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The first Polish winter triticale variety Lasko successfuly cultivated in Europe has been bred 15 years ago. From that moment, the advantageous traits of this new cereal crop, passed triticale from the marginal importance to the positions equal to the other cereals in Poland. In 1996 the triticale was cultivated in Poland on 621 thousand ha (in some regions its percentage in cereal acreage increased to 15%) and the grain production exceeded 2000 thousand tons. Because of its high feeding value the grain yield was almost totaly used for animals feed. The paper presents some current problems of winter triticale production and utilization.
Wheat response to residual fertilization of Zn was investigated in 74 field experiment with Zn rates: 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 kg·ha-1. For 34 in 74 cases a signifi­cant yield increase after Zn application into soil was received. The rate of 5 kg Zn·ha⁻¹ Zn, applied one year before wheat, was too low and didn't give any yield increase. Three other rates of 10, 15 and 20 kg·ha⁻¹ applied at the same time caused similar, about 10% yield increase of wheat grain. Positive response of wheat to Zn fertilization was connected with too low Zn : P and Zn : Cu ratios in soil.
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