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Background. Proper human behaviour is needed to maintain health. Healthy lifestyle patterns develop specifically during childhood and adolescence, a process which helps shape young people, and one which significantly affects various life choices, including those regarding health. The aim of the study was to evaluate the health-related behaviour of young people, and to determine the hierarchical position of health as a symbol of happiness and its interrelations with related symbols. Differences in the postulated sources of happiness were also determined in patients with favourable and adverse health-related behaviour. Material and methods. The study involved 209 high school students. The age of respondents ranged from 17 to 19 (M = 18, SD = 0.48). The study involved 114 girls (representing 54.5% of the group) and 95 boys (45.4%). The variables were measured using two techniques by Juczynski (2009): the Health Behaviour Inventory (IZZ) and Part I of the Personal Value List (measurement of the symbols of happiness). Results. The respondents indicated that good health is positioned third in the hierarchy of the determinants of happiness, slightly lower than a large circle of friends. The respondents regard a successful family life as being the greatest determinant of happiness. Higher ratings for health in the hierarchy of the symbols of personal happiness were associated with more favourable adopted health-related behaviour. Similarly, people with favourable healthrelated behaviour are more likely to choose health as the source of a positive life than those with adverse behaviour. Conclusions. The high position of health in the scope of a happy life is a positive factor in the health-related behaviour of young people.
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Key competences as a way to creative development

Preparation of young people to handle challenges of information society and to maximally benefit from possibilities created by this society has been included among the most important objectives in various education systems in Europe. This made politicians, dealing with education, revise the curricula and teaching methods, which consequently increased the level of interests in key competences as elements which determine the success of an individual in subsequent participation in the society. Competences are defined as combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate for the. Key competences are those, which are needed by every one for their self - fulfillment and personal development, for being an active citizen, for social integration and employment. Eight key competences have been established: 1. Communication in the mother tongue. 2. Communication in foreign languages. 3. Mathematical literacy and basic competences in science and technology. 4. Digital competence. 5. Learning to learn. 6. Social and civic competences. 7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. 8. Cultural awareness and expression. Pursuant to the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competencies for lifelong learning, the Academy of Podlasie in Siedlce, in the partnership with the Foundation for Lubelskie Development and in cooperation with the Paweł Włodkowic Higher School in Płock, began in September 2008 implementation of the Project entitled „Key competences as the way to creative development”, co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund. The project involves development of three competences: 1. Communication in foreign languages. 2. Mathematical literacy and basic competences in science and technology. 3. Cultural awareness and expression.
The main aim of the article is to identify ways of using crowdsourcing by young Poles. Therefore, attempts were made to show the essence of the analysed marketing concept as well as its applicability. The first part of the paper presents the concept of prosumption and its forms. In particular, the notion of crowdsourcing is particularly focused on. The article is a kind of presentation of the author’s own research results. A diagnostic survey was used as the test method. The study was conducted in May - June 2017. Its participants were students of the University of Economics in Cracow. A total of 610 students studying at different faculties of the university participated. The article points to the key characteristics of crowdsourcing. The methodology of own research was outlined, and the examined group was described. The last part of the article presents the respondents’ opinions on crowdsourcing. It was found that more than half of the students surveyed used at least one opportunity to tailor a product to their needs, as well as sharing opinions about products with other users. At the same time, respondents rarely propose to modify (43.1%) or create a new product (16%) to entrepreneurs. The study ends with conclusions being a synthesis.
In a knowledge-based economy, innovativeness is a quality desired on the labour market. It may increase young people’s employment opportunities. The article discusses the issue of young rural residents’ attitudes towards their own innovativeness. It presents the results of sociological research carried out in 2014–2015 in Łódzkie voivodeship among upper secondary school students from rural areas. Three components of the innovative attitude were analysed: cognitive, emotional/evaluative, and behavioral. The study was carried out using a case study method and an auditorium survey involving a total number of 209 people. On the basis of the study, conclusions were made referring to weak points of young rural residents’ attitude to their own innovativeness, and it was demonstrated that relatively few of them display an innovative attitude.
The subject of analysis is the process of entering the labour market, considered in relation to the rural youth in selected post-communist countries (Poland, Romania, Russia, China and Vietnam). The empirical basis are different types of existing data (scientific monographs, papers, national and international reports, official statistics) collected in an international project funded by the National Science Centre, Poland. Transition from education to satisfactory employment which, at present times, takes almost the whole third decade of young people’s lives, is only an external indication of transformations in the labour markets all over the world. In the analysed group of the countries, Poland is the only case where both using new educational offers and positive valuation of living in the countryside occur to the extent unobserved in other countries; nevertheless, Polish young people also see their life opportunities in the cities where they compete for employment. Rural youth in all the analyzed countries usually represents the type of chaotic careers, situating it in segments of informal work, temporary or self-employment.
Artykuł dotyczy sytuacji grupy młodych osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, którzy po wyprowadzeniu się z domów rodzinnych rozpoczęli nowy etap swojego życia w hostelu dla osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Należy zaznaczyć, iż w krajach skandynawskich hostele takie są powszechnie dostępne i większość osób z niepełnosprawnością po osiągnięciu pełnoletności przeprowadza się do takich domów - w ostatnich latach zamieszkało w nich ponad 5 000 osób. Przeprowadzone badania mieszczą się więc w nurcie współczesnej polityki społecznej Szwecji, w której podkreśla się zwłaszcza idee integracji, normalizacji i zapewnienia możliwości samostanowienia osobom z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Hostel w którym prowadzone były badania składał się z 13 samodzielnych, jednoosobowych pokoi oraz szeregu pomieszczeń wspólnych (pralnia, pokój dzienny, kuchnia, pokój rekreacyjny). W artykule omówiono w szczególny sposób kwestię relacji pomiędzy osobami niepełnosprawnymi, personelem hostelu i rodzicami osób niepełnosprawnych. W prowadzonych badaniach szukano odpowiedzi na pytania o to, jakimi normami i prawami kieruje się młodzież mieszkająca w hostelu, jak kształtują się relacje emocjonalne i zależności międzyosobowe oraz jakie są możliwości samostanowienia mieszkających tam osób. W badaniach zastosowano metodę jakościowej analizy danych, zebranych dzięki trwającej dwa i pół roku obserwacji uczestniczącej oraz 28 wywiadach z mieszkańcami hostelu, ich rodzicami i personelem. Zebrany materiał poddano analizie i zaprezentowano w zakresie następujących zagadnień: uwarunkowania dojrzałości do nowej fazy życia i podjęcia decyzji o zmianie miejsca zamieszkania, warunki powodzenia pierwszych prób samodzielnego zamieszkania osób z niepełnosprawnością, zakres poczucia przynależności, wspólnotowości i niezależności odczuwany podczas mieszkania w hostelu, rola i zakres zadań personelu, możliwości samostanowienia, zakres zależności od personelu i warunki dobrej adaptacji osób niepełnosprawnych i ich rodziców do nowych warunków życia. W podsumowaniu autorka stwierdza, że chociaż możliwość zamieszkania w hostelu jest postrzegana jako szansa samodzielnego życia i samostanowienia dla osoby niepełnosprawnej, pomimo dobrej woli personelu i ich kompetentnej pracy, osoby z niepełnosprawnością mają zbyt mało szans na samodzielne podejmowanie decyzji o własnym życiu i realizację własnych planów. Warunkiem zmiany tej sytuacji może być zmiana relacji społecznych między personelem a mieszkańcami, które w większym stopniu powinny opierać się na zasadach stałości, wzajemności i elastyczności.
This paper aims at presenting the results of studies conducted in Grodziczno municipality in the province of Warmia and Mazury concerning educational barriers and opportunities for lower secondary school youth from areas of former State-owned farms.
The segment of young consumers meets a particular interest on the side of both market researchers and business. As it was noticed in the report Bogactwo mądrości - spełnianie potrzeb starszych konsumentów. “The prevailing in recent decades cult of youth has shaped the way in which firms perceive the consumer. Though at present the bigger and bigger and more and more influential group of consumers are individuals aged 50+, the majority of suppliers of products and services have still been designing and adjusting their offer only to the young generation” (Deloitte, 2012). It is this group of consumers which is perceived as one of potential and innovative consumers. Hence the knowledge of the young people’s financial standing, competences, behaviour is of substantial cognitive and applicative importance. An aim of the article is to present the young Poles’ financial standing in the light of findings of the survey for the National Register of Debts as well as the selected competences of young consumers based on results of the quantitative (main) survey carried out among 1000 Poles (recognised as at least minimally competent) in August 2013, for two groups: individuals aged 18 - 29 accounting for 26% and, for comparison, aged 30 - 39 accounting for 14% of the population surveyed. The survey was carried out with the use of a questionnaire of the survey by the CATI (computer-assisted telephone interview) method. The surveys carried out by NRD show that more than 1/3 of young Poles receive money from parents or family, or have bills paid thereby. Independently able to subsist is every fourth 25 - 30-years old individual and as much as 14% 30-years old ones. Young people are more often satisfied than dissatisfied with their financial standing. Almost every second young Pole is satisfied or very satisfied with their financial standing; only 23% are dissatisfied or highly dissatisfied. As much as 30% of the respondents were unable to evaluate their standing. Young Poles’ households’ incomes are highly diversified. On average, young Poles’ families have at their disposal the amount of 2,669 zlotys per month. Living on credit is for many young people the only possibility to start their independent lives. Almost one half of Poles up to the age of 35 years availed themselves with credits and loans whenever. In turn, the authors’ surveys indicate that financial competences of young Poles require educational activities whose need is indicated by the respondents. Many young people do not plan their budget or special purpose spending, do not prepare a purchase list, although many young people display high self-assessment of their competences as regards finance management. The presented research findings have the cognitive and applicative character. The article is of the research nature.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the nutritional status of 16-18-year-old youth, from the Kuiavia-Pomerania region, on the basis of somatic parameters. The research included 155 girls and 137 boys, attending second and third classes of secondary schools with vocational or general education profile. The nutritional status evaluation was made on the basis of measurements of: body mass and height, skinfolds thickness, arm, waist and hips circumference and the calculated indices: BMI and AMC. The results obtained were interpreted individually with reference to somatic development indices worked out for Warsaw adolescents by Palczewska and Niedźwiecka [2001]. The mean values of somatic parameters obtained in the study for the youth of the Kuiavia-Pomerania indicate proper body sizes, i.e. body height and mass according to age and mass-to-height ratio. Moreover excessive adiposity and too low muscle mass of the studied youth were stated. Such disproportions in body composition were also revealed for youth with undernutrition and overweight. The results obtained suggest the occurrence of irregularities in eating habits and/or improper way of life of the youth, including low physical activity.
In an answer to the survey, 40% of the surveyed girls and 82% of boys declared regular eating of three or four main meals a day. Only 31% of the young people drank milk or milk beverages regularly, and almost half of the surveyed youth ate raw vegetables and fruit every day. Similar percentage had fish as well as poultry in their menu 1–2 times a week and about one fourth of the surveyed group: 3–4 times a week. Snacking (mainly fruit, sandwiches, crisps) between main meals was declared by 85% of the surveyed. As many as 97% of the surveyed young people ate fast food, but at the same time 100% of the surveyed girls and 95% of the boys expressed an opinion that this is not “healthy” food. Most preferred products were: pizza – 76% of the surveyed young people, open cheese and mushroom toasted sandwich with ketchup – 54%, Big Mac – 43%. A convenient form of consumption, attractiveness, taste and accessible price were regarded by most of the surveyed as great advantages of these products.
As far as the member states of the European Union are concerned, it can be said that besides the declining proportion of agricultural workers, even the number of young farmers is constantly decreasing. In the strategy of Europe 2020: The intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth, young agricultural growers are devoted a prominent role as taking the future of agriculture into consideration, this role is essential. In my research I am investigating the young smallholders of the southern region of the Great Hungarian Plain focusing on the young farmers of Homokhátság, as a significant section where there are agricultural properties of land of really poor quality. The farmers in Homokhátság dealing with fruit-and vine-growing or arable vegetable growing have tried to find the most suitable forms of agriculture. These characteristics cannot be found in other territories with poor fertility properties so Homokhátság can be considered as a good example. Having the results, I would like to find answers to questions like what motivated the young farmers to start dealing with agriculture, how they see their prospects for the future and what sorts of challenges they face in our age. According to the opinion of the young farmers, the new land law which came into force on 1st May 2014 did not have a positive influence on the chances of their getting a property of land. Due to the arable prices risen recently only farmers with more capital are able to buy properties. Cooperation is less popular among the youngsters and only some of the respondents were aware of the concept of machinery rings.
Background: The scope of emotional competence and the definition of individual differences therein is still a matter of scientific debate. So, too, is the inclusion of emotional awareness as an important feature of emotional competence. Aim of the study: To explore levels of emotional awareness in relation to a predefined six factors model. This study will also examine the ability to measure emotional competence with empirical research. Material and methods: For this study, a self–report questionnaire (EA Q30) is used to s assesses emotional awareness in children. Here, emotional awareness is described as the “ability of people to differentiate, express, analyze and pay attention to their own emotions and those of others” emotions and those of others”. Participants were recruited as a representative group of N = 27 11-year-old children. Results: We found that scores in two dimensions –‘acting out emotions’ and ‘bodily awareness’, were lower in comparison to the other four dimensions from the emotional awareness measure. Conclusions: Individual differences in emotional awareness have shown to have a significant impact on important life outcomes for children and adolescents, including mental and physical health, successful academic behavior and achievement, and social relationships. It is important to proceed with attempts to measure emotional awareness in young people with valid empirical investigations, and to develop new models for emotional training that are capable of enhancing emotional functioning.
It could be stated of the European Union member states that the proportion of workers in agriculture is steadily declining which in addition is coupled with a low proportion of young farmers. The issue of young farmers and sustainability is a top priority in the strategy “Europe 2020: Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth”, as the importance of young people’s involvement and environmental protection is indispensable to the future of agriculture. In my research, I look at the young farmers of the Homokhátság (Sand Ridge) region of Hungary searching for answers to the challenges young farmers face today in these special areas. How do they deal with environmental protection, how does their farming influence the problem of aridification?
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