they leave the nest and are recruited.
The study on the occurrence of amphibians in the city of Słupsk (NW Poland) was conducted during their breeding season in 40 water bodies located in a built-up area, at a forest edge, and in a ruderal area of the city. Breeding amphibians were recorded from 27 water bodies, or 67.5% of them. The number of amphibian species varied between 0 and 7, with an average of 2.2, depending on the location and the degree of modification of the water bodies. The average number of breeding species was 1.2 in the built-up area, 2.8 at the forest edge, and 2.3 in the ruderal areas. Breeding amphibians avoided human-modified water bodies, where only 0.6 species were noted as compared with 2.6 species in natural ones. In total, 9 species of amphibians were recorded from Słupsk. The most frequently observed were the common frog and the common toad, less frequently green frogs, the smooth newt, and the moor frog. Infrequently occurred: the common spadefoot, the natterjack toad the fire-bellied toad.
Clutch overlap is a reproductive strategy of the Feral Pigeon, which results in an increase in the number of clutches produced by a pair and, as follows, an increase in the number of young raised. It is dependent on the length of time the clutch is cared for and the length of the interval between clutches. Both these component elements of clutch overlap are directly affected by environmental conditions, such as the length of day and ambient temperature. The duration of clutch care and the clutch interval were distinctly shorter in the warmer part of the year with a longer day than during the fall and winter. We believe that ambient temperature has a significant effect on the length of the clutch interval, as it is a decisive factor in the achievement of thermoregulation ability in the nestlings. Earlier achievement of this ability by nestlings in higher ambient temperatures (at Ta = 21.5°C, normothermy appeared in the 6th to 7th post-embryonic day in the life of nestlings, while at Ta = 19.5 °C – in 8–9 days) allows both parents to forage for longer periods of time and to start a new breeding cycle earlier. We confirmed that nesting conditions (the number of nests in a breeding pair's territory, brood size and location of the nest in the colony) also influenced the duration of clutch care and the length of clutch interval, and therefore, the degree of clutch overlap. The clutch interval was shorter when parents only cared for one young, than when two young were in the nest. Breeding pairs with large territories that included two nests had shorter clutch intervals than those pairs with only one nest. Young raised in nests located close to egresses left the colony more quickly than young in nests farther away
Przepusty drogowe dla płazów powinny być zaprojektowane w taki sposób, aby zapewniały bezpieczeństwo zwierząt migrujących przez nie i redukowały śmiertelność na drogach. Opisano przebieg migracji populacji ropuchy szarej Bufo bufo przez przejście drogowe wybudowane na terenie Parku Krajobrazowego „Dolina Słupi” koło Łysomic (gmina Dębnica Kaszubska, woj. pomorskie). Przejście powstało pod jezdnią, oddzielającą miejsca żerowania i zimowania ropuch od zbiornika rozrodczego – Zalewu Łysomickiego. Ogrodzenie naprowadzające ma około 200 m długości, a przejście stanowią 3 oddalone 50 m od siebie tunele, o długości 10 m i szerokości 0,5 m każdy. Wiosenna migracja przez przejście pod szosą okazała się całkowicie bezpieczna dla dorosłych ropuch. Oznakowane indywidualnie osobniki docierały do tuneli po 1–2 dniach; samce szybciej migrowały od samic oraz par in amplexus. Letnia migracja młodych ropuch wędrujących ze zbiornika przez przejścia drogowe w kierunku siedlisk lądowych i miejsc zimowania przebiegała z utrudnieniami. Gromadzenie się młodych wzdłuż ogrodzenia naprowadzającego, omijanie tunelu oraz obecność martwych osobników przed ścianą przepustu wskazuje na zbyt duże odległości pomiędzy tunelami. Zaproponowano zmiany konstrukcji przepustu, które powinny zapobiec śmiertelności młodych ropuch
The aim of our study was to analyze the species composition of batrachofauna from urban water bodies and their relationship with habitat conditions. The analysis included 13 water bodies located within the administrative limits of Słupsk city. Characteristics of the water bodies included their morphometric features and physical-chemical parameters of water. Species composition and number of adult amphibians were determined during their breeding season (March-May). A total of 4 amphibian species (Bufo bufo, Lissotriton vulgaris, Rana temporaria, and Rana esculenta complex) were identified. The co-existence of all these species was documented in only one water body, and no amphibians were revealed in another five ponds. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed positive correlations between the composition of batrachofauna and the morphometric parameters of water bodies, hardness, and water temperature. These correlations were the strongest in the case of Rana esculenta complex and Rana temporaria. Furthermore, the composition of batrachofauna correlated inversely with certain chemical parameters of the water, such as the concentration of nitrogen and total phosphorus, and N:P ratio. Moreover, we observed the inverse correlation between the prevalence of Rana temporaria, Rana esculenta, and Lissotriton vulgaris and the concentration of chlorophyll a. In our study, the physical parameters strongly differentiating the composition and abundance of amphibians, whereas chemical parameters of water had only little influence on it.
Rozmieszczenie bycznika na Pomorzu jest słabo poznane. Ten chrząszcz o wysokiej zimowej aktywności jest typowym koprofagiem. Jego nowe stanowisko odkryto badając skład pokarmu sowy uszatej na Pomorzu Środkowym. Sowy zlokalizowano w młodniku sosnowym blisko wsi Brzeziniec (gmina Słupsk, województwo pomorskie). W 261 wypluwkach zebranych zimą 2007/ 2008 i 40. wypluwkach z wiosny 2008 roku bycznik stanowił 7,8% zimowej i 1,8% wiosennej liczby ofiar sowy uszatej. W wypluwkach zawierających szczątki bycznika znacznie częściej występowały szczątki kostne nornika burego i nornicy rudej. Może to sugerować, że chrząszcz ten był łowiony przez sowy uszate w siedliskach ekotonalnych: na skraju lasu i pól uprawnych preferowanych przez te gryzonie.
The aim of this study was to compare ecophysiological basis for developing feral pigeons (Columba livia f. urbana) in various environments of Northern Poland. We examined heavy metals contents, lipid and protein peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes activity in individuals growing and feeding in the different polluted regions. Pigeons from urban area possessed high maintenance of cadmium in the blood, but low lead in comparison to birds from rural area. Our results suggest that increased level of heavy metals (Pb and Cd) in the blood of pigeons from different regions of Northern Poland tended to affect negatively initiate lipid peroxidation and increased oxidative modified protein content. Our results suggest that increased level of oxidative stress in birds is dependent upon environmental pollution. Statistical analysis (ANOVA and GLM) has shown that colony localization (urban or rural areas) modified antioxidative defense system, level of lipid and protein peroxidation, and blood total antioxidant activity.
The erythrocytes could be considered as a valuable model in studying the cytotoxic effect of environmental xenobiotics owing to its particular structure and the important components of their plasma membrane especially lipids and proteins. The aim of our study was to investigate the erythrocyte hemolytic activity of mute swan (Cygnus olor) from Baltic coastal region in two points, i.e. Sopot and Gdynia. These comparisons will show whether mute swans on the Baltic coastal regions have elevated levels of hemolysis plus gender variation in erythrocyte damage. Forty adult mute swans were captured from Sopot and Gdynia in February 2013. Collected birds were measured and weighted, and the blood was sampled. The birds were divided into 4 groups (after the 2nd/3rd year of life): males from Sopot (n = 10), females birds from Sopot (n = 10), males from Gdynia (n = 10), and females from Gdynia (n = 10). Blood samples were collected from the medial metatarsal vein in sodium citrate for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Blood was stored in tubes and held on the ice until centrifugation. The plasma was removed. The erythrocyte suspension (one volume) was washed with five volumes of saline solution three times. The acid resistance of erythrocytes was induced by 0.1M HCl, while osmotic resistance was induced by incubation erythrocyte suspension with the different solution of urea and NaCl, as well as in solutions of different NaCl concentration (0.1-0.9%). The erythrocyte hemolysis was measured spectrophotometrically. Our study revealed that the highest level of the hemolysis percentage was observed among females from Gdynia, males from Sopot, then females from Sopot, and males from Gdynia. The significant differences between the hemolysis percentage among females from Gdynia and Sopot from 13.5 to 18.0 min after HCl-induced hemolysis was observed. The results also indicated significant differences between the hemolysis percentage among males from Gdynia and Sopot from 14.0 to 19.0 min. Hemolysis percentage showed to be increased not significantly among males from Gdynia with time from hemolysis initiation to 10.0 min but close to linearity with a value of hemolysis percentage among males from Sopot after 25 min of hemolysis initiation. The maximal level of hemolysis percentage was significantly higher among females from Gdynia (at 15.0 min) compared to females from Sopot (at 14.0 min). The maximal level of hemolysis percentage among males from Gdynia and Sopot was noted at 0.5 min after hemolysis initiation. The maximal level of hemolysis percentage was 4.40% and 4.11%, respectively. The highest percentage of hemolyzed erythrocytes after incubation with solutions of various urea concentration was observed both among males and females from Gdynia. The lowest percentage of hemolyzed erythrocytes was exhibited by the erythrocyte suspension of males from Sopot. Comparing the percentage of hemolyzed erythrocytes both among males and females from Sopot, the higher values of hemolyzed erythrocytes was noted among females. The highest percentage of hemolyzed erythrocytes after incubation with solutions of various NaCl concentration was observed among males and females from Sopot and further among males and females from Gdynia after incubation with 0.5-0.9% NaCl solution. Comparing the percentage of hemolyzed erythrocytes after incubition with 0.1-0.4% NaCl solution, the highest percentage of hemolyzed erythrocytes was observed among males and females from Gdynia and then among males and females from Sopot. Our study showed more individual variation, probably related to the impact of the environmental habitat and consumption of ingested prey items by mute swans. Of those males and females, females from Gdynia showed the highest level of hemolyzed erythrocytes.
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