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The studies have been performed on 105 experimental cows and 78 controls in a single dairy farm. Therapy was performed on cows by a single i.v. injection of 250 ml of Calcium borogluconatum and in the second group of cows 15 ml of Butapirazol. Other experimental cows were treated with an ointment applied twice within 24 hours. The ointment containing Butapirazol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was administered in 20 cows and while in 22 cows the ointment with Butapirazol, acetylosalicylic acid (ASA) and DMSO. Examinations performed on days 3, 7 and 14 revealed that each therapeutic procedure accelerated the remission of oedema uberis by approximately 5 days compared with the controls. The best results was obtained by means of the ointment containing Butapirazol, ASA and DMSO. None of the therapy procedures resulted in changes in the blood serum and whey regarding haemotocrite values, Na, K, Ca and Mg concentrations or in any disturbances in health.
In a large scale farm two groups of sows, 104 animals each, with the MMA were treated generally and locally. The effects of therapy and fertility of sows between groups was compared. A general treatment included the application of crystalline penicillin with debecillin and streptomycin. In a local therapy intrauterine influsions of Polisulfalent were applied. Both general and local treatment gave a comparable results. The used methods of therapy did not affect significantly fertility of sows.
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