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Background. In this paper, we present the results of the study concerning body development and body composition parameters dependency. Material and methods. The monitored sample consisted of 78 probands aged of 4 – 11 years: group I, 4 – 5 year-olds (13 probands) 5.17 ±0.52 years; group II, 6 – 7 year-olds (30 probands) 6.99 ±0.52 years; group III, 8 – 9 year-olds (25 probands) 8.8 ±0.52 years; group IV, 10 – 11 year-olds (10 probands) 10.92 ±0.53 years. To diagnose parameters of body composition the InBody 120 device was used. Results. As for the parameters of body composition, a rising linear trend was recorded with increasing age. Statistically significant (p < 0.05) values were found between age groups in body height (p = 3.76E-24), body weight (p = 4.65E-16), quantity of fat mass (p = 0.0475), quantity of skeletal muscles (p = 1.31E-20), total quantity of water in body (p = 2.23E-20), quantity of proteins (p = 1.83E-20), quantity of minerals (p = 2.06E-19) and in the level of basal metabolism (p = 1.77E-20). Conclusions. Our results of body height and body weight correspond to those obtained in national anthropometric measurements. BMI values respond to the developmental trends, but they differ in the achieved values of comparable age groups as our probands have achieved lower values than the Slovak population.
Current exercise prescription and physical activity guidelines recommend preschool children to perform at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous structured physical activity and at least 60 minutes of unstructured physical activity every day. The purpose of this study was to extend knowledge about the volume of physical activity in 5- to 7-year-old children in relation to their body composition. Also, we recorded the course of growth changes and physical activity levels in 6-year-old children in the previous half century. The sample consisted of 69 pre-school age children (5 - 7 years) attending selected kindergartens located in the area of Presov self-governing region. Of 69 children, 36 were girls and 33 were boys. The volume and intensity of physical activity performed by children during their stay in kindergartens was measured using heart rate monitoring system POLAR Team 2 Pro. Body composition was assessed using direct segmental multi-frequency bioelectric impedance analysis (DSM-BIA) device InBody 230. Parameters of somatic development corresponding with the secular trend are disproportionate to children’s physical activity, which is considered to be an irreplaceable factor underlying health of children. However, the physical activity levels of children are decreasing. The volume of physical activity does not meet the minimum standard recommended by NASPE (Prokopec et al. 1986) and average intensity of physical activity expressed by heart rate does not reach the medium intensity zone.
Ambient cistern (AC) is a thin extension of the subarachnoid space surrounding the brainstem at the level of the mesencephalon and pons. Despite various definitions, it constitutes an important landmark in clinical assessment of intracranial volume reserve. Although it is indisputably useful, there exists no defined standard for radiological examination for the dimensions and ranges in specific age groups. This paper aims to describe the ambient cistern anatomically and give the ranges of dimensions for proper radiological interpretation. The study was performed on 160 axial computed tomography (CT) examinations of Polish children of both sexes, aged 1–18 years, admitted to the hospital because of mild brain concussion. Pictures were made using a Siemens 8-row CT scanner, without contrast administration. We estimated distances at the level of the pons and midbrain, based on axial cross-sections, according to standard radiological protocol. The parameters included the width of the AC in its anterior and posterior part, the width of the tentorial notch, and the distance from the pons and sella. All measurements were analyzed statistically with StatSoft Statistica 8.0 software. The average width of the AC differs between age groups. It is greatest at 1–3 years (2.8 ± 0.6 mm) and lowest at 4–10 years (2.4 ± 0.6 mm). AC is more likely to be greater in its anterior part in boys. The distance from the sella to the pons is greatest in 1–3- -year-old girls (6.9 ± 1.3 mm), and the tentorial notch is widest in the 15–18-year-old group (24.6 ± 2.4 mm). Dimensions of the AC correlate with intracranial reserve volume. This is particularly visible in the youngest children. Thin and narrow AC is not always a sign of raised intracranial pressure. It may be specific for the child’s age. (Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 2: 78–83)
The composition of modified milk for babies is based on the model of breast milk. Milk replacement formulas are produced on the basis of cow’s milk so it is necessary to modify all the nutrients in order to make them resemble most closely the model. Determination of babies’ nutritional requirements is based on the knowledge of women’s breast milk, which is regarded the best possible food in the first period of infant life. The concentration of mineral elements in breast milk is low and the total content of ash amounts to 0.2 g⋅dl-1. The content of sodium, potassium and chlorine is three times as low as in cow’s milk. The source of individual elements for babies is their food, though some elements are provided in drinking water and supplements. Typically, mineral elements are absorbed more effectively in the periods of intensive growth. It should be remembered that the mineral elements found in breast milk are characterised by much higher bioavailability than those present in modified milk. The major requirement for modified milk to be registered and authorised for sale in Poland is the conformity of its mineral composition with international recommendations. The objective of the present work was to establish the content of mineral components in powdered milk used in the nutrition of infants in the first months of their lives. All the examined preparations were labelled as “a special nutrition product”. They were purchased in different groceries in Lublin in October 2007, all before their use-by date. The shares of Mg, Zn, Cu, Ca, Mn, Na, Fe and K were marked in the samples. It was demonstrated that all the examined milk samples contained much more Ca and Cu in comparison to recommended norms, whereas they were deficient in Mg and Mn.
Stravovací zvyklosti, pohybová aktivita a životni styl významnou měrou ovlivňuji aktuální zdravotní stav jednotlivce. Vitaminy jsou esenciální faktory stravy ovlivňující růst a vývoj organismu. Příjem vitaminů z potravin v období růstu a vývoje lidského organismu je závislý na aktuálních potřebách. Nedostatečný přívod vitaminů ze stravy, omezení vstřebávám vitaminů ze zažívacího traktu, případně nadměrná potřeba vzniklá v průběhu onemocnění, může být příčinou vzniku relativní hypovitaminózy. Konzumace dostatečného množství pestré stravy s přívodem ovoce a zeleniny zabezpečuji za fyziologických situací adekvátní příjm vitaminů.
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