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The aim of study was to assess the incidence of mycotic mastitis in the middle-eastern part of Poland, and to determine genera and species of yeasts, which cause this kind of inflammation. The study involved 2,122 milk samples from cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis from the Lublin and Warsaw regions. The aseptic samples of milk or infected secretions were cultured on the agar and Sabouraud medium with addition of chloramphenicol. Fungi constituted 7.07% of all aetiological agents of mastitis. Four species of fungi were isolated: Candida, Trichosporon, Rhodotorida, and Cryptococcus. Candida sp. was most commonly isolated. The most abundant species included C. krusei, C. kefyr, and C. lusitaniae. Yeast-like fungi were most frequently isolated at the end of winter and in spring.
Nasal diseases of chronic nature are a common clinical complaint in canine practice. However, precise diagnosis in these cases is often difficult and require the use of various, additional diagnostic methods. The aim of this study was to estimate the occurrence of diseases of the upper respiratory tracts in dogs, and to evaluate the usefulness of endoscopy in the diagnostic process as a method of obtaining a final diagnosis. In the group of dogs in which rhinoscopy was performed, the most common final diagnoses were nonspecific chronic rhinitis, followed by neoplasms and infectious rhinitis. It can be concluded that rhinoscopy should be considered mainly as a preliminary method of inspection of the nasal cavity, helpful in obtaining the most representative tissue specimen/specimens for histopathology. In some cases, especially foreign objects and congenital abnormalities rhinoscopy can give the possibility of obtaining a final diagnosis. However, even in these situations and also when any macroscopic lesion is found during endoscopy, microscopic examination of the mucosa specimen should be performed.
The authors investigated the mycoflora developing on the dead specimens of Pallasea quadrispinosa from Lake Hańcza. Water for experiments was collected from four different bodies of water: Hańcza Lake, Wigry Lake, Supraśl River and Fosa Pond. A total of 41 zoosporic fungus species were found to grow on the dead of Pallasea quadrispinosa specimens, including 17 species inducing mycosis in a number of freshwater specimens, including 17 species inducing mycosis in a number of freshwater fish species: Achlya debaryana, A. diffusa, A. dubia, A. klebsiana, A. orion, A. polyandra, A. prolifera, A. proliferoides, Aphanomyces laevis, Dictyuchus monosporus, Leptolegnia caudata, Saprolegnia delica, S. ferax, S. hypogyna, S monoica, S. parasitica and and Thraustotheca clavata. Aphanomyces astaci as a parasite of noble as a parasite of noble crayfish, causing the so called crayfish plague, was also observed on Pallasea quadrispinosa.
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