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Valuable cultural landscapes have developed on mountainsides as a result of existing cultivation. Their survival was ensured by a traditional way of soil use. Due to a current lack of the traditional use of the mountainsides, their valuable cultural landscapes are threatened, they are even to face a complete extinction. Moreover, in some cases the lack of the traditional use of mountainsides also strengthens the threat of soil erosion on these terrains. One of the methods of the protection of the agriculturally used mountainsides against water erosion is the protection of the cultural landscapes of these mountainsides. Detailed studies were carried out in the area of Węglówka village, which is located in the southern part of Wiśniowa district, Małopolska voiovodeship. There were pointed out methods limiting the water erosion of mountainsides also by the protection and preservation of their cultural landscape, which can occur in a landscape plan. Such a plan covers the thorough development of mountainsides. From the carried out preliminary studies of the use of USLE equation to draw up a correct development plan of mountainsides agriculturally used, it appears that there should be created a thorough model of the lie of the land to calculate the factor of length and slope gradient precisely. In order to do it a tachometric measurement of the lie of the land of the chosen slopes can be useful.
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