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w słowach kluczowych:  Lublin Upland
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the intensity of soil erosion within the catchment of two closed depressions in the Nałęczów Plateau (Lublin Upland). The amount of erosion was assessed from the depth of accumulated soil material, and the calculated amount was related to the time of agricul-tural land use. The studies were carried out in the catchment of the area of 0.54 ha. Within the catchment, 75 intact soil cores were taken and analysed to determine the depth of soil horizons and accumulated soil material. Depositional soils were represented by 25 soil cores. The average thickness of the accumulated material was 0.75 m with a maximum of 1.78 m. The results showed that the catchment of two combined closed depressions evolved to the form of a small valley (trough) after 185 years of agricultural use. The volume of soil material accumulated in the catchment, calculated from the thickness of the depositional material in soil profiles collected in a regular grid, was 1797.4 m3, and the volume calculated from the profiles located in transects that crossed the catchment axis was higher by 2%. The average rate of erosion in the catchment of the two combined depressions was 24.3 Mg ha-1
The persented study attempts to verify a hypothesis on the tectonic conditions of spring distribution and their yield in the western part of the Lublin Upland. The materials used for comparison consists of satellite lineaments map. The relationship between the location of springs and satellite lineament course has been worked out by means of the PC program NIT. The results of calculations carried out show conclusively that the number of springs and theirs yield decreases with the increasing distance from the satellite lineaments.
Results of 10-years runoff plot experiments carried out on two sites of the Lublin Upland were presented. Despite similar soils and climatic conditions, studies showed large differences in annual soil erodibility (K factor of the USLE) between both sites. Experimentally derived values of the factor were dependent on tillage direction and time of maintaining runoff-plots in fallow conditions. On a site cultivated in contour direction, 4-year period was insufficient to achieve K values similar to the predicted values from the USLE. In contrast to this, on a site cultivated up-down slope, similar experimental and predicted K values were obtained after 2 years and remained at the same level during next 4 years. Results enabled to identify limitations of the USLE application for erosion prediction in Poland. Studies proved that soil erodibility could be used for prediction of erosion risk for silt loam developed from loess. However, application of soil erodibility approach to the event–base models is questionable for variation of K factor in the initial years. As far, the factors affecting soil erodibility changes are not recognized and need further research.
Gender and age structure as well as body weight of partridge (Perdix perdix L.) during periods of high and low population density in the Lublin Upland. Studies upon structure of gender and age as well as body weight of partridges were carried out in the Lublin Upland in 1988 and 2015, different in relation to the levels of these animals population density. These features were evaluated in 104 individuals culled in early October. Nearly 4-fold decrease in the population density of this species was recorded between the compared periods. Over 80-fold decrease in the hunting acquisition of partridge occurred the same period. A decrease in the share of females in the population after the breeding period was also found, which probably resulted from an increase in this gender mortality during the breeding season. Proportions of the number of juveniles to adult animals (2.4 and 1.7), and to adult males (4.0 and 1.7) in two subsequent study years, i.e. indicators of the young partridges production, did not differ significantly, but it could be mainly due to a small sample in the latter year. The gender structure of juvenile partridges was 0.94 male per female in 1988 and 0.71 male per female in 2015, which did not significantly differ between periods (χ2 = 0.178). Among adult individuals, 1.5 male per female were recorded in 1988, while only males were reported in 2015. Body weight of young partridges decreased between the years of research by 22.5 gram, i.e. 6%, while adult animals by 12.5 gram, which indicates the decrease in bird size, and thus the individual condition, presumably due to limited food resources. Differences in body weight between periods were statistically significant only at young animals. Such situation can cause enhanced mortality of young partridges in autumn and winter, therefore worsen the existing regress in this species population. The results confirmed that the previous assessment of the causes of the decline in partridges population in Poland, showing an increase in losses during the breeding season, as the main demographic mechanism, were valid also for the second decade of the twenty-first century. It follows that improving the environmental conditions during the breeding season, besides reducing the number of predators, should be an essential part of the partridge active protection programs.
Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu regulatorów wzrostu na jakość okulantów jabłoni odmiany „Szampion Reno” okulizowanej na podkładkach M.9 RN 29 i M.26 w warunkach Wyżyny Lubelskiej. Regulatory wzrostu w postaci preparatów AGRIMIX PRO i Asahi SL aplikowano na 6 najmłodszych dobrze wykształconych pąków bocznych wraz z liśćmi tuż pod stożkiem wzrostu przewodnika, corocznie w okresie gdy okulanty jabłoni osiągnęły 80 cm wysokości. Zastosowanie preparatu AGRIMIX PRO miało istotnie korzystny wpływ na średnicę pni okulantów, ich wysokość oraz stopień rozgałęzienia, tj. liczbę pędów bocznych, średnią długość jednego pędu i sumę długości oraz średnicę pni podkładek tylko w 2015 roku badań. W miarę wzrostu dawki preparatu AGRIMIX PRO liczba oraz suma długości pędów syleptycznych istotnie wzrastała. Odwrotną istotną zależność wykazano w przypadku wysokości badanych drzewek. Dodanie regulatora wzrostu Asahi SL miało istotny wpływ na średnicę pni drzewek, wysokość, liczbę, średnią długość i sumę pędów bocznych okulantów jabłoni odmiany „Szampion Reno”. Typ podkładki istotnie wpływał na poziom wszystkich badanych parametrów wzrostu i jakości, a drzewka na silniej rosnącej podkładce M.26 były grubsze, wyższe i lepiej rozgałęzione niż na M.9. Warunki pogodowe panujące w trakcie trwania badań miały istotny wpływ na wzrost i stopień rozgałęziania ocenianych roślin. Istotnie najlepszej jakości parametry uzyskano w pierwszym roku badań, zaś istotnie najsłabsze w 2015 roku.
The ploughed-on terraces were one of the techniques for agricultural use of steep slopes in loess landscapes of developed high plains, the example of which is described fragment of the valley in Bartłomiejowice near Nałęczów. Giving up the agricultural use makes disappearance of those anthropogenic-erosion relief forms in the landscape structure. The authors postulate to protect – by restoring the meadow-pasture use – the characteristic enclaves of loess landscapes with ploughed-on terraces.
The number of Adonis vernalis populations, their size and abundance in xerothermic communities of the Lublin Upland have decreased signifi cantly in the last 40–50 years, which indicates that there is a real risk of species extinction in the studied area. The paper is an attempt to indicate the possible factors which infl uence the decrease of Adonis vernalis populations. Detailed studies were carried out in six sites differing habitat conditions, land use and the size of Adonis vernalis populations. Observations were made of the abundance of blooming and the number of anthers per fl ower. The ability for reproduction was estimated indirectly by the mass of pollen delivered and its biological value. The populations of Adonis vernalis differ in number of anthers per fl ower (94.4 – 131.5, on average), the mass of pollen delivered (0.83 mg – 3.18 mg per 100 anthers, on average), the biological value of pollen and the size of pollen grains. Generally, stronger populations were characterized by better quality and a higher quantity of pollen. Potential energy of pollen in fl owers from Pliszczyn and Łabunie was 69–72%, compared to 36%–47% in the remaining populations. Grass burning did not cause a reduction of potential biological value of Adonis vernalis pollen. Xerothermic swards in Pliszczyn and Kąty regularly burnt developed strong, most abundant populations of Adonis vernalis with favorable pollen. The development of the shrub layer, if it is out of control, stands in the way of satisfactory reproduction of halophilous Adonis vernalis.
The estimation of participation and density of forage species in several xerodermic communities of the Lublin Upland were carried out in 2004 and 2005. Most plants species visited by bees are grouped in plots of the Brachypodio- Teucrietum and the Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati communities. The nectariferous and polleniferous taxons are mostly perennials predominated by hemicryptophytes (79%), others are terophytes and geophytes (21%). Successive blooming of the nectariferous and polleniferous species in both associations ensures unbroken food flow from the early spring until the late summer and early autumn. Xerothermic swards make a valuable food potential to be important for the Apoidea before and after blooming of the main forage cultivated crops.
The paper indicates the phytocenoses most rich in bee taxons and occurring in habitats located along railway lines crossing Lublin Upland. To date, in the study area 124 basic phytocoenoses have been discovered, described and classified into 12 different synecological groups. Among 52 phytocoenoses, the participation of bee flora was considerable. Most voluble phytocoenoses represent ruderal and segetal associations (Ariern is ie tea vulgaris, Stellarietea mediae classes - 87 species), meadow and pasture associations (Mollinio-Arrhenatheretea - 56 species), psammophilous and xerothermic grasslands (Festuco- Brometea, Koelerio glauce-Corynophoretea canescensis - 38 species), thermophilous forest edge communities and thickets (Trifolio-Geranietea and Rhamno-Prunetea - 33 species). Significantly fewer melliferous and polleniferous taxons were noticed in mesophilous deciduous forests or thermophilous oak forests - 29 species. Most simple in structure and species richness are associations with Rumex acetosa, Reseda lutea, Linaria vulgaris, Papaver rhoeas, Cirsium arvense, Oenothera biennis, Viola arvensis and Potentilletum anserine or Sisymbrietum altissimi. The communities form patches (15-20 m² ) with 80-100% cover of the diagnostic taxon and are of low or medium stability. The most persistent and floristically stable are Tanaceto Artemisietum, Rudbeckio-Solidaginetum, Echio-Melilotetum, Sambucetum nigrae, Rubo fruticosi-Prunetum spinosae and communities with Rosa rugosa, Rubus caesius, Geranium robertianum, Pastinaca sativa, Trifolium medium or Euphorbia cyparissias. The maintenance of the mosaic of phytocoenoses in anthropogenically transformed habitats, including those along railway lines, is of decisive importance for the protection of floristic diversity and adaptation processes of Apoidea.
Anthropogenic alterations of the recent millennia of our era, in the loess areas of the Lublin Upland are clearly visible in the composition and character of the sediments that fill river valleys. This paper is an attempt to review this issue on the example of a small river valley that runs through the loess relief regions near Lublin. Samples were taken from deep drilling (up to 6 m) in the three cross-sections of the valley (Ożarów, Jastków, Snopków). A total of 172 samples taken from 5 drillings were investigated. The results obtained allow to conclude that delluvial processes dominated in the course of sediment formation that filled the Ciemięga river valley. Those delluvial processes started in the Neolyth by climatic changes and cutting down forests for the incoming agriculture - and have been intensified since the Middle Ages up till now. It is seen in a clear correlation between the growing part of ash components and mineral interbeddings in the peat deposits, as well as in the presence of cereal grains and weed pollen from cultivated fields in the investigated samples. In the chemical composition of the sediments, anthropogenic enrichment of K, P, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, and Co is observed.
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