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Field studies were carried out in the 2004 – 2005 growing seasons. The mycological analysis of malting barley (varieties Prestige and Sezam) grains was performed twice: on seeds stored for 30 days and on seeds stored for fi ve months. The infl uence of fungicide treatment on species diversity and the amount of fungal pathogens on kernels of both varieties of malting barley were determined in the studies. Main fungal pathogens of both varieties of malting barley were fi eld fungal species, such as: Alternaria alternata, Epicocum purpurascens, and fungi of the genus Fusarium. The extension of the grain storage period to fi ve months resulted in an increased share of pathogenic species.
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) is an important medicinal plant. Achenes of milk thistle contain sylimarin, protecting liver cells against toxic compounds. The aim of the research was to find an optimum method of evaluation of milk thistle seed germination. Ten seed samples were tested. The seeds were germinated: on top of blotter paper, on top of blotter paper after seed disinfection, between pleated blotter paper, in rolled blotter paper and in sand. Germination at the first and final counts, the percentages of abnormal seedlings and dead seeds were determined. The correlation coefficients between seed germination, evaluated with various methods, and seedling emergence were calculated. Moreover, fungi associated with seeds and diseased seedlings were identified. The lowest percentage of normal seedlings was observed after germination on the top of blotter. Highly significant positive correlations were noted between seedling emergence and seed germination at the final count evaluated in rolled paper, between pleated paper and in sand. The fungi from genera:Alternaria, Fusarium, Penicillium, Trichoderma, Ulocladium and Verticillium were frequently identified on seeds and seedlings. Infestation with fungi significantly affected milk thistle seed germination and plant emergence. Germination in rolled blotter paper may be recommended for evaluation of milk thistle seed germination, as the most practical and significantly correlated with seedling emergence.
The present study investigated the effect of different soil moisture content levels (60 – 70% SWC (soil water capacity) – control; 30 – 35% SWC – water stress) on yields, gas exchange parameters, seed health, and protein fractions of husked oat grain. The study showed that water deficit resulted in a decrease in grain weight per plant and a reduction in the gas exchange rates, primarily the photosynthesis and transpiration rates. Cladosporium cladosporioides was the dominant species on oat kernels in both experimental treatment options and in both years of the study. The presence of Fusarium poae was also found. Higher contents of prolamin, albumin and globulin fractions were found in the oat grain harvested from plants grown under soil water deficit conditions.
The present pot experiment studied the effect of different soil moisture contents (60 – 70% CWC (capillary water capacity) – control; 30 – 35% CWC – water stress) on buckwheat productivity, the gas exchange parameters and health of buckwheat nuts. It was found that water deficit affected adversely certain biometric features investigated (plant height, number of nuts per cluster) and caused a decrease in seed weight per plant. It was also shown that water stress reduced the values of the investigated gas exchange parameters (photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate, intercellular-space CO2 concentration, and stomatal conductance) relative to the control treatment. Different soil moisture contents did not have a clear effect on fungal colonization of seeds. The multiplex PCR assays did not enable the detection of the genes responsible for mycotoxin synthesis. Under water deficit conditions, an increase was found in the content of albumin and globulin fractions as well as of glutelin fractions.
Priming is a treatment applied for seed enhancement. Brassica vegetable seeds are commonly affected by Alternaria brassicicola. The changes in germination and vigour of kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes L.) seeds subjected to two priming methods in the presence of A. brassicicola were investigated. The following treatments were applied: uninoculated non-primed seeds (control), seeds inoculated with A. brassicicola (2∙104 spores ml-1), uninoculated and inoculated seeds hydroprimed for 1–2 days, and uninoculated and inoculated seeds osmoprimed for 1–4 days. The percentage of germinating seeds, germination capacity, the percentages of diseased seedlings and dead seeds were determined. The speed of germination, tetrazolium staining index, and electrical conductivity described seed vigour. The presence of A. brassicicola on/in seeds was confirmed on CW semiselective agar. Osmopriming was conducive to penetration of A. brassicicola into kohlrabi seeds. The presence of the fungus had no influence on the percentage of germinating seeds, but a significantly lower germination capacity and a higher percentage of diseased seedlings and dead seeds were observed after inoculation. Non-primed inoculated seeds germinated faster than uninoculated ones. Despite the presence of A. brassicicola, osmotic priming improved seed vigour as measured by the speed of seed germination and electrical conductivity. The results of the tetrazolium vigour test showed its limited usefulness for seeds heavily infected with A. brassicicola.
Seeds of the Andean lupine are characterised by high nutritional value, and the plant could become an important crop in the production of food and forage. This legume continues to attract growing interest around the world. A field experiment was carried out in in Lower Silesia, Poland, in 2011-2012. Two Andean lupine morphotypes (indeterminate and determinate) were analysed. Andean lupine was grown in treatments characterised by different sowing dates and plant density per m2. Seed yield, macronutrient content, protein content and health were evaluated at harvest. Seed yield was determined by the interaction of all experimental factors. The indeterminate form produced a significantly higher yield than the determinate form, regardless of the sowing date. The factors had little influence on the mineral content of seeds and total protein content. Andean lupine seeds were colonised mostly by saprotrophic fungi of the genera Alternaria, Cladosporium, Epicoccum and Rhizopus and pathogenic fungi of the genera Botrytis, Colletotrichum and Fusarium. Delayed sowing contributed to seed colonisation by fungi of the genus Colletotrichum. The determinate form was more susceptible to infection than the indeterminate form. Molecular analysis showed that the Colletotrichum isolates found in the study belong to the Colletotrichum acutatum species complex. The pathogen causing lupine anthracnose, isolated from the seeds of Andean lupine in the present study, was identified as Colletotrichum lupini (within C. acutatum complex) in a molecular analysis, and its DNA sequence was compared with those of the isolates deposited in the GenBank.
Celem pracy było ustalenie zależności pomiędzy zawartością związków taninowych w nasionach, a zdolnością kiełkowania, wigorem i zdrowotnością oraz określenie wpływu tanin na wschody polowe, zdrowotność i produktywność roślin. Doświadczenia prowadzono z użyciem nasion 6 form bobiku o zróżnicowanej genetycznie zawartości tanin, zebranych w 1998, 1999 i 2000 roku. Wybrano formy niskotaninowe powszechnie uważane za beztaninowe (Caspar i BKSK 1074) o zawartości tanin od 0,03 do 0,14% i wysokotaninowe (Rajan, Titus, Tim, Bronto) o zawartości tanin od 0,88 do 1,69% w suchej masie. W doświadczeniu laboratoryjnym oceniano skład chemiczny, zdolność kiełkowania, wigor i zdrowotność nasion. W warunkach polowych określano wschody, zdrowotność roślin oraz plon nasion i jego strukturę. Nasiona bobiku o śladowej zawartości tanin, zależnie od roku zbioru, kiełkowały słabiej (o około 12%) i słabiej wschodziły w polu (o około 10%) oraz odznaczały się na ogół niższym wigorem niż nasiona o wysokiej zawartości tych związków. Zdrowotność nasion niskotaninowych była słabsza niż wysokotaninowych. Natomiast zdolność kiełkowania (r = 0,64) i wigor nasion określony metodą elektroprzewodnictwa (r = -0,59) oraz w warunkach stresowych cold-testu (r = 0,52) były istotnie skorelowane z zawartością tanin w nasionach. Uzyskane wyniki badań sugerują, że nasiona o zmniejszonej zawartości tanin nie tylko słabiej kiełkują, ale też są mniej odporne na niekorzystne warunki środowiska. Reasumując można stwierdzić, że udział związków taninowych w kształtowaniu zdolności kiełkowania, zdrowotności i odporności nasion bobiku na stresy środowiskowe wydaje się być znaczący, chociaż zależny od roku zbioru.
Evaluation of the influence of fraction by sieves of lovage seeds (Levisticum officinale Koch.) on their quality - weight, germination capacity and vigor was the main aim of the experi­ment. It was ascertained that there was no impact of seeds fraction on the seeds germina­tion rate: MGT, T25 i T50. The size of seeds, depending on the year, had an influence on the percentage of germinating seeds (maximum germination, Gmax), germination capacity as well as the amount of deformed and diseased seedlings, healthy non-germinated seeds and dead seeds. There was a visible decrease of seed quality in the third year of their stor­age comparing to seeds preserved in shorter time. There was an elongation in the time of seeds germination (MGT, T25 i T^) and a decrease of Gmax. Deterioration of their quality referred also to the germination capacity which drastically diminished mainly due to the decrease of dead seed number.
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