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The aim of the study was to make an attempt at showing the intraspecies heterogenecity of Malassezia pachydermatis strains with regards to their origin (strains isolated from healthy dogs and with otitis externa symptoms). The study included 41 strains of Malassezia pachydermatis species isolated in a pure culture from dogs with clinical otitis externa symptoms (n = 20), clinically healthy dogs (n = 20) and a reference strain, M. pachydermatis (CBS7925). In order to isolate the genetic material from the fungal cells, the following four procedures were selected: mechanical, enzymatic, thermal and chemical. Considering the yield and repeatability of a method for the genomic DNA extraction, a mechanical method was applied. The genetic material research of each strain was performed according to PCR-REA technique with the amplification of three genome regions: ITS, LSU rRNA and a gene encoding beta-tubuline. The ITS and LSU rRNA regions were amplified employing the standard PCR reagents, whereas the region coding beta-tubuline with the so called touch down. The obtained amplification products were subjected to restrictive analysis by means of the following enzymes: EcoRI, Ncol, Hinfl, Alul, and Eco881 (Aval). The performed investigations made it possible to reveal the genotypic differentiation within M.pachydermatis species as well as some correlation between a genotypic profile and the origin of a strain (from healthy animals or with otitis externa symptoms), which may imply the existence of genetic conditioning of the Malassezia strains’ pathogenicity.
The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of bacterial and mycologic flora in dogs with otitis externa and its sensitivity to selected drugs. Swabs were taken trom 92 dogs with signs of otitis externa. The following strains were isolated from 87 dogs: S. intermedius (51), E. colt (13), Streptococcus spp. (9), P. vulgaris (8), S. aureus (1), S. simulans (1), P. mirabilis (1), K. pneumoniae (1), and P. pachydermatis (36). Gram-positive bacteria were sensitive to gentamicin (91.9%), amikacin (90.3%) and ce- fradine (72.6%), while an increased resistance was found to hnkomycin, penicillin, doxycycline and ampicillin. Gram-negative bacteria proved to be sensitive to amikacin (87 1%) metylmicin (83.8%), gentamicin (67.7%), and partly to doxycycline, cefradine, chloramphenicol and amoxicilline. The isolated strains of P. pachydermatis were most sensitive to ketoconazole (100%) and mycoconazole (88.9%). They were relatively resistant to pimaricine, nystatin and amphotericin B.
Otitis externa (OE) is one the major health problems in canine and feline practice. The most common clinical signs observed in these cases include presence of otic discharge, odor and, usually, manifestations of ear pain and/or pruritus. The aim of the study was to estimate the frequency of otitis externa in dogs, analysis of clinical aspects of this disease and the estimation of the usefulness of cytology in the diagnosis of the causes OE. The study was conducted on 100 dogs in which their medical history, clinical and otoscopic examination revealed the presence of OE. During physical examination samples for cytology from vertical and horizontal parts of the external auditory canal were taken using sterile cotton swabs. The otitis externa was recognized in animals of various ages, most commonly in 1-7 years-of-age (a mean age of 4.5 years). The study showed that Yorkshire terriers, Spaniels, Boxers, Labradors and Golden Retrievers were overexpressed, on the other hand, in mongrels, German Shepherds and Dachshunds otitis externa was recognized more seldom than in other breeds. In most cases (55%) OE were recognized for the first time, less frequent were chronic/recurrent otitis externa (23% cases), periodically or sporadically (14% cases), in 8% of dogs the disease was considered as incompletely treated. Cytological examination revealed the presence of various pathogens in 88% of the cases, the most common yeast with Malassezia morphology were observed, rarely, bacterial or mixed infections (yeast + bacteria) were recognized, in 10 cases the presence of parasites was found during microscopic examination.
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