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In this paper assessment of the phenotypic diversity in 40 blackcurrant (Ribes ni- grum L.) cultivars was presented. The cultivars were from the breeding (working) collection, and originated from over a large geographical range. Bushes of the geno­types in the working collection were planted in autumn of 2004 in the Experimental Orchard in Dąbrowice, near Skierniewice, belonging to the Fruit Breeding Depart­ment of the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture. Observations of 17 agronomical traits collected during the two years of 2007-2008 were analyzed. Two multivariate methods were used, i.e. principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) using Ward's method and the square of the Euclidean distance. The first three PCs explained about 56% of the multi-trait variation among the cultivars, and the first two accounted for about 39% of the multi-trait variation. There was a high correlation of the two phenological traits, fruit size and firmness of fruit skin with PC1. This correlation represents the most important genetic common factor that could be called, "Ripening time driving fruit size and firmness". The PC2 was mostly correlated with number of basal shoots and fruit yield per plant. It represents the sec­ond common factor called, "Plant architecture affecting fruit productivity". Traits such as ripening time, fruit size and firmness, number of basal shoots, fruit yield per plant, as well as susceptibility to diseases and pests are the most discriminating po- mological attributes that mainly contribute to overall phenotypic diversity of theblackcurrant cultivars. The cultivars were divided into five distinct clusters. Distribu­tion of the cultivars in two PCs coordinates allowed us to find the existing rich diver­sity for the studied traits. Such diversity proves, that the characterized blackcurrant cultivar collection has high potential for specific breeding goals. The cultivars in­cluded in the diverse clusters could be promising parents with complementary levels of the most discriminating traits. They should be used for hybridization in order to obtain a high heterotic response. This response would substantially contribute to the blackcurrant breeding programs.
In forestry management, artificially produced planting material is mainly used for renewal the tree population. Seedlings are cultivated in two systems: in the ground (the bare−root seedlings) and in controlled conditions (container seedlings). The aim of the study was to analyse the microsatellite markers of nuclear and chloroplast DNA, in terms of the number and frequency of rare, private, low frequency and common alleles in the planting material of Scots pine. The rare alleles included alleles occurring with less than 1% in analyzed group of seedlings and low frequency alleles occurred with a frequency of less than 25%. The private alleles were detected only in one group of seedlings. Genetic pools of seedlings from traditional (soil) and container production were compared. Planting material came from nurseries in the Olsztynek (N Poland) and the Oleszyce (S Poland) forest district. With the similar number of observed nDNA and cpDNA alleles in both analyzed locations, a higher number of rare, low frequency and private alleles was found within container seedlings. Most private alleles were a rare allele. Rare and private alleles are supposed to be responsible for adaptation to changing climatic conditions and a stressful environment. It seems reasonable to continue research on the meaning of rare and private alleles under conditions of strong selective pressure.
Aim of the project was to test 23 strawberry cultivars in the climate of Poland and evaluate their economic value. 13 of discussed cultivars were newly bread in Poland and 10 are of foreign origin including cultivars that were never tested in East–Central Europe. All of these cultivars were evaluated in comparison to the 4 standard cultivars used in Poland. The experiment was conducted between 2004 and 2011 in central Poland in the Research Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice. The data were analyzed using linear mixed model. The results shows that cultivar ‘Paladyn’ performed exceptionally well regarding yield and fruit size. Thus, it is one of the best cultivars for including into canon strawberry cultivars, not only in Poland. The rest of tested cultivars, especially those with foreign origin, may need specific treatment or more investigation to accomplish more in the climatic conditions of this geographical region.
Kolekcje podstawowe powstają z ograniczonej liczby obiektów zgromadzonych dotychczas w kolekcji zasobów genowych, wybranych tak, aby reprezentowały zmienność całej kolekcji. Celem tworzenia kolekcji podstawowych jest efektywniejsze wykorzystanie aktualnie zgromadzonych zasobów genowych w programach hodowlanych roślin. W pracy oceaniono efektywność 18 metod pobierania próby, będących kombinacją trzech frakcji próby (wielkości kolekcji podstawowych), dwóch metod analizy skupień oraz trzech metod alokacji obiektów, w trakcie tworzenia kolekcji podstawowej pszenżyta jarego w oparciu o dane fenotypowe. Wraz ze wzrostem wielkości próby wzrasta reprezentatywność zróżnicowania fenotypowego w kolekcji podstawowej pszenżyta jarego. Kolekcje podstawowe stanowiące 20% kolekcji wyjściowej są w wystarczająco reprezentatywne. Metoda Warda analizy skupień podzieliła obiekty w kolekcji wyjściowej w taki sposób aby uzyskać bardziej reprezentatywną kolekcję podstawową, niż podział obiektów metodą UPGMA. W przedstawionych analizach, dwie pośród trzech zastosowanych metod alokacji obiektów, proporcjonalna i D2 charakteryzowały się wysokim poziomem reprezentatywności.
The perception of forests has changed in recent years. The non−wood services of forests gain more and more importance. Society pays more attention to the protective and social aspects of forestry. Hence, there is the need for their valuation. The aim of the research was to determine the economic value of the tourist function of the ‘Nad Tanwią’ nature reserve (south−eastern Poland) using a contingent valuation method (CVM). The objective reserve is a strict reserve with an area of 41.3 hectares. In order to determine its tourist value we conducted a survey that included a group of 341 tourists resting in this area. The research was carried out from May to September 2017. The CVM method uses a questionnaire as a tool to show respondents’ Willingness−To−Pay (WTP). The research used a variant of the CVM method in the form of a Payment Card. We used classification and regression trees for the statistical analysis. The method compiled data on the amount of hypothetical contributions for reserve protection (WTP) and the amount of contributions in the case of doubling the respondents’ income (WTP2). As a result of data analysis, the WTP model was built. The respondents reported the need of 14 types of visits in terms of their duration, most often they preferred short visits of up to 3 days. The demand for recreation in the reserve was determined using the regression equation: Sd=(29.87679/N)–0.12102. Hypothetical propensity to pay contributions for the protection of the ‘Nad Tanwią’ nature reserve was confirmed by 46% of respondents, while the remaining ones were against paying fees for this purpose. The average fee for all visits was PLN 27.51. The value of non−market benefits per person was PLN 340/year, and for the group of respondents it was around PLN 116,000. The valuation of all functions of forests is important from a practical point of view, as it supports foresters in making decisions about the right direction of forest management. In addition, forest areas covered by various forms of nature conservation are an important place of recreation for tourists.
This paper describes the variability of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) provenances in the IUFRO experiment located in Rogów (central Poland). The silvicultural quality and growth of 17 European provenances at the age of 28 years were examined, including height, diameter at breast height, standing volume, straightness of stem and health status. Populations from Poland (Spała, Miłomłyn, Rychtal), Germany (Betzhorn, Lampertheim), France (Haguenau) and Hungary (Pornóapáti) characterized by the best growth parameters. In contrast, pines from Northern (Russia, Sweden) and Southern (Turkey, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina) Europe were smaller and thinner and, as a result, with lower standing volume. The smallest differences of pine populations were found in tree height. The highest mean tree height (11.68 m) was reported for Rychtal (Poland) provenance, while the lowest (6.77 m) for Çatacik (Turkey). The overall mean tree height in the whole experiment was 9.83 m. Diameter at breast height (dbh) varied more than the tree height. The highest mean dbh (129.91 mm) was reported for Haguenau (France) provenance, while the lowest (72.85 mm) again for Çatacik (Turkey). The overall mean dbh for all provenances equaled 107.12 mm. The highest differences of pine populations were found in the standing volume. The highest standing volume (19.05 m³/ha) was obtained for Pornóapáti (Hungary) provenance, while the lowest (163.72 m³/ha) again for Çatacik (Turkey). In terms of silvicultural quality, the northern provenances were classified as the best ones because of high proportion of trees with straight stems. The largest share of tress with straight stems occurred in the population of Serebryanskoe from Russia (60.8%), while the smallest of Haguenau from France (6.9%). The populations from Southern Europe (Maočnica, Prusačka Rijeka and Çatacik) show poor adaptation to environmental conditions of central Poland.
Nanoparticles are gaining ever−wider application in plant production (for both agriculture and forestry), in the role of pesticides, as well as stimulators of plant growth and resistance. We sought to determine the efficacy of silver and copper nanoparticles (AgNPs and CuNPs respectively), used as seed dressings or subjected to foliar application, in affording protection from parasitic damping−off disease among soil−grown seedlings of Scots pine in a forest nursery. Experiments also assessed the influence of the nanoparticles on the growth of the plants potentially safeguarded in this way. Nanoparticles were used in seed soaking and foliar spraying at 50 ppm concentration. Pines treated with fungicides (Zaprawa Nasienna T 75 DS, Acrobat MZ 69 WG, Topsin M 500 SC, Gwarant 500 SC, Thiram Granuflo 80 WG and Signum 33 WG) or unprotected at all were used for comparison. In each treatment (AgNPs, CuNPs, fungicides or unprotected), seedlings were inventoried 6 weeks after the sowing and at the end of the growing season, while all individuals on 80 1−m−long segments of seed row were counted. At the end of the growing season, shoot length, root−collar diameter, root length and dry mass of shoots and roots were determined. The seedlings treated with nanoparticles had longer root systems of greater dry mass, but also only more weakly−developed above−ground parts (both height and dry mass being limited) in comparison with young Scots pines that had been fungicide−treated or were unprotected. It resulted in a significantly more favourable ratio between shoot and root masses, where nanoparticle treatment had been applied. The effectiveness of the protection extended to the germination and first−growth stages up to 6 weeks from the time of sowing was furthermore shown to be greatest where AgNPs had been applied, while at the season end there were comparable results among pines treated with either nanoparticles or fungicides. Our results thus indicate that nanoparticles limit damping−off disease in pine seedlings (AgNPs more effectively than CuNPs), with that effectiveness also proving comparable with that noted for the fungicides applied traditionally.
Pedunculate oak is a species of major economic importance in Polish forests. This species seedlings constitute 18.9% of the nursery production in the country. One of the most widespread fungal disease these oaks face is the oak powdery mildew induced by Erysiphe alphitoides. Nursery production is on the lookout for environment−friendly means of plant protection as well as growth simulators capable of raising levels of productivity. Our objectives was to assess two preparation treatments regarded as biostimulators (registered as fertilisers under the names Apol−Humus and Apol−Hum Chelat) in the raising of seedlings of pedunculate oak in bare−root nursery conditions. The experiment included 6 variants with seedlings treated with the above agents, protected against mildew in the traditional way using Falcon 460 EC, treated with fertiliser and fungicide at the same time, or left as control specimens with no measures taken. All preparations were applied by means of foliar spraying 5 times in the course of the season. Survival of seedlings was then assessed at the season end, along with biometric features like root−collar diameter, length of main root and stem, dry mass of leaves and stem, and degree of oak powdery mildew attack. Results indicated curtailment of mildew infection of oak seedlings thanks to both of the biostimulators, albeit to a more limited extent than when fungicide was applied. No stimulation of seedling growth was achieved, however, though the most favourable biometric parameters characterised the oaks supplied with both biostimulator and fungicide. Significantly higher survival rate was noted for oaks offered effective protection against mildew, in the variants with the fungicide or with simultaneous application of Apol−Humus or Apol−Hum Chelat with Falcon. The research points to the two biostimulators under study (based on natural components) being suitable for use in the nursery production of pedunculate oak seedlings, with it being presumed that either or both can allow for reduction in amount of fungicide necessary to be used to safeguard seedlings against mildew.
A total of 181 cultivable endophytic bacterial isolates were collected from stems of 13 species of herbs inhabiting Europe (Poland): Chelidonium majus L., Elymus repens L., Erigeron annuus L., Euphrasia rostkoviana Hayne, Foeniculum vulgare L., Geranium pratense L., Humulus lupulus L., Matricaria chamomilla L., Mentha arvensis L., Papaver rhoeas L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Solidago gigantea L. and Vinca minor L. The isolates were screened for their antifungal activity and fifty three were found to inhibit fungal growth. Of these, five had strong antifun-gal properties. These selected isolates were identified as: Pseudomonas azotoformans, P. cedrina, Bacillus subtilis group and Erwiniapersicina.
The programme of testing the progeny of permanent seed stands, parent trees, seed orchards and seedling seed orchards that has been run in Poland enables to determine the genetic value and silvicultural quality of the progeny of components of primary forest material. A better knowledge of population variability and adaptability to particular environmental conditions also allows for the updating and verification of principles regarding the use of the seed base in testing regions, as well as the determination of possibility for forest reproductive material to be transferred. The article presents the research on assessment of survival and growth among progeny from 26 permanent seed stands of silver fir that originates from Lublin, Radom and Łódź Regional Directorates of the State Forests, at four testing grounds located in the Kielce, Suchedniów, Tomaszów and Zwierzyniec forest districts. Each research plot was founded with 4 replicates, each with 3−year−old saplings. After 5 years of growth, mean rates of survival ranged from 70.4% at the Kielce site to 92.7% in Tomaszów. The lowest survival rate (30.5%) was noted for local origin (Starachowice), while the highest (93.8%) characterised the local standard from Zwierzyniec. Mean height varied from 54.1 cm in the case of the Suchedniów to 80.0 cm in the case of Tomaszów, albeit with the shortest firs originating from the Starachowice local standard and the tallest from the Tomaszów local standard. Analysis of variance components revealed that the environmental conditions (described by study area) played major role in shaping the variability. This effect was responsible for around 75% of the variance in height and 60% of that relating to survival. In contrast, origin (genetic factor) was most likely responsible for 7% of the noted variance in height or 4% of that relating to survival.
European beech is one of the most important broadleaved tree species in Poland and will play probably even more significant role in the future due to the predicted climate change. The main objectives of this study was to analyse and compare the growth parameters and morphological traits between 23 European beech provenances from south−eastern Poland (fig. 1). The research was conducted on the experimental plot established in Łosie Forest District in 2006. The experiment employed a randomized complete block design consisting of 92 plots (23 provenances×4 blocks). On each plot 100 trees representing given provenance were planted in 1.5×1.5 m spacing. In the spring and autumn 2015 we measured and determined the following parameters for the subsample of 36 trees on each plot: survival rate, tree height, diameter at breast height, diameter of the branch at the middle height of the crown length, stem straightness, crown shape, tendency to create forks, mean angle between stem and branches and spring phenology. We also included different eco−physiographical characteristics for each provenances (tab. 1). We performed basic statistics to describe mean values and standard errors (fig. 2, tab. 2) and finally we quantified the interaction between traits and eco−physiographical characteristics by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (fig 3, tab. 3). The obtained results indicates that under growth conditions on experimental trial in Łosie Forest District, the provenances from lower elevated regions with lower precipitation and higher mean temperature (i.e. more arid conditions; Kielce and Narol provenances) were characterized by thicker dbh and branch dimeters in contrast to regions from southern Poland (Łosie, Bricza 1, Stary Sącz and Nawojowa). European beech provenances from regions with more humid conditions and lower mean annual temperature, as well as shorter vegetation season are characterized by higher survival rate. They are also higher than other provenances, but reveal the lower ratio dbh to branch diameter.
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