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The paper gives descriptions and faunistic data on Conopidae collected by the workers ofthe Institute of Zoology PAS during the expeditions to North Korea (1959-1990). Seven species were distinguished in the material. More of them are not noted in Korea till now. They are: Conops nignfrons KRŐB.. C. strigatus WIED., Conops (Asiconops) hwangi CHEN, Physocephala robusta ZIM. and Neobrachycerea obscuripennis (KRŐB.).
Scatelia stagnalis is a small fly from Ephydridae family. It may occur in great numbers in greenhouses with crops cultivated on artificial substrates. Preliminary study was carried on morphology and biology of this insect.
27 Tabanidae species occur in Puszcza Borecka. Most of them are common European species. Rare forms occuring there are: Chrysops divaricatus, Hybomitra tarandtna, H. auripila, H. nitidifrons, H. montana, H. clureai, Tabanus spodopterus i Haematopota scutellata. Chrysopian flights in the forests take place from the end of May until mid-August, with a peak in mid-July. The insects are most active at noon. The highest abundances of Tabanidae have been recorded in mixed forests, the lowest in dry felling sites.
The March flies (Diptera, Bibionidae) of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, especially of the Świętokrzyski National Park were investigated. Thirteen species were recorded, one of which, Dilophus neglectus Haenni, 1982 is new to the Polish fauna.
The paper contains a list of 21 Pipunculidae species collected in the most typical habitats of Puszcza Białowieska: pine forests, linden-oak-hornbeam forests, ash-alder carrs and wet riverside meadows. The dipterans were collected in tree canopies throughout the vegetative season with Moericke's pitfall traps and sweeping nets. The material contains 11 species of Pipunculidae new to Puszcza Białowieska.
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