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Pathological changes of reproduction organs within groups of cows and heifers of Lowland Black-White breed /LBW/ send to slaughterhouse on account of Bterllity were Investigated. The animals were Iron tanas located in two regions: Wielkopolska and Dolny Śląsk. The research showed three sorts of diseases: disfunction of ovaries, uterus and vagines. The most common disfunctions within the ovary were cystes and within the uterus was endometriti. The study showed that cows had more pathological changes when compared to group of heifers. The animals from the big herds had more disfunction than from small farms. The highest number of pathological changes was noted in cows from Dolny Śląsk province.
Jan KOTEJA, full professor at the University of Agriculture in Cracow, Poland, was involved in research on scale insects (Coccoidea), their morphology, biology, anatomy, faunistics, systematics, paleontology and plant protection.His scientific activities can be divided into three periods: registration of home species, their classification in a relevant order of scale insects taxonomy, and fascination with amber and fossil species. Prof. J. KOTEJA was well known and highly appreciated by the Coccid family around the world. He passed away on 19 August 2004.
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