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Background: Functioning in a peer group plays an important role in child development. Building self-esteem of children depends on many factors such as physical health, self-evaluation of their physical performance, academic achievement, social support, family relationships, as well as relationships with peers and teachers. Importance of contacts with peers increases during school-age. At this time children are not able to reject the opinion of other people and subject their behaviour completely to the expectations of their peers. When the need for emotional contact is not satisfied, the complex of being different appears. Isolation within group causes a sense of inferiority, the child becomes passive and resigned. Children, who are chronically ill, rejected or isolated often follow negative emotions in their actions, they become aggressive towards other children or do not want to continue learning. Often the decision about an individual teaching plan results in further isolation of the child. The child’s position in the peer group affects the developing personality, self-confidence and self-esteem. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to determine the interpersonal relationships of young school-aged children with type 1 diabetes in their peer groups. Material and methods: The study was conducted on children with type 1 diabetes and their parents, who are supervised by Clinic of Diabetes, Regional Medical Center in Opole. The research tool used in both groups was a questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions elaborated by the authors of this study. Results: 73% (41) of evaluated children declared that diabetes does not hinder their performance at school. 93% (55) children claimed that they do not hide their condition from their peers. In addition, 61% (34) talk about their illness with their peers and 69% (38) of them can count on their peers’ help in self-control of diabetes. 71.9% (46) of parents of children with type 1 diabetes allow their children to participate in school trips and 68.8% (44) to participate in school competitions. Conclusions: In most children, diabetes does not affect children’s performance at school. They participate in classes, are accepted and liked in their peer group. Chronically ill children should be able to participate in all types of activities as much as their healthy peers. It seems necessary to continue studies on performance of young school-aged children with type 1 diabetes in their peer group.
Isochromosome 18p results in tetrasomy 18p. Most of the i(18p) cases reported so far in the literature are sporadic due to de novo formation, while familial and mosaic cases are infrequent. It is a rare chromosomal abnormality, occurring once in every 140 000 livebirths, affecting males and females equally. In the present investigation, we report a de novo i(18p) in a female dysmorphic child. The small metacentric marker chromosome was confirmed as i(18p) in the proband by cytogenetic and FISH analysis [47,XX + i(18p)]. Cytogenetic investigations in the family members revealed normal chromosome numbers, indicating the case as a de novo event of i(18p) formation. It could be due to the somewhat advanced maternal age (32 years) and/or expression of recessive genes in the proband, who is the progeny of consanguineous marriage, which could have led to misdivision and nondisjunction of chromosome 18 in meiosis I, followed by failure in the chromatid separation of 18p in meiosis II and by inverted duplication.
Prezentowane wyniki badań obejmują wypowiedzi rodziców studentów ART w Olsztynie na temat decyzji o podjęciu studiów, oczekiwań wobec dzieci po ukończeniu studiów. Analiza zebranych materiałów pozwala stwierdzić, że podstawowym motywem kierowania przez rodziców dzieci na studia jest przede wszystkim troska o przygotowanie do atrakcyjnego zawodu. Ankietowani rodzice oczekują, a ich dzieci po ukończeniu studiów uzyskają zadowolenie i satysfakcję w przyszłej pracy zawodowej, usamodzielnienie i niezależność materialną. Większość (53,8%) rodziców nie oczekuje w przyszłości żadnej - szczególnie materialnej - pomocy ze strony kształconych obecnie dzieci, a ci, którzy na tę pomoc liczą, ograniczają ją do ogólnej opieki.
The high infant mortality rate in Poland is influenced primarily by an excessive number of low-weight births, which are most often associated with prematurity. Among important causes of premature, we have to name economic situation, women' health condition during progenitive period and also their vices. Patients and methods. 100 questionnaires, obtained from the parents preterm children during hospitalization in the Deparment of Paediatric Propedeutics by the years 1995-1998, were analysed. The following data were collected: number and course of gestation (and also vices) and delivery, data about sibilings, data about parents (age, place of birth, origin, place of residence, level of education, profession) and apartment's conditions. Results. We obtained results: the great percentage of mothers presented pathology of gestation period: young mothers - 18%, teenage mothers 5.5%, with body weight deficit (Body Mass Index <19) - 26%, smoking cigarettes - 25%. The majority number of families had bad apartments' condition. Conclusions. The high rate of mothers of preterm babies presented pathology of pregnancies.
The aim of this studies was to find out how often families with young children buy milk and whether the parents are interested in school offer of milk. One hundred and three parents of the children attending the junior level of the primary school in Letovice, The Czech Republic, were taking part in the research. The research was taken in question-forms. The whole form included 13 questions, however the thesis supplies answers to only some of them. It was found out that prevalent majority of the families of the focused group of pupils lives in the city. The questioned families had mostly four members: a mother, a father and two children. To the question how often they buy milk, most families answered "seldom". It is mostly families of four who buy milk on a daily basis (this was stated by as much as 10% of questioned families of four members). Yoghurts are bought by families with four members mostly a few times a week (32% of questioned families of four answered so) or daily (15.5% of questioned families of four answered so). To the question ascertaining the parents' interest, as the case may be, in supplying milk and dairy products for a consideration to the children directly at school, 78 parents answered in the affirmative, which is 75.7% of respondents. It means that the parents are interested in state-aided school milk.
The popularity of seven groups of processed foodstuffs (soups, dinners, pulverized fruits and vegetables, desserts, dairy desserts, juices, teas) for infants and small children aged 4 months up to 3 years, available on the market and comprising a total of 154 products, was investigated in this study. A survey was carried out in the group of 100 individuals. They were mothers and fathers bringing their children to crèche as well as buying analysed products. Among 24 soups vegetable soup with rabbit meat, vegetable soup and vegetable soup with chicken turned out to be most popular, as they were bought by 26%, 25% and 24% parents, respectively. In the group of second courses the most popular included vegetable with rabbit meat (19%), vegetables with lamb and groats (17%) and lamb in vegetable stew (16%). The most popular pulverized fruits and vegetables included apple (32%), apple with blueberries (27%), carrot and apple (26%) and carrot, apple and forest berries (23%). In the group of fruit and cereal desserts mango with banana and passion fruit juice turned out to be the most popular (22%), while among dairy desserts it was vanilla dessert (23%). Out of 30 kinds of juices, parents purchased most frequently carrot and apple juice (52%) and apple juice (37%), while in the group of teas it was fennel tea as well as camomile tea and herbal tea for colds. A total of 33% and 29% parents, respectively, bought the above mentioned teas. Most respondents were of the opinion that the taste of these products was slightly inferior to those prepared at home and the price was too high, but they bought them for their convenience
Na podstawie badań ankietowych obejmujących 839 uczniów klas pierwszych liceów ogólnokształcących można stwierdzić, że zarówno rodzice uczniów państwowych liceów, jak i społecznych liceów nie zawsze w pełni zaspokajają potrzeby emocjonalne dziecka.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania nad efektywnością programu edukacji żywieniowej zrealizowanego w wybranych szkołach podstawowych w Warszawie. Analiza dotyczy wpływu tego programu na wiedzę i zachowania żywieniowe rodziców dzieci, które w nim uczestniczyły. Stwierdzono, że edukacja żywieniowa dzieci realizowana w szkołach, może być jedną z efektywnych metod edukacji żywieniowej ich rodziców.
The study was conducted in the Lake Karaś reserve (N Poland), where the density of Willow Warblers in osier and birch thickets reached 28.7-33.3 p/10 ha. Collar rings were used to collect the food brought to the nestlings. 487 food samples were collected from 26 nests, comprising 2573 food items. 167 of the samples were from females (652 individual food items), 95 from males (616 food items). The nestlings were fed mainly on Arthropoda (94.6%) and Mollusca (5.4%). The dominant food items were Diptera (29.8%), Homoptera (28.7%), Ephemeroptera (10.5%), Araneida (7.6%) and Trichoptera, (6.5%). The composition of the dominant food items and the average mass of food deliveries changed markedly with nestling growth. The types of food brought by each sex also varied significantly. Males brought heavier portions of food consisting of larger numbers of lighter prey. However, the composition of these portions was not as diverse as those brought by females. This may be related to differences between males and females in their respective territories and foraging techniques.
Wprowadzenie. Ze względu na to, że stosowanie suplementów diety stało się bardzo popularne, producenci tych środków spożywczych wprowadzają na rynek coraz więcej preparatów przeznaczonych wyłącznie dla dzieci, co w konsekwencji może prowadzić do ryzyka związanego z przedawkowaniem niektórych składników odżywczych. Cel badań. Celem pracy było określenie czynników warunkujących stosowanie suplementów witaminowo/mineralnych u dzieci 6-12 letnich. Metoda. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą ankietową wśród rodziców 743 dzieci uczęszczających do szkół podstawowych. Suplementy diety w ciągu roku poprzedzającego badanie otrzymywało 40% badanych dzieci, natomiast 16,7% w dniu badania. Wyniki. Stwierdzono, że kobiety z wyższym i średnim wykształceniem częściej podawały dzieciom tego typu preparaty (43% i 40% odpowiednio). Suplementy otrzymywało więcej dzieci z umiarkowanym lub niewielkim niedoborem masy ciała (54,2%) w porównaniu do dzieci z poważnym niedoborem (29,7%) lub otyłością (25,8%); dzieci cierpiące na choroby przewlekłe (56%) w porównaniu do zdrowych (37%); uczestniczące w pozalekcyjnych zajęciach sportowych (49%) w porównaniu do nieuczestniczących (35%) oraz z bardziej prawidłowym sposobem żywienia. Jednoczesne stosowanie suplementów z produktami wzbogaconymi zaobserwowano u 34% badanych. Wnioski. Decyzję o suplementacji rodzice często podejmowali samodzielnie (dla 67% preparatów), 31% preparatów po konsultacji z lekarzem. Konieczna jest edukacja dzieci i ich rodziców na temat stosowania suplementów diety i ryzyka z tym związanego.
Przedmiotem prezentowanej pracy jest ocena poziomu wiedzy na temat znaczenia aktywności fizycznej dla zachowania zdrowia. Badaniom poddani zostali rodzice dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, którzy wcześniej brali udział w programie edukacyjnym pt.: „Przedszkole promuje aktywność fizyczną". Zastosowaną w pracy techniką badań byl wywiad.
Соответствующие исследования казались выявления зависимостей между возрастом родителей и выбранными показателями роста и шерстной продуктивности их потомства. Анализировали двухлетний период жизни женского потомства кентской породы, выводящегося из одиночных пометов, от родителей в 2-6-летнем возрасте, спариваемых в различных возрастных комбинациях. В конечном счете создано 25 групп родительских пар и проводились исследования их потомства в количестве 1215 голов. В результате установлено существенное влияние возраста родителей на рост потомства, оцениваемое на основании веса тела в 2- и 100-дневном и 12-месячном возрасте. Самый легкий приплод дали 2-летние бараны спариваемые с овцематками всех возрастных классов, а самый тяжелый был получен от родителей в возрасте 3, 4 и 5 лет спариваемых между собой. На установлена статистическая зависимость между возрастом используемых для репродукции родителей, ни массой и глубиной потной шерсти происходящих от них ярок в 1-ом и 2-ом году их эксплуатации.
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