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New Phoma species on Leonurus cardiaca

Two species of Phoma obtained from motherwort Leonurus cardiacaL., during mycological analyses attendant upon three-years study connected healthiness of the plants. Isolates of Phoma capitulum were obtained from roots, whereas Phoma septicidalis from roots and leaves. Description in vitro, photos of morphological structures and distribution of Phoma spp. are given. This is the first report of P. capitulum and P. septicidalis on motherwort in Poland.
The occurrence and elements of morphology of P. negriana Thüm. were studied. The fungus cultures were isolated from grapevine canes cultivated in South–East Poland. Grapevine stems from which the cultures of P. negriana were obtained showed symptoms of necrosis and bark crashes. The species of the fungus was identified on the basis of pycnidia and conidia morphology, the character of colonies growth and biochemical features of the studied isolates.
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The occurrence of Atriplex littoralis L. in Poland

The Atriplex littoralis L. is a rare and endangered species in Poland and many other countries in Europe. In Poland it is mainly found on the west coast and also rarely in central parts. It has been seen in Puck Bay and the Gulf of Gdańsk as well as in Hel Peninsula. The grassleaf orache is a halophyte, terophyte and a sunlight-loving plant. Data shows that apart from on the coast, this species may also appear in inland areas, for example on ruderal habitats such as roadsides. The results of our observations confirm the presence of the species on beaches and rocky bank reinforcement, with accumulation of annual vegetation in the Hel Peninsula and Puck Bay. Five sites, where Atriplex littoralis specimens occur have been found. In each site 1 to 15 specimens where found, in total 31. Five phytosociological relevés were made within the floristically poor patches of Matricario maritimae-Atriplicetum littoralis (Christiansen 1933) R.Tx. 1950. This association represents the protected type of habitat: Annual vegetation of drift lines (1210).
Within 1992-2000. a total of 181 Białowieża Forest bison were examined from two winter herds. Twelf parasitic arthropod species were observed, a high infestation being typical of Demodex bisonianus, Chorioptes bovis, Ixodes ricinlls, Dermacentor reticulatus, and Bisonicola sedecimdecembrii. The infestation in section 422 herd being higher for B. sedecimdecembrii, I. ricinus, D, reticulatus, Ch. Bovis, D. bisonianus was slightly more prevalent in the section 391 herd, the intensity being, however, lower than that in the other herd. Among the remaining arthropods found in the Białowieża Forest European bison, some Lipoptena cervi occurred in both herds. Demodex sp. and Sarcoptes scabiei were recorded only in the section 422 herd, Ixodes persulcatus was present only in the section 391 bison and those kept in the reservation, while D. bovis, Psoroptes ovis. and Melophagus ovinus were found in the reserve bison only. In the present study, the largest differences in the extent of infestation involved the hair-dwelling arthropods (B. sedecimdecembrii, I. ricinus).
Prostaglandins have been already pretty well rccognized as metabolic regulators in vertebebrata tissues mainly in mammals. Less reports concerned the occurrence of prostaglandins in invertebrates. In the present review we summarise literature data about the presence of prostaglandins and other eicosanoids in various groups of parasites and their possible role in hostparasite interaction. Prostaglandins have also been found in very primitive organisms as bacteria, varions plants and protozoa. We summarise that prostaglandins seem to be a very ancient group, going back to the roots of evolution. They are as universal in cell physiology as DNA in genetics. In host-parasiter eicosanoids also parasitic origin, play an important role as a modulators of hosts immune responsiveness.
In this work are presented the results of investigations related to total and sulphate sulphur contents in humus horizon of arable soils of 15 Poznań province and their soil reaction. On the basis of obtained results it was found that analysed soils of municipalities contained from 9.0 to 182.0 mg total S/100 g of soil. The data follows that the content of total sulphur was differentiated not only between soils of researched municipalities but also in limit of each other. The quantitative differences of sulphate sulphur, which one content range from 0.03 to 19.7 mg S-SO₄/100g of soil corresponded with the differentiation of total sulphur. Soil reaction of the researched soils like sulphur was differentiated and ranged from pH 3.8 to 7.9.
In December 1997 and June-July 2000, 49 and 113 rhizosphere soil and root mixtures were collected, respectively, to determine the occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) of the phylum Glomeromycota in different sites of Israel. Except for five samples taken from under cultivated plants, all the others came from under Ammophila arenaria and Oenothera drummondii colonizing sand dunes adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea. After a continuous cultivation of the mixtures in pot trap cultures with Plantago lanceolata as the plant host up to 2006 and their examination at least twice a year, spores of AMF were found in 41 and 103 cultures with the 1997 and 2000 soil and root mixtures, respectively. The spores represented 30 species and 8 undescribed morphotypes in 7 genera of the Glomeromycota. The AMF most frequently found in Israeli soils were Glomus aurantium and G. constrictum, followed by G. coronatum, G. gibbosum, an undescribed Glomus 178, and Scutellospora dipurpurescens. Up to 2001, 21 species of AMF were known to occur in Israel, and this paper increases this number to 33, of which 11 are new fungi for this country. Moreover, four species, G. aurantium, G. drummondii, G. walkeri and G. xanthium, were recently described as new for science based on spores isolated from Israeli soils. Additionally, the general distribution in the world of the formally described species found in Israel was presented.
The paper presents the main natural and anthropogenic sources of sulfur compounds, the proportion of these compounds in natural fuels and their emission to the aerosphere. Particular attention was paid to conditions of photochemical and catalytic oxidation in the air, as well as the behavior of sulfur compounds in the aerosphere. The transformations of sulfur compounds and their reactions with other compounds or elements contribute to air pollution, including the formation of tropospheric ozone and acid rains.
P. exigua var. exigua was isolated from underground and aboveground organs of different herb plant species in the years 1998-2006. Pathogenicity tests of three randomly chosen isolates of the fungus T 299, T 261 and T 277 for thyme and of three isolates M 1657, M 1193 and M 1635 for lemon balm were carried out. The effect of water suspension of fungus spores on the germination ability of schizocarps and of infected soil on sprouting and seedling health was studied. The study of microscopic structures of the fungus developing on plants, isolation of the fungus on artifi cial media and macro- and microscopic analysis on standard media are essential for the correct identifi cation of P. exigua var. exigua. The polyphagous nature of the fungus is confi rmed by the obtained results. The tested isolates were found to be occasional pathogens of thyme and lemon balm in the studied conditions. The harmfulness of the tested isolates pointed to inhibition of schizocarp germination, sprouting of plants and the ability to cause necrosis of germs, roots and epicotyl.
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