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The Eurasian beaver Castor fiber Linnaeus, 1758 deposit castor fluid (castoreum) and/or anal gland secretion at scent mounds in their territory year round. We investi­gated the hypothesis that during winter Eurasian beavers may intensify use of scent, in year round ice-free water systems, during the breeding season. This study showed that the median number of scent marks in 7 territories increased significant ly in the breeding (January-March 1996}, compared to the nonbreeding portion of winter (October- -Decemher 1995), which is consistent with our prediction. The median number of scent marks was significantly higher during February, compared to January and March. This may be due to females approaching or being in oestrous in our study area during February. Further studies are, however, needed to clarify how information in scent marks are coded and transmitted during the breeding season.
Searching for spraints (excrements) and tracks is widely used for monitoring of European populations of otters Lutra lutra. Data collected in Central and Eastern Poland were analysed in order to evaluate the environmental factors affecting the detection of otter signs during field surveys. At each out of 1111 sites studied from 1996–1998 numbers of otter spraints and tracks as well as distance searched to detect first sign were noted. At each site several environmental variables were recorded to identify factors that may have affected the survey results. The variation in numbers of spraints and tracks found at each positive site was not related to the habitat quality and any other habitat features (including tree and shrub cover, presence of potential shelters) analysed, except the number of tracks was positively related to bridge potential. The distance searched was the most variable indicator of otter occurrence. It increased with the width of river and at sites with few potential sprainting sites, with bridges of poor potential or with no bridges at all, and where many signs of human and domesticated animals activity were noted. The results indicate that detection of otter signs is partially affected by specific elements unrelated to habitat potential and therefore numbers of spraints should not be used as an indicator of otter habitat preference. At a regional scale variation in number of spraints and tracks, as well as distance searched was related to otter occupancy expressed in the form of percentage of positive sites at three study areas. This study shows that measuring the distance searched provides additional indication of otter status at a regional scale and could be used to identify specific habitats where detection of otter signs during surveys is difficult.
Scats are important for chemical communication in many canids, however, little is known about the faecal marking behaviour in coyotes. In this study we tested if faeces have a function as visual and scent marks during the non-breeding period, analyzing the spatial characteristics of defecation places. We predicted that if faeces are used as chemical signals, these should be deposited in substrates and/or zones that enhance their detection by conspecifics as it happens in other canid species. The study was conducted in native grasslands at the NW limit of the Chihuahuan Desert. Results showed that the proportion of faeces in conspicuous zones (91.3%) was significantly higher than those on inconspicuous zones (8.7%). However, the number of faeces deposited on inconspicuous substrates (92.1%) was significantly higher than on conspicuous substrates (7.9%). Most faeces were on the ground (99.2%) and only 0.8% where raised. 35% of faeces were deposited in crossroads, being these strategic zones repeatedly marked by the coyotes. We observed a significant negative correlation between the number of faeces in crossroads and the distance of faeces to the centre of the crossroad. A high number of scats were found in the proximity of livestock carcasses (21%). In addition, a selection of certain road sections (track and lateral) was observed. Our results suggest that the scats have an important function as scent-marks in coyotes, using specific defecation patterns that appear to correspond to the habitat characteristics in the study area.
Two types of scent marking behaviour are described in male Chinese water deer Hydropotes inerrnis Swinhoe, 1870 in their natural habitat in Jiangxi, China. Of all marking events, forehead-rubbing accounted for 13.6%, and urination with defaecation and/or pawing with the forefeet accounted for 86.4%. Urine was the most frequently used marking material. During the mating season, bucks seemed to reduce the size of each pellet group to increase marking frequency. A higher proportion of pellet groups was deposited together in the mating season than the non-mating season. Marking occurred more frequently near the borders than on the inner areas of territories.
Numerous authors indicate a significant role of chemical information (scent) left in the environment in communication between individuals in natural mammal populations. The basic functions of olfactory signals in small forest rodents are believed to include information related to reproduction: identification of sex, age, sexual status and social position of prospective sexual partners. It seems that scent-marking of movement routes thus creating a network of scent trails in the environment, channelling animal movements and making finding the way easier (particularly in case of long-distance movements) is another very important function of scent marking. Some examples of field experiments that confirmed the concept of scent trails are presented and discussed. However, some experiments suggest that besides the use of olfactory information animals have also other possibilities of finding the way in unknown space.
We examined the histological structure of 8 skin areas thought to contain cutaneous glands of potential importance in scent communication in 16 brown brocket deer Mazama gouazoubira Fisher, 1814, using standard histological techniques. Frontal areas and preorbital sacs had scant glandular development. Sebaceous gland development was prominent in vestibular nasal glands and prepucial glands. Apocrine sudoriferous glands and sebaceous glands were well developed in tarsal glands, the caudal skin area and the interdigital glands of front and hind feet. The tail had a unique arrangement of apocrine sudoriferous glands. Anal glands had moderate glandular development, and metatarsal glands were absent. Several of these glandular areas may be important in the chemical communication among brocket deer.
Latrines are a key element of maintenance behaviour in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), as well as a very important source of social and territorial information. On the other hand, its location probably carries significant costs associated with risk of predation. This study focuses on the factors involved in the spatial distribution of rabbit latrines in a suburban Mediterranean forest in Madrid (central Spain). In total, 167 latrines associated to 15 burrows were analyzed and the following information recorded: distance from each latrine to the burrow, ease of transit between each latrine and the burrow, visibility from the latrine and plant cover around the latrine. Our results show that, although all these factors are involved in the latrines disposition, their specific weight in the same was unequal, being ease of transit, visibility and plant cover more important than the distance between the latrines and the burrow.
Chemical signals are widely used in inter and intraspecific communication in many animals. The importance of scent marks in communication has led to a variety of strategies in animals to increase the detectability and persistence of their scent marks. We studied the scent marking of foxes in relation to the role of plants as scent posts in a suburban Mediterranean forest in Madrid. Twice a month, from October 2005 to April 2006, we prospected 16 fixed 50  50 m plots, randomly distributed along the study area. We registered all fox faeces and their association to different plants, as well as the potential availability of the different plant species in our study area. Our results indicate that faeces were associated with plants mainly in the clearings, foxes preferred wooden species to grasses as scent posts and holm oak shrubs and rockroses to other wooden species. These data suggest that red foxes select certain plants as substrates for their faeces and pose the possibility that they are guided by searching images when looking for scent posts.
The paper addresses the following issues: (1) does the bank vole response to odours of other rodent species by urine and faeces marking (2) does this reaction depend on the species, (3) does the amount of odour influence the marking, and (4) the response of bank voles to the presence of heterospecifics, and its comparison with the response of marking the odour deposited by these species. The study was conducted in a Ribo nigri-Alnetum swamp located in the Kampinos National Park, central Poland (52°20’N and 27°25’E). To observe scent marking, white paper sheets (15 × 21 cm) supplied with sponges (1cm³) soaked in odour of particular rodent species were exposed in the forest along a line ca 1200 m long. Odour donors were countryside species: a) phylogenetically close to the bank vole, such as Microtus agrestis (L.) and M. oeconomus (Pallas), b) sympatric, such as Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior) and A. sylvaticus (Melchior), or occupying a different habitat A. agrarius (Pallas), and allopatric species such as Meriones unguiculatus (Milne-Edwards), Mesocricetus auratus (Waterhouse), and Octodon degus (Bennet). Also sheets with the odour of bank vole and control sheets without odour were exposed. Marking was analysed basing on the number of marked sheets (marking extensity), and on the number of urine and faeces marks on sheets (marking intensity). During the three study years, a high marking extensity was observed for the odours of phylogenetically close species. The odours of sympatric species were marked less frequently and with a higher variability in successive years. The lowest marking extensity was found for geographically alien (allopatric) species. The mean number of marks per sheet did not differ significantly between the species. To examine the effect of odour quantity on marking, a line (ca 630 m long) made up of sheets provided with 1, 3, and 5 sponges with M. oeconomus and C. glareolus odour, and of control sheets was established. The increase in the number of sponges with heterospecific odour had no effect on the extensity and intensity of marking. Significant difference in marking extensity, but not in marking intensity, was found in the case of conspecific odour. The response of bank voles to the presence of heterospecifics was examined based on the number of captures in double-traps with a live individual. In the forest, a line of 30 double-traps placed every 10 m was established, containing single M. oeconomus, A. flavicollis, or C. glareolus. Bank voles were more often captured in traps with conspecifics than with heterospecofics. Thus, bank voles avoid encounters with heterospecifics but they do not avoid marking their odour (marking the heterospecific odour was not lower than marking conspecifics and control). It may suggest that under natural conditions, interspecific communication is largely mediated through olfactory cues.
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