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The paper presents problems of the sustainable consumption. The study focused on an example product, i.e. vegetable oils. One of the elements ensuring sustainable consumption is connected with the development of proper consumption patterns. It is a complex issue, since it requires multifaceted interdisciplinary studies. The starting point for their development is provided by the characteristics of profi les of vegetable oil consumers in Poland in a view of sustainable consumption principles. This study is based on the results of national survey. Recorded results may be useful also when preparing public awareness campaigns concerning sustainable consumption.
Companies’ reaction to crisis events occurring in economy is, as a rule, decreasing operating costs and constraining investment projects. It results mainly from the passive attitude of the management in the face of the crisis. Only companies in good financial condition can invest in times of economic stagnation. The following article presents changes in the level of financial outlays for investment in wood sector companies (with the following businesses: paper and paper products manufacture, wood, cork, straw and wicker products manufacture, furniture production) compared to processing industry.
Wooden skeleton constructions formerly and nowadays in Poland. The paper presents issues concerning former and contemporary wooden skeleton constructions. As the groundbreaking period between the historical and contemporary skeleton constructions, the World War II has been assumed. In the introduction, the constructions have been characterized basing on a literature review as well as direct investigations on selected Polish realizations. As one of originally appearing wooden skeleton constructions, the post-and-beam construction was rated with its regional variants, however as one of contemporary ones – the light wooden skeletons: Canadian and prefabricated. In the main part of the paper, a comparative analysis of former and contemporary solutions has been made; it showed a lot of differences resulting mainly from the technology development, continuous improvement of features of building materials and changing laws and directives.
Omówiono cele, historię i organizację oświaty zdrowotnej w Polsce. Uwzględniono zadania Państwowej Inspekcji Sanitarnej oraz Departamentu Oświaty Zdrowotnej Państwowego Zakładu Higieny. Opisano działalność oświatową lokalnych stacji sanitarno-epidemiologicznych oraz ZOZ-ów a także udział innych organizacji i towarzystw w upowszechnianiu wiedzy. Omówiono strukturę zawodową personelu zajmującego się upowszechnianiem wiedzy oraz organizację szkolenia w zakresie metod i problemów oświaty zdrowotnej.
The study presents the results of lichenological researches carried out in Sokółka town (Podlaskie voivodeship, north-eastern Poland). The investigations in the area of Sokółka were carried out in the years 2012–2013, on 50 research stands. In total, 76 species of lichens growing on natural and anthropogenic substrata have been recorded. The distributions of lichens in different urban lands are presented. Among them, protected species and lichens threatened in the country are distinguished.
The paper focuses on issues related to the monitoring of changes in land use, which is a statutory obligation of voivodeship marshals in Poland. The analysis involved responses to author’s inquiries received from 16 marshal offices. The paper analysed whether and how marshals fulfil this obligation. At the second stage, the official replies were juxtaposed with relevant information from marshal offices’ websites. The results suggest that not all marshals fulfil the obligation to monitor land use change. In most cases, the actions taken currently involve comparison of the current land use structure to the one of the previous year. This approach does not lead to proper conclusions from analyses and hinders taking appropriate decisions.
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Economic poverty in rural areas of Poland

In Poland relatively more families live in economic poverty in rural areas, which is refl ected in the fact that in the years 2007–2013 the extreme and relative poverty risk as well as the national poverty threshold indices in rural areas were higher than in urban areas. The greatest differences in the mentioned poverty indices between rural and urban areas were revealed in the scope of the relative poverty. The fact that there is no evident decrease in the relative poverty index, particularly in rural areas, indicates persistent income inequalities. In comparison with the remaining household groups, the socioeconomic situation of farmers’ households was particularly diffi cult. Their extreme, national and relative poverty risk indices were one of the highest. Many negative tendencies that promote poverty accumulate in Poland’s rural areas. The most important of them include the high unemployment rate and a relatively low level of education among the rural population.
The paper reviews the concept of sustainable agriculture, indicating its various dimensions. The similarities between sustainable development and sustainable agriculture are demonstrated. The fundamental objective of the paper is to conceptualize sustainable agriculture in Poland. The paper raises several essential issues concerning the lack of such studies in the past and proposes research objectives. Firstly, to present the main issues of sustainable agriculture and to show the possibilities of implementing the idea of sustain� able development, an evaluation through the prism of change directions and dynamics, as well as regional differentiation of Polish agriculture, was necessary. Secondly, to present the situation in the economic sus� tainability of Polish agriculture in the period 2000-2010, the following research methods were employed: monographic and descriptive methods, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Findings of foreign scientists were also used in the research. The analysis of the condition of agriculture considers the main changes that occurred between the years 2000-2010. These were presented on the basis of Main Statistical Office data from statistical yearbooks and reports of agricultural censuses results.
Trans isomers of fatty acids may be formed during industrial fat and oil processing and naturally during biohydrogenation by rumen microorganisms in the ruminants. The aim of our study was to determine fatty acid level, particularly trans isomers of fatty acids in randomly selected 32 samples of infant formulae and follow-up formulae in 2009 in Poland. The fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) were analyzed by high-resolution capillary gas chromatography (GC/MS). The average content of trans fatty acids (TFA) amounted to 0.25% wtlwt (range 0.17-0.33% wt/wt) in infant formulae and 0.28% wtlwt (0.18-0.40% wtlwt) in follow-up formulae. There was no significant difference between trans fatty acids content in infant formulae and follow-up formulae. In TFA group the main fatty acid was trans 18:2 making up over a half of all trans isomers in both of formulae and next trans 18:3 (over 30%). The high level of above-mentioned trans isomers is pointing out on presence, mainly, vegetable oils in fat fraction of infant formulae milks. In conclusion, the trans fatty acid level in all analyzed products do not exceed 0.4% of fat so we confirm that they are safe for infants, who are not breastfed.
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Financial security of Polish households

A household’s financial security is essential for the satisfaction of the needs and wants of its members, both communal and individual. It constitutes a kind of foundation for all of a household’s financial decisions that impact its standard of living. The article aims to assess the level of financial security of Polish households in 2005–2013. The research draws on data from Genworth Index, HBS conducted by the Central Statistical Office (GUS) and Social Diagnosis (Diagnoza społeczna) overseen by the Social Monitoring Council. The study shows that Poland is characterized by a low level of financial security relative to other European countries, especially Western and Scandinavian. More than three-quarters of Polish households experience financial problems and exhibit both a low propensity to save, and low savings rates.
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