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Molinietum caeruleae meadows belong to the most endangered plant communities in Central Europe, nowadays suffering due to the lack of management. The land abandonment promotes strong secondary expansion of macroforbs, sedges or willows, contributing to decrease of the species diversity. In light of these findings very interesting seems to be the evaluation of the variability of features of populations of rare meadow species. In Poland one of strictly protected plant is Gladiolus imbricatus L. It is a tuberous, clonal plant with sword-like leaves and tall stalks bearing purple flowers collected in one-sided inflorescence. The studies of spatio-temporal variability of selected features of subpopoulations of Gladiolus imbricatus were carried out in the years 2009-2011 in Kraków-Kostrze (Southern Poland) in patches of Molinietum caeruleae with different species composition. In Patch I chiefly occurred small meadow species, Patch II was prevailed by shrub willow, Patch III was dominated by tall-growing macroforbs, Patch IV was characterized by substantial share of large-tussock grasses, while Patch V was overgrown by tall rhizomatous grass Phragmites communis. The plant canopy height and ground moisture raised from Patch I, via Patches II, III and IV, to Patch V. Moreover, in all sites the above mentioned parameters increased moderately in consecutive seasons. The decline of abundance of subpopulations observed in the consecutive years and in the successive patches might be caused by a mortality of individuals, a physical damage of tubers, as well as a prolonged dormancy of genets. The structure of developmental stages were similar in consecutive years but differed significantly among Patches. The increasing trend toward senility noted in successive sites could be an effect of lack of microsites suitable for seedling recruitment or absence of vegetative regeneration. The dimensions of leaf blades, flowering stalks and inflorescences remained similar in the subsequent seasons, but they augmented significantly in the successive patches. The length and the width of capsules did not change significantly between seasons and sites. Concluding, it might be assumed, that the perspectives for survivability of subpopulations diminish gradually from Patch I, via Patches II, III and IV to Patch V. Simultaneously, it should be pointed out that prospects for persistence in each place steadily decrease in effect of continuous deterioration of site conditions.
The research was conducted in meadow communities with Cirsium canum in the Wielopolka River valley in the Strzyżów Foothills in 2012–2013. The common phytosociological Braun-Blanquet method was applied and 20 phytosociological relevés were taken in each of the managed and abandoned patches. The aim of the study was to investigate the distribution of the species and identify the floristic composition and habitat conditions in the phytocoenoses, as well as to compare mown and unmown patches in which the species occurs. It was observed that the management factor exerted a significant effect on the floristic composition of the communities with Cirsium canum. The managed patches exhibited a large proportion of species from fresh and wet meadows (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class), whereas the abandoned patches were clearly dominated by species from wet meadows from the Calthion alliance and Molinietalia order.
Mowing may lead to substantial modification of the spatial structure of phytocenoses and plant populations. An important factor contributing to such modification may be the vicinity of a forest. The aim of this work is to explain how the patterns of the spatial structure of sedge meadows patches change under the influence of annual mowing and how the proximity of a forest affects these changes. The research was conducted in the years 1985–2000 in the south-west part of the Białowieża National Park (NE Poland) Study fields were located in Caricetum acutiformis community, neighbouring ash-alder floodplain forest Fraxino-Alnetum. Three experimental plots and three respective control ones (5 x 5m) were established at the forest boundary (0 m), at a distance of 50 m and 100 m from the forest. Annual mowing conducted for 15 years caused an increase in meadow plants coverage in all mown plots. The spreading of two rush species was also observed – Calamagrostis canescens in patches lying in the distance of 100 m from the forest edge, and Phragmites australis in the ecotonal zone. The most important changes in a spatial distribution of floristic richness were noticed in mown patches located at the greatest distance from the boundary of the forest. Mowing caused strengthening of the mosaic pattern naturally occurring within patches and changed their structure from “coarsegrained” to “fine-grained” one. Permanent management of sedge meadows caused an increase in a spatial diversity in the first 10 years in all patches, irrespective of their location. After 15 years of management a simplification of the spatial structure occurred. The spatial structure of the clonal species population (Lythrum salicaria, Lysimachia vulgaris) was characterized by relative stability only in the first 5 years of mowing and only in the quadrates located far from the forest. Response of plants of unitary type of growth to management was different – annual mowing caused substantial changes in the distribution of Cirsium palustre individuals in the plots located far from the forest while individuals of Cirsium rivulare in the ecotone remained constantly in their locations. It was found that it can be caused by the presence of clump sedges which may have a greater impact on population structure of that species than mowing.
A decrease in the ground water table and the formation of extremely drained areas are observed in the surroundings of towns and industrial plants. The extreme decrease of surface waters results in the formation of a depression funnel and in unfavorable changes in meadow habitats and communities. The studies were carried out in the depression funnel of brown coal opencast mine near Bełchatów. Botanical composition, yield and micro-relief of grasslands were evaluated. The extreme draining of meadows situated on organic soils resulted in a great transformation of the soil mass and in a release of large amounts of mineral nitrogen. Initially these changes were reflected by an abundant growth of meadow plants, the simplification of meadow communities and by an increase in their productivity. Simplified communities were dominated by two grass species: Alopecurus pratensis and Poa pratensis. The prolonged influence of unfavorable water conditions was followed by further unfavorable changes in botanical composition, by a decrease in the viability of the present plants, which were replaced by annual ones. Later on, even annual plants retreated giving way to perennial herbs and weeds typical of dry sites. The sward became loosened with many empty, moss covered places. Degraded communities of low productivity resulted, which lost, as did the habitats, their character of meadow communities. Initial seasonal changes of meadow communities became successional and the process of habitat dying proceeded.
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Test flights of meadow communites by Apidae insects

The performed investigations were carried out on meadow complexes situated in the region of Wielkopolska recognised for its long traditions of meadow management and bee-keeping. The results of our investigations and observations show that permanent meadows exhibit sufficient floristic diversity to make them attractive for Apidae. However, flights of Apidae to visit meadow communities in order to collect nectar vary. The attractiveness of Cirsium oleraceum communities is evidently higher than that of Alopecurus pratensis, while communities with Trifolium repens and Taraxacum officinale occupy intermediate positions. All the above-mentioned plant communities are more attractive for Apoidae than Brassica napus cultivations. In addition, visits paid to individual species of plant communities also vary. Apoidae appear to favour in particular the following plant species: Vicia cracca, Trifolium sp., Taraxacum officinale, Cirsium sp., Leontodon autumnalis, Melilotus sp., Polygonum bistorta, Euphrasia rostkoviana and Lychnis flos-cuculi. Another advantage of permanent meadows is the presence in their sward of plants which blossom during the entire period of vegetation. Therefore, if we want to enhance meadow floristic diversity, it is necessary to introduce (by oversowing) into their communities plant species which are visited by Apidae most readily. In addition, it can be concluded on the basis of the performed experiments that the Apoidae population in our region is very poor and is limited to the following little species: Apis mellifera, Bombus terrestris and B. lapidaries, B. sylvarum, B. pascuorum and Halictus sp.
Presented in the paper are characteristics of the meadow communities and assessment of the degree of their synanthropization. The studies were conducted on meadows utilized in Walim District at the base of the Sowie Mountains in 2009 and 2010. Floristic releves were collected using the Braun-Blanquet method. The material obtained served to define the phytosociological affiliation and to estimate the degree of synanthropization on the basis of the following indexes: synanthropization, apophytization and anthropophytization. The meadow communities studied were representative of the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Within this class, four phytosociological units were allocated: Arrhenatheretum elatioris, the community Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra as well as two communities with either Agrostis capillaris or Alopecurus pratensis. The meadows examined were characterized by a high average level of synanthropization. The highest values for the synanthropization and apophytization indices were found in meadows of Arrhenatheretalia, in Poa pratensis-Festuca rubra and of Agrostis capillaris. The lowest values were found in the meadow the class Molinietalia. The high values for the apophytization index show that most of the species found in the meadows are of native origin. The low values for the anthropophytization index confirm that only an small number of geographically foreign species are found in extensively utilized meadow communities.
W latach 1993–2000 prowadzono szerokie badania geobotaniczne na łąkach trwałych w środkowej części Polski, głównie w Wielkopolsce i na Kujawach, których celem było poznanie wymagań ekologicznych licznych taksonów motylkowatych jako stałych składników zespołów. Oznaczono i oceniono pod względem wymagań ekologicznych i przydatności rolniczej 31 gatunków występujących w 33 zespołach, skupionych w 9 klasach. Stwierdzono duże różnice gatunkowe co do spektrum ekologicznego, od typowych stenobiontów, występujących w nielicznych fitocenozach, do powszechnych eurybiontów, obecnych niemal we wszystkich wyróżnionych pratocenozach.
W dolinie Środkowej Mogilnicy oceniano walory przyrodnicze zbiorowisk łąkowych na podstawie liczby gatunków, wskaźnika różnorodności florystycznej Shannona-Wienera (H’) i metody waloryzacji Oświta oraz ich wartość gospodarczą i użytkową (LWU). Określono ponadto warunki siedliskowe wyróżnionych zbiorowisk: uwilgotnienie (F), odczyn gleby (R) oraz jej zasobność w azot (N), z zastosowaniem liczb wskaźnikowych Ellenberga. Walory przyrodnicze i użytkowe wyróżnionych zbiorowisk zależą od usytuowania w dolinie. Zbiorowiska położone najbliżej rzeki, zaklasyfikowane do klasy Phragmitetea, wykształcone są w formie typowej i przedstawiają duże oraz umiarkowanie duże walory przyrodnicze (od V do VII klasy waloryzacji), jednakże ich ruń ma najczęściej niską wartość użytkową (LWU od 1,63 do 6,90). Aktualnie użytkowane zbiorowiska klasy Molinio-Arrhenatheretea przedstawiają umiarkowane walory przyrodnicze (III i IV klasa waloryzacji). Z łąk tych uzyskuje się wysokie plony I pokosu (4,4 do 5,7 t s.m.· ha-1) o dobrej wartości użytkowej (LWU od 7,37 do 7,56).
The paper presents the characteristics of Sudeten grasslands (species composition, floral diversity and habitat parameters) from the perspective of diversified management. On the sites examined, hay meadows were found with Arrhenatheretum elatioris, variant with Trisetum flavescens and pastures of Lolio-Cynosuretum. Mowing and grazing promoted floristic diversity. There were few grass species. On the sites examined, the share of tall grasses (Arrhenatherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Alopecurus pratensis) was high. There were many species of dicotyledons (including leguminous plants). The pasture was characterized by a larger quantity of total grasses, with a larger share of low grasses (Cynosurus cristatus, Trisetum flavescens, Festuca rubra and Agrostis capillaris) along with grazing species (Trifolium repens, Alchemilla monticola, Carum carvi and Leontodon autumnalis). Both meadow and pasture were dominated by ground-level budding plants (hemicryptophytes) with a share of about 80%. Differences occurred in remaining life forms: the meadows contained larger quantities of one-year plants (terophytes). Dominating in both cases were species of plants preferring moderate light (76 to 79%). However, meadows contained more species requiring full light, and pastures contained more numerous species growing in partial shade. Pastures contained slightly more species with high water requirements. These species grew mainly in moist areas. Meadows had a greater share of mesotrophic species, pastures had a greater share of eutrophic species.
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