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The influence of the characteristics of habitat fragments on the dynamics of avian communities and the effect that fragments of different sizes have on the stability of the breeding species composition, and also on local extinction, colonisation and turnover rates were studied in an agricultural landscape in southern Poland. The fragments included various habitat types that differed from the matrix. Breeding birds were surveyed using the territory mapping method to assess turnover. Species composition depended on both the spatial structure of a fragment and the features of its surroundings. Local declines and appearances of species had a similar influence on the turnover in all size classes of the fragments. Species that contributed most to the total turnover were: Lanius collurio, Phasianus colchicus, Anas platyrhynchos, Emberiza schoeniclus, Columba palumbus and Sylvia communis. However, there were differences among species contributing most to the turnover according to area size classes. Heterogeneous habitats in a mosaic-like, agricultural landscape do not function as islands. The existence of species in an area with such a level of habitat patchiness can be related primarily to habitat quality, mainly because of poor isolation and the high permeability of isolating habitats.
A current paradigm accepts the presence of weakly biomineralized animals only, barely above a low metazoan grade of organization in the terminal Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran), and a later, early Cambrian burst of well skeletonized animals. Here we report new assemblages of primarily calcareous shelly fossils from upper Ediacaran (553–542 Ma) carbonates of Spain and Russia (Siberian Platform). The problematic organism Cloudina is found in the Yudoma Group of the southeastern Siberian Platform and different skeletal taxa have been discovered in the terminal Neoproterozoic of several provinces of Spain. New data on the morphology and microstructure of Ediacaran skeletal fossils Cloudina and Namacalathus indicate that the Neoproterozoic skeletal organisms were already reasonably advanced. In total, at least 15 skeletal metazoan genera are recorded worldwide within this interval. This number is comparable with that known for the basal early Cambrian. These data reveal that the terminal Neoproterozoic skeletal bloom was a real precursor of the Cambrian radiation. Cloudina, the oldest animal with a mineralised skeleton on the Siberian Platform, characterises the uppermost Ediacaran strata of the Ust’−Yudoma Formation. While in Siberia Cloudina co−occurs with small skeletal fossils of Cambrian aspect, in Spain Cloudina−bearing carbonates and other Ediacaran skeletal fossils alternate with strata containing rich terminal Neoproterozoic trace fossil assemblages. These finds treated together provide a possibility to correlate transitional Neoproterozoic– lower Cambrian strata around the world. Such a correlation concurs with available isotope and radiometric data and indicates that typical Ediacaran shelly fossils have not crossed the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary.
A complete uppermost Maastrichtian–Danian succession in the Sumbar River section, western Kopet Dagh (southwest Turkmenistan, Central Asia), constitutes one of the few instances in the world where the fossil record of the last ammonites can be directly positioned with respect to the iridium−rich, impact−related clay layer, which defines the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) boundary. Two ammonite taxa, Baculites cf. vertebralis and Hoploscaphites constrictus johnjagti, range up to a level directly beneath the K–Pg boundary clay in the Sumbar River section. Thus, these two forms probably survived until the very end of the Maastrichtian in the western Kopet Dagh area. The terminal Maastrichtian ammonite records from the Sumbar River area represent the southeasternmost occurrences of these essentially Boreal taxa.
A section containing the Cretaceous/Paleogene (= Cretaceous/Tertiary) boundary in Monmouth County, New Jersey, preserves a record of ammonites extending from the end of the Cretaceous into possibly the beginning of the Danian. The section includes the upper part of the Tinton Formation and lower part of the Hornerstown Formation. The top of the Tinton Formation is represented by a richly fossiliferous unit (the Pinna Layer) that contains many bivalves in life position as well as ammonite jaws preserved inside body chambers. Ammonites include Pachydiscus (Neodesmoceras) mokotibensis, Sphenodiscus lobatus, Eubaculites carinatus, E. latecarinatus, Discoscaphites iris, D. sphaeroidalis, D. minardi, and D. jerseyensis. The Pinna Layer probably represents a relatively short interval of time lasting tens to hundreds of years; it is conformably overlain by the Burrowed Unit, which contains a single fragment of Discoscaphites sp. and several fragments of E. latecarinatus, as well as several isolated specimens of ammonite jaws including two of Eubaculites. Examination of the mode of preservation of the ammonites and jaws suggests that they were fossilized during deposition of the Burrowed Unit and were not reworked from older deposits. Based on the ammonites and dinoflagellates in the Pinna Layer and the Burrowed Unit, these strata traditionally would be assigned to the uppermost Maastrichtian, corresponding to calcareous nannofossil Subzone CC26b. However, a weak iridium anomaly (500–600 pg/g) is present at the base of the Pinna Layer, which presumably represents the record of the bolide impact. Correlation with the iridium layer at the Global Stratotype Section and Point at El Kef, Tunisia, would, therefore, imply that these assemblages are actually Danian, provided that the iridium anomaly is in place and the ammonites and dinoflagellates are not reworked. If the iridium anomaly is in place, or even if it has migrated downward from the top of the Pinna Layer, the ammonites would have survived the impact at this site for a brief interval of time lasting from a few days to hundreds of years.
The investigation of sound extinction and echo interference is important as regards the accurate assessment of the abundance of densely aggregated zooplankton. To study these effects, the analytical model describing sound backscattering by an aggregation of isotropic scatterers (Rytov et al. 1978, Sun & Gimenez 1992) has been extended to the case of densely aggregated elongated zooplankton. The evaluation of the effects in the case of a dense krill aggregation demonstrates that they can be significant and should be taken into account.
Late Frasnian–Early Famennian entomozoacean ostracod assemblages from the Płucki section in the Holy Cross Mountains were studied to establish the effect of the “Kellwasser bio−event” on the planktonic biodiversity and faunal content. The composition of ostracod assemblages changes from a moderately diverse (10 species) Entomoprimitia–Richterina– Nehdentomis–Nandania dominated “background” assemblage characterising a pre−event interval, to an Entomoprimitia−assemblage during the event interval, and finally to a Franklinella−dominated post−event assemblage in the Middle Palmatolepis triangularis conodont Zone. The Frasnian–Famennian extinction caused substantial losses among entomozoacean lineages. In the Płucki section it occurred in two closely spaced steps within the Palmatolepis linguiformis conodont Zone. The first step, at the base of the dark cephalopod limestone (Upper Kellwasser Horizon), reduced the abundance and the species diversity of entomozoaceans to only two Entomoprimitia species. The vacant niche was then filled by the new, immigrant species Entomoprimitia (Entomoprimitia) kayseri which is dominant in the Upper Kellwasser interval. All these species were lost at the second step within the Upper Kellwasser Horizon. The entomozoaceans remained virtually absent during a long time interval between the end−Frasnian crisis and the Middle Pa. triangularis Zone. They reappear as new species from refugia lineages (Franklinella, Nehdentomis) and became widespread, indicating favourable ecological conditions. Some 13 species have been identified and assigned to seven genera. Rabienella? lagowiensis sp. nov. is proposed.
Fossil crocodilians are well known from vertebrate bearing localities in South America, but the last record of the group in Chile is from the Cretaceous. No living crocodilians occur in Chile today, and the timing of their disappearance from the country is unknown. We provide the first post−Mesozoic report of crocodilian remains from late Miocene marine deposits of the Bahía Inglesa Formation, northern Chile. The fragmentary material provides proof that Crocodiliformes were present in Chile until at least seven million years ago. We suggest that late Neogene climatic cooling and changes in South American palaeophysiography caused the extinction of the group in Chile.
Disarticulated crinoid columnals and pluricolumnals from the Famennian of the Holy Cross area were analysed. Sixteen crinoid taxa were distinguished, only one of which is based on stems attributed to a calyx−based genus, and the others are classified within artificial supraspecific units. Two of these are new: Schyschcatocrinus levis sp. nov. and Cosmocrinus polonicussp. nov. The described crinoid fauna shows distinct extinction−recovery temporal pattern: the Frasnian–Famennian crisis affected 50% of stem−based families and 70% of late Frasnian stem−based genera. The succession of crinoid faunas represented by three faunal intervals has been identified and correlated to standard conodont zones: FIa, Palmatolepis triangularis Zone (relic “Frasnian” crinoid assemblage Schyschcatocrinus delicatus–Calleocrinus kielcensis), FIb, Pa. crepida to Pa. marginifera zones (crinoid assemblage Calleocrinus kielcensis–Schyschcatocrinus levis) and FIc, Pa. trachytera to S. praesulcata zones (crinoid assemblage Cosmocrinus polonicus–Acbastaucrinus affectatus). The succession was controlled mostly by eustatic factors.
The new trench Z−17 situated in the Dębnik anticline (Cracow Region, southern Poland) exposed strata representing the Frasnian–Famennian boundary interval. The latest Frasnian crisis interval is characterized by the fauna of Ryocarhynchus tumidus interval consisting of the nominal species, Barroisella campbelli, Biernatella polonica, and representives of Lingulipora, Athyris, ?Retichonetes, Longispina, Cyrtospirifer and Warrenella. The first brachiopods that appears immediately above the F–F boundary in the survival interval include the unidentified rhipidomellid, Praewaagenoconcha cf. speciosa, and Pampoecilorhynchus geniculatus sp. nov. The fauna in the succeeding layer is dominated by P. geniculatus and Cyrtospirifer minor. The earliest Famennian repopulation assemblage consists of representatives of Barroisella, ?Rhyssochonetes, Praewaagenoconcha, Nigerinoplica, Schizophoria, unidentified rhipidomellid, Pampoecilorhynchus geniculatus sp. nov., Chapinella striata sp. nov., Crinisarina angelicoides, and Cyrtospirifer minor. Low diversity and low frequency brachiopod assemblages consisting of stunted specimens characterize the succeeding brachiopod intervals spanning the remainder of the Palmatolepis triangularis Zone. Basinal dysoxia prevailed in the region for the duration of Pa. triangularis Zone. Resumption of aerobic bottom−water conditions is marked by the appearance of brachiopods of the Dmitria gibbosa interval (Pa. crepida Zone). Resumption of favorable environmental conditions during the recovery interval is marked by an increase in brachiopod diversity recording the beginning of a strong post−extinction rediversification of the fauna.
Four rats were fed with liver only (liver rats) and four rats were fed with beef only (beef rats) during the first three months of their lives. Thus, they were deprived of a variety of food tastes. The rats were then trained in instrumental conditioning. After finishing the training with the liver reward, the liver rats were not able to extinguish the response, however, after achieving a criterion performance with the beef reward, the extinction of the response was very easy in those rats. The opposite data were obtained in the beef rats. These results show that liver was more palatable than beef for deprived rats. In contrast, there was no difference in palatability between liver and beef in another four rats non-deprived of a variety of food tastes.
In the light of integrated biostratigraphic and geochemical data, a complete shallow−marine succession across the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) boundary, with the critical boundary clay coupled with a burrowed siliceous chalk (“opoka” in Polish geological literature), possibly equivalent of the basal Danian Cerithium Limestone in Denmark, has been discovered at Lechówka near Chełm, SE Poland. An extraterrestrial signature marking the K–Pg boundary is confirmed by anomalously high amounts of iridium (up to 9.8 ppb) and other siderophile elements (especially Au and Ni), as well as by an elevated Ir/Au ratio consistent with a chondrite meteoritic composition. The major positive iridium spike surprisingly occurs in Maastrichtian marls, 10 cm below the boundary clay interval, which can be explained by diagenetic mobilisation and re−concentration of the impact−derived components. Thus, intensively infiltrating, humic acid−rich ground waters during the long−lasting Palaeogene weathering in tropical humid regimes were probably responsible not only for the large−scale decalcification of the Lechówka section, but also for both downward displaced position of the iridium enrichment, a dispersed profile of this anomaly and its significantly lessened value, but still approaching an increase by a factor of 100. This modified record of the K–Pg boundary event points to a careful reconsideration of the iridium anomaly as a trustworthy marker for studying the extinction patterns across the K–Pg boundary, as supported by the recent data from New Jersey, USA.
The Polish breeding population (3,200-3,250 males) of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola represents almost 25% of the global population. Except for the relatively stable large population in the Biebrza valley in north-east Poland less is known about population trends of peripheral populations in western, central and south-eastern regions of the country and whether trends differ depending on region. We investigated the long-term population dynamics in 38 small populations between 1969-2013 in the four Polish regions. Summarizing the trends of all small populations of Aquatic Warblers showed a significant decline in total number of individuals and declining number of populations over time. However, population trends were distinctly different in the different regions, with stable dynamics in south-east, moderate decline in north-east and sharp decline in the central and western regions. During the study period 19 out of 38 populations became extinct (11 populations in the western region, two in central region, four in north-east region and none in the south-east region). Five of these populations were later recolonised thus suggesting a pattern of metapopulation dynamics. To mitigate the negative trends and increased risk of local and regional extinction in the western and central parts of Poland effort should be put to increasing dispersal among populations by increasing the number of stepping stone patches between the viable large eastern populations and the smaller central and western ones.
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