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Nitrofuran derivatives, particularly nitrofurazone aind furazolidone are widely applied in a veterinary therapy. They show a wide spectrum of bactericidal properties and, what is still more important, are effective in relation to many species and strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics and sulphamides (5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 27). Moreover, certain nitrofurans are also effective towards protozoa and some major viruses (2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 20). Among the preparations based on nitrofuranic compounds, particularly popular in our country is Endofuran, containing furazolidonum - 2.3%, nitrofuralum - 2.3%, natrium laurylo-sulfuricum - 0.32%, kalium bichromicum - 0.43, lactosum - 94.65%. This preparation is widely applied at control of diarrhoeal diseases of animals, and particularly of swine colibacillosis. However, the cases also are known, in which Endofuran applied in the doses recommended by the factory does not bring expected therapeutical effects. One of the reasons of this weak effectiveness may be probably - at least in some cases - too little amounts of the preparation administered to sick animals. Of it both home observations, proving e.g. that the double Endofuran dose would often result in a cure of sick animals, for which the doses recommended appeared to be ineffective, and the reports of some foreign authors, applying successfully to swine 25, 30, 50, 100, 150 and even 200 mg of nitrofuran compounds per 1 kg of body weight (1, 16, 17, 18, 26), can bear evidence. As compared with the above data, the maximal recomended therapeutic dose of Endofuran for piglets is with us 3 g per day, including only 138 mg of nitrofuranes (furazolidone + nitrofurazone), i.e. in the case of a piglet weighing 20 kg only 6.9 mg/kg of these compounds, what seems to be in fact too little. An increase of the obligatory Endofuran doses "by guess" or basing only on the data from scientific literature would be after all risky, the more that in composition of this preparaition, beside of nitrofarans, also other chemical compounds are contained. Changes or corrections of the Endofuran dosing can be done, like in the case of any other drug, only basing on concrete results of the respective experiments, taking into consideration, among other things, its tolerance limits in animal organism. In the Polish veterinary literature, beside of the report of Tereszczukowa and Zieliński, there is a lack of any research concerning this problem (23). In the above situation it seemed purposeful to undertake the present work, aiming at determination of effect of particular Endofuran doses, administered to healthy pigs for differently long periods, on clinically estimated general condition of the animals, physiological efficiency of their alimentary tract and sensitiveness in vitro of E. coli and Lactobacillus group rods to nitrofurazone, sulphatiazol and some antibiotics.
Цель работы состояла в оценке пригодности препарата Linco-Spectin и Lincomix-S в метафилактике инфекционного атрофического ринита (иар). Клинические изменения иар отмечали у ок. 70% выращиваемых свиней в хозяйстве, в котором предприняли исследования. Linco-Spectin S вводили поросятам i.m. на 3, 6 и 12 день жизни в дозе 0,5 мл, а на 21 день в количестве 1 мл. В период 10—100 дней жизни свиньям вводили в корме Lincomix-S в дозе 1000 ppm. Результаты бактериологических исследований доказали, что распространение инфекций палочками Bordetella bronchiseptica (B.b.) было в данной популяции значтельно. Уже на 4 неделе жизни поросят эти микроорганизмы изолировали из носовых полостей 48% подопытных и 70% контрольных животных. Степень распространения инфекций росла в обеих группах свиней при очередных исследованиях. На 8 неделе жизни животных она составляла соответственно 68 и 90%, а на 12 неделе — 70 и 100%. Каждый раз процент подопытных свиней с сильной степенью инфекции В.b. (>100 колоний) был существенно ниже контрольных животных. Принятая процедура ограничила существенно число инфекции и вирулентность штаммов Pasteurella multocida (P.m.). Исследования чувствительности P.m. и В.b. показали, что 100% исследуемых штаммов было чувствительно к Linco-Spectmn S. Процент клинических случаев иар понизили за год от 49 до 5,1%.
Цель работы состояла в оценке: безвредности, иммуногенности и местной пригодности выпускаемой в Польше вакцины Rhinovac, предназначенной для иммунопрофилактики инфекционного атрофического ринита носа. Эта вакцина является суспензией инактивированных высоко иммуногенных штаммов В.Ь. Одна доза биопрепарата содержит 60 млд бактериальных клеток. Проведенные лабораторные и местные исследования показали, что: 2-кратное введение свиноматкам на 5 и 3 неделе до родов отечественной вакцины Rhinovac стимулирует высокий рост в их сыворотке уровня специфических агглютининов анти-В. bronchiseptica; эти противотела передаются свиноматками потомству с молозивом, достигая в сыворотках поросят уровня, подобного как у матерей; 2-кратная вакцинация отъемышей ведет к повыбению их иммунитета к инфекции В. bronchiseptica; в течение по крайней мере 20 недель; применение вакцины Rhinovac в очаге болезни позволяет существенно ограничить появление клинической формы и.а.р.н., увеличить привесов свиней и уменьшить количества корма, потребляемого этими животными.
The investigations have been done on the farm with a moderate form of atrophic rhinitis (AR). For trials 80 sows and their litters divided randomly into 4 equal groups I, II, III and IV were used. Sows and piglets from the group I were immunized using Bordetella bronchiseptica bacterin (Bp). Femals from the group II were vaccinated with a monovalent Bp bacterin and piglets from this group apart from the vaccine were given additionally twice anti­serum Bp and Pasteurella multocida (Pm). Sows and piglets of the group III were immunized with monovalent vaccines against Bp and Pm. Swine from group IV served as control. Effectiveness of the treatment was assesed by three different methods: a) body weight gains of 50 slaughter hogs from each group, b) done’s visual snout evaluation and c) digital computer evaluation of turbinate parameter ratios (TPR). The obtained results showed that each of the used methods of immunoprophylaxis was useful. The best results were noted in the group II. It was found that clinical investiga­tions were not eftective to determine the health status of swine regarding to AR. The most objective method seems to be TPR evaluation. Direct correlation between the in­tensity of changes in the snout and body weight gains was proved to be only partially useful.
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