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w słowach kluczowych:  cytochrome b
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The harvest mouse (Micromys minutus) occurs throughout most of continental Europe. There are also two isolated and recently discovered populations on the Scandinavian peninsula, in Sweden and Norway. Here, we investigate the origin of these populations through analyses of mitochondrial DNA. We found that the two populations on the Scandinavian peninsula have different mtDNA haplotypes. A comparison of our haplotypes to published sequences from most of Europe showed that all Swedish and Norwegian haplotypes are most closely related to the haplotypes in harvest mice from Denmark. Hence, the two populations seem to represent independent colonisations but originate from the same geographical area. We discuss the age of the Swedish and Norwegian populations and suggest that both have been introduced recently.
We studied molecular and morphological variation in small fruit-eating bats (Artibeus) in northern South America to establish species boundaries, evolutionary relationships, and distributional limits. Although this is a speciose genus with some of the most common bats in Neotropical forests, resolution of taxonomy and their identification has been difficult. Our molecular phylogeny based on Bayesian and parsimony analyses of cytochrome b variation includes a well supported topology of A. glaucus glaucus sister to a clade of A. gnomus and A. glaucus bogotensis indicating that A. glaucus is a paraphyletic amalgam. A re-assessment of morphology corroborates differences between A. g. bogotensis from the Andean valleys of Colombia east into the Guianas and A. g. glaucus from western Amazonia. Thus, we recognize A. bogotensis and A. glaucus as distinct and allopatrically occurring species. Based on a Kimura-2 parameter model of substitution for cytochrome b, there was 1.2% sequence divergence within A. bogotensis, and 9.5% sequence divergence between A. bogotensis and A. glaucus. Compared to A. glaucus, A. bogotensis has prominent white facial stripes, a less hirsute interfemoral membrane, less robust orbitorostral region, and also lacks a small third lower molar. Within the Guiana region, there are three species with overlapping distributions (A. bogotensis, A. cinereus, and A. gnomus), however, they are sympatric only within the interior lowland forest near savannas. All other habitats including coastal forest, lowland forest, savanna, and highland forest have only two sympatric species, one of which is relatively more abundant (> 70%)
DNA-based identification of species for phylogenetic analysis as well as forensic identification is widely being carried out with the help of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In this study, a successful effort has been made to identify 5 species of Indian freshwater turtles, including 3 hard-shell turtles (Geoemydidae), i.e. Kachuga dhongoka, K. kachuga and Geoclemys hamiltoni, and 2 species of soft-shell turtles (Trionychidae), i.e. Aspideretes gangeticus and Lissemys punctata punctata, by using a well-optimized PCR-RFLP method. The analysis of nucleotide sequence variations in the PCR-amplified mitochondrial cyt-b genes (encoding cytochrome b) from the 5 species revealed its usefulness in the taxonomic differentiation of these species. On the basis of cyt-b sequence data and the PCR-RFLP pattern, a phylogeny was developed to resolve the genetic relationships between these species, living in the same habitat type. In comparison, the PCR-RFLP of mitochondrial 16S rDNA genes appeared less decisive in analysing phylogenetic relationships or even in species differentiation. Further, the molecular method (PCR-RFLP) developed here is simple, rapid, reliable and reproducible; hence it can be routinely applied for species identification, essential for conservation and management of endangered chelonian species.
The aim of this study was to assess the phylogenetic position of the South American cricetid genus Neotomys using two molecular markers: one nuclear (Irbp) and one mitochondrial (mt-cyb). This genus is currently considered as incertae sedis in the Sigmodontinae radiation. The phylogenetic relationships were estimated using three approaches: Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood and parsimony. We found the genus Neotomys closely related to the genera Euneomys and Irenomys, which are also considered incertae sedis. Our results suggest a common origin for this group of genera; this fact should be reflected in the taxonomy as a supra generic group with a tribal level. However, further and deeper analysis of both molecular and morphological data are needed to diagnose and formalize the proposed tribe. The relationships of this clade to the other members of Sigmodontinae were not clear as assessed by these data sets. The three genera are distributed around the Central and Southern Andes in South America evidencing that the Andes have played an important role in the diversification of several tribes of sigmodontine rodents.
Cytochrome b is the central catalytic subunit of the quinol : cytochrome c oxidoreductase of complex III of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system and is essential to the viability of most eukaryotic cells. Partial cytochrome b gene sequences of 14 species representing mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians are presented here including some species typical for Poland. For the analysed species a comparative analysis of the natural variation in the gene was performed. This infor­mation has been used to discuss some aspects of gene sequence — protein function relationships. Review of relevant literature indicates that similar comparisons have been made only for basic mammalian species. Moreover, there is little information about the Polish-specific species. We observed that there is a strong non-random dis­tribution of nucleotides in the cytochrome b sequence in all tested species with the highest differences at the third codon position. This is also the codon position of the strongest compositional bias. Some tested species, representing distant systematic groups, showed unique base composition differing from the others. The quail, frog, python and elk prefer C over A in the light DNA strand. Species belonging to the ar- tiodactyls stand out from the remaining ones and contain fewer pyrimidines. The ob­served overall rate of amino acid identity is about 61%. The region covering Qo cen­ter as well as histidines 82 and 96 (heme ligands) are totally conserved in all tested species. Additionally, the applied method and the sequences can also be used for di­agnostic species identification by veterinary and conservation agencies.
Based on the analysis of the cytb gene of mtDNA the taxonomic position was determined of two closely related Bovidae species: American bison (Bison bison) and European bison (Bison bonasus). Reference sequences were determined for both species. In the American bison two variants of cytb gene were identified. Both of them are novel sequences, so far not published in GenBank. For comparison the reference sequences in four another representatives of Bovidae (Polish Red cattle, Zebu cattle, Merino sheep and Polish White Improved goat) were determined. Phylogenetic reconstructions were obtained by the neighbour-joining method (N-J) on all mutations and on changes with removed mutations In third position. Topology of phylogenetic trees showed that American bison and European bison form a separate nodes. The molecular data presented corroborate the results of earlier studies showing that although the two species in question are very closely related, their classification as subspecies is rather questionable. The fact that nodes for American as well as European bison show relatively high bootstrap scores supports this hypothesis.
The phylogenetic relationships of Cervidae and Moschidae were examined using partial sequence data of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b. Ten new sequences were obtained for six species of Cervidae and Moschidae, and aligned with those previously reported for other deer species. Our results demonstrated that the phylogenetic status of the taxa inferred from molecular data was congruent with taxonomy based on morphological studies. Cervidae formed a monophyletic group that consists of four subfamilies: Cervinae, Muntiacinae, Hydropotinae, and Odocoileinae. Moschidae occurred at the base of the Cervidae clade. On the basis of molecular clocks for genetic distance, the divergence time of mtDNA haplotypes within the subfamily Cervinae, among subfamilies in Cervidae, and between Moschidae and Cervidae was estimated to date 2-7 MYA, 6-10 MYA and 8-13 MYA, respectively.
A rapid PCR-RFLP analysis was optimized to identify the presence of 3 closely related gadoid fish species: Alaska pollack Theragra chalcogramma, Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus and Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in commercial seafood products. Gadoid universal primers were designed for PCR amplification of a 558-bp fragment encoding the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Without purification of the PCR products, double digestion with Eco32l and Eco1051 restriction enzymes generated reproducible species-specific restriction patterns visualizing 3 fragments (106 bp, 161 bp and 291 bp) in Alaska pollack and 2 fragments (106 bp and 452 bp) in Pacific cod, whereas no cleavage was observed in Atlantic cod. This PCR-RFLP analysis is simple, rapid and reliable, and therefore can be routinely applied to discover fraudulent substitution among 3 economically important gadoid species in commercial seafood products.
In this study we investigated phylogenetics of Miniopterus schreibersii schreibersii and M. s. pallidus from Asia Minor by means of two mitochondrial DNA markers, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) and cytochrome-b) (Cytb). The average genetic divergence between reciprocally monophyletic M. s. schreibersii and M. s. pallidus was 5.6% on ND2 and 3.5% on Cytb. In all phylogenetic trees, the clade with M. s. schreibersii and M. s. pallidus was placed within Palearctic-Ethiopian Miniopterus taxa. There was a considerable genetic divergence (ca. 8% in Cytb) between M. s. pallidus from Israel and M. s. pallidus from Turkey, Iran, and Nagorno-Karabakh, indicating that they probably are not the same taxon. Time to the most recent common ancestor of M. s. schreibersii and M. s. pallidus was estimated to be between 1.98 to 0.60 Myr BP (ND2 data) and between 1.95 to 0.45 Myr BP (Cytb data).
The Afrotropical leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros caffer has been traditionally regarded as a complex of populations, currently pertaining to two recognized cryptic species, H. caffer and H. ruber. Extent of distribution and morphological variation of these bats has raised concerns over whether the current perception of the complex reflects true phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic diversity. Our phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene challenged the hypothesis of two cryptic species. Instead of the two reciprocally monophyletic lineages expected, corresponding to the two species, we recovered four distinct lineages with deep internal divergences. Two sister clades within a lineage of bats of H. caffer represent respectively the nominotypical form H. c. caffer, restricted to Southern Africa, and H. c. tephrus, inhabiting the Maghreb, West Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Geographical isolation and deep genetic divergence suggest species status of both the forms. Another lineage comprises specimens of both morphotypes from West and East Africa. It probably represents a distinct species but its taxonomic assignation remains obscure. A Central African lineage of H. ruber comprises two sister clades, which become sympatric in Cameroon. Their status has to be clarified with additional evidence, since nuclear gene flow might be taking place. A further divergent lineage with H. ruber morphotype, most probably representing another distinct species, is restricted to West Africa. Although all three genetic forms of H. ruber may correspond to named taxa, their proper taxonomic assignation has to be assessed by comparison with type material.
The identification of two cryptic bat species of the genus Pipistrellus using a non-destructive and quick method of multiplex PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis is described. Two primer combinations were able to produce species-specific bands that identified reliably individuals that were previously identified by mtDNA sequencing. Robustness of the method was subsequently successfully tested on 16 randomly selected free-living animals from central Europe (tissue samples obtained from a 3 mm punch of wing-membrane) identified to species on the basis of echolocation calls. Nine out of 15 museum specimens and 100% of fresh faecal samples from seven individuals were also successfully identified by this method. The described method thus provides a good way to routinely distinguish two Pipistrellus species by using non-destructive sampling of living individuals or droppings, and will be used in field studies of their ecology.
Mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences and morphological data (body length, hind foot length, etc.) for twelve populations with pairwise distances 27–600 km in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (distributed in Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan Province, and at the altitude 3020–4550 m) in Western China were used to investigate the phylogeographical pattern of Plateau zokor (Myospalax baileyi Thomas). There was a little disparity between mtDNA genetic distance and morphological Euclidean distance on population relationships. However, there is a significant correlation (P <0.001) calculated by Mantel’s tests was validated between mtDNA and morphology distances. Analysis of Molecular Variance showed that most of the observed genetic variations occurred between populations, indicating little maternal gene flow between them, as a result of geographical restrictions. Phylogenetic analysis coupled with cluster analysis together showed that the substantial population structuring and phylogenetic discontinuities existed within this species. The evident allopatric population structuring of this subterranean rodent may mostly result from its specialized subterranean excavating behavior with high energy costs, predation from grassland raptors and also the influences of perennial tundra and environmental desiccation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
A cryptic species of the big-eared horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus macrotis) was identified in Jiangxi Province, China, based on significant differences in echolocation frequencies and morphology. Consistent with the bimodal distribution of body sizes of R. macrotis specimens obtained from the same cave, we now consider this population to be comprised of two putative species; a large and a small form, with dominant echolocation call frequencies of 49 kHz and 65 kHz, respectively. Cytochrome b sequences of these two phonic forms diverged by 3.16–3.25%, a similar level of divergence to that between the large form and the outgroup, R. rex (3.33–3.77%). These differences strongly suggest that the two phonic forms are distinct species. We also found that the wing loading and aspect ratio of the small form was much lower than that of the large form, suggesting that the small form is capable of foraging in denser forest. Without dietary evidence, the ecological significance of the observed difference in echolocation call frequency between the two forms (16 kHz) remains unknown.
Due to a morphological uniformity typically shown by bent-winged bats, the taxonomic recognition of species and subspecies within the sole genus Miniopterus has been much questioned and revised. The situation and definition of the African species M. minor is particularly confused. This species is known from scattered and discontinuous records on both mainland coasts, Madagascar, São Tomé and Grand Comoro islands. The island forms have been included either within M. minor or considered as endemic species. To clarify their taxonomy, we compare mitochondrial DNA sequences of all the island forms with other related African Miniopterus. The genetic distances found in this study support a taxonomic recognition of the island forms at species level and the phylogenetic reconstructions based on these data suggest that the M. minor, as considered traditionally, is not a monophyletic group. The morphological similarities between the Miniopterus from São Tomé (West Africa) and Grand Comoro (East Africa) may reflect convergent evolution rather than a common ancestry.
We describe a new sigmodontine species on the basis of three specimens obtained from a high-altitude locality in the Atlantic forest of eastern Brazil. This new form, a small-bodied pentalophodont with tail longer than head and body, long soft fur, and a brownish ochraceous dorsum, is diagnosed by the presence of an open slit in the suture between the frontal bones in prepared skulls, and by a reduced diploid number of 20 coupled with a relatively high fundamental number of 34. Although the low diploid number suggests a derived sigmodontine, analyses of morphological characters and DNA sequence data (720 bp of the cytochrome-6 gene) point to its placement within the recently described genus Juliomys González, 2000, a taxon regarded as belonging to an old and independent sigmodontine lineage. This finding reinforces current hypotheses of the Atlantic forest domain as an important center of diversification for a primitive sigmodontine stock. It also suggests that at least some surviving lineages, often considered rather ancient and unspeciose relicts, were subject to relatively more recent speciation events.
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