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Badano wzrost grzybni na pożywce pszennej i podłożu ze słomy oraz plonowanie 9 kultur krzyżówkowych boczniaka ostrygowatego Pleurotus ostreatus (Fr.) KUMM. Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w Katedrze Warzywnictwa Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu w 2007 i 2008 roku. Przedmiotem badań były kultury krzyżówkowe boczniaka ostrygowatego oznaczone jako: 2/7, 3/19, 5/49, 7/61, 9/73, 11/91, 12/97, 14/10 i 14/127 pochodzące z kolekcji własnej Katedry Warzywnictwa Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu. Wzrost grzybni badano na pożywce agarowej pszennej na szalkach Petriego oraz na podłożu ze słomy w probówkach szklanych. W doświadczeniu uprawowym przeprowadzono ocenę plonowania 3 kultur krzyżówkowych wytypowanych na podstawie wyników badań wzrostu grzybni. Podłoże uprawowe stanowiła słoma pszenna uformowana w bloki o masie jednostkowej 16 kg. Stwierdzono, że badane kultury krzyżówkowe różniły się zarówno pod względem szybkości wzrostu grzybni, jak i wielkości plonu. Na pożywce pszennej najszybszym wzrostem grzybni odznaczała się kultura 14/127, natomiast na podłożu ze słomy pszennej najszybszy wzrost grzybni stwierdzono u kultur oznaczonych jako 14/127, 14/10, 9/73 i 12/97. Spośród kultur krzyżówkowych wytypowanych do doświadczenia uprawowego największym plonem ogólnym i handlowym odznaczała się kultura 14/127, najmniejszym zaś kultura 9/73.
The research draws on 1970-1998 decade rainfall, maximum, minimum and average air temperature, relative air humidity recorded at 1 p.m. and insolation; all of them reported by 6 Meteorological Office (IMGW) stations and by one agricultural meteorological station and on spring wheat yielding reports provided by Provincial Statistical Office (WUS). Multiple regression was used to define the relationship between yield and weather components over respective periods. The regression equations developed for the Zachodnie Pomorze Province can be applied to forecast spring wheat yielding. Preliminary forecasts are available late in May, whereas precise forecasts late in June and July.
The study was conducted from 2013 to 2015 on 10–13-year-old apple trees cv. ‘Szampion’ (M.9. rootstock) in experimental orchard of Department of Pomology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin. On the trees intensively flowering in 2013, the thinning treatments were performed as follows: thinning at the pink bud stage to the 50% of flower clusters leaving only a king flower in the remaining flower clusters; thinning at the pink bud stage to the 50% of flower clusters leaving only one lateral flower in the remaining flower clusters, thinning 4 weeks after full bloom to the 50% of fruit clusters leaving only a fruit from king flower in the remaining fruit clusters, thinning 4 weeks after full bloom to the 50% of fruit clusters leaving only one fruit from lateral flower in the remaining fruit clusters. Intensively flowering control trees in 2013 and poorly flowering trees in 2013 were left unthinned. The best results in terms of regularity of yielding and high-quality fruits after thinning at pink bud stage to king flower, were obtained. The largest fluctuations in yields were observed with the control tree that flowered poorly in the beginning of the study. It was found that the cultivar ‘Szampion’ is characterized by equal distribution of fruits in lower and middle parts of crown, however in the top of crown, the amount of fruits is significantly lower. Apples with the largest mean fruit weight were from spurs on wood older than two years. However the best flesh firmness, soluble solids and dry matter content was detected in fruits from brindles.
In 2008–2010, in the field experiment, the yield and quality of lavender flowers in organic cultivation were tested. The experiment was established in four different locations in Poland. The following features were evaluated: fresh and dried flower yields, seed yield, weight of 1 000 kernels, essential oil content and its composition and microbiological contamination. Lavender flower yield from organic experiments was higher compared with the yield from conventional cultivation. The content of essential oil in organic lavender flowers was lower then that from conventional ones. The content of essential oil and its composition of lavender flowers did not depend on localization. The satisfied yield of lavender seeds was obtained in organic experiments. The investigated lavender raw materials were below the level of standard contamination for raw materials treated with hot water (A) according to European Pharmacopoeia 7.0.
Studies were carried out in 2003–2005. The dependence between harvest date and yielding of marjoram (cv. ‘Miraż’) was investigated. The plantation was set from a seedling produced in a greenhouse. Plants were set in 30 × 40 cm spacing. Two weeks after setting, part of plants were cut and shoot tips with the first leaf pair were removed. The herb harvest was made twice: in the middle of July and at the end of August. Ground herb was subjected to determinations of essential oils. Qualitative and quantitative composition of marjoram oil was determined by means of gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The harvest date had significant influence on marjoram yielding. Higher yield of a fresh herb was achieved at the end of August (44.6 dt.ha⁻¹) than in the middle of July (30.5 dt.ha⁻¹). The essential oil content in the herb of marjoram cv. ‘Miraż’ was 1.7–2.2%. Trans-sabinene hydrate, terpinen-4-ol, and sabinene dominated in marjoram essential oil.
Light is an important factor deciding about yielding and morphological characters of Pleurotus carpophores. The objective of the research was to ascertain the impact of period and intensity of lighting on yielding and carpophore morphological features of four strains of oyster mushroom. The following strains were investigated: P. ostreatus: PX, K22 and P80 strains, P. pulmonarius: P20 strain. Fluorescent lamps with Day-Light were used to provide light in the cultivation room. The following lighting periods were used: 6, 10 and 14 hours/day and the applied lighting intensity included: 100, 300, 500 and 700 lx. Lighting exerted a significant impact on yielding. The highest carpophore crop was recorded when the applied lighting intensity was 500 and 700 lx for the period of 14 h/d. The highest mean mass of carpophores was recorded at 14-hour light exposure and 500 and 700 lx lighting intensity. Carpophore morphological features modified by the lighting period and its intensity included the cap diameter as well as the length and thickness of the stem.
The studies conducted in the years 2004–2006 in a production orchard in the habitat conditions of the Sandomierska Upland showed that the trees budded on the seedlings of wild cherry grew more strongly than on Colt rootstock. No significant differences were observed between the rootstocks as for the trunk thickness and the crown size of young trees planted in 2001. In the group of trees planted in 1996, which were in the period of full fruiting, the crowns of trees budded on wild cherry were significantly bigger than on Colt rootstock. No significant differences were found out in the yielding of trees on wild cherry and Colt rootstock. Considerable differences in the yielding between the studied years in the group of young trees with systematic increasion was effected by increase of crown. ‘Kordia’ cv. is a valuable cultivar for Sandomierska Upland. It begins late the fruiting period (the first commercial yield in the fifth year after planting); however, it gives attractive fruits and high productivity of trees.
The effect of infections with Trichoderma aggressivum f. europaeum on the yielding of seven wild and one commercial strain of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach. was investigated. Wild strains of the mushroom were derived from natural habitats of Poland. The cultivation substrate was inoculated with two different isolates of T. aggressivum f. europaeum Th2. It was found that infections of the substrate with these isolates resulted in a very serious decrease in mushroom yield. The examined mushroom strains showed different reactions to the infections with Trichoderma isolates.
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