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In 24 football players before (A), during (B) and after (C) maximal exercise on the cycloergometer the haematocrit count, haemoglobin concentration and lactate concentration were estimated in the succeeding stages of preparating (I, II, III ) and starting (period (IV, V). The investigations of anaerobic debt 3 minutes after maximal exercise were also performed. The following results were obtained: Haematocrit count: - significant increase A:C (p < 0,001) In I, II, III, IV, V stages, a significant increase A: B (p < 0,05) and B:C (p < 0,05) in the II stage as well as significant increase of A: B (p < 0,001) in the IV stage, lack of significant differences in after- exercise values between succeeding stages of preparating and starting periods. Haemoglobin concentration: significant increase of A:C (p < 0,001) in the I, II, III, IV, V stages and a significant increase of A:B in II (p < 0,001), III (p < 0,05) and IV (p < 0,05 stages, lack of significant differences in the after-exercise stages of preparating and starting periods. Lactate concentration: lactate values (mmol/1) after maximal exercise were: 7,90-2,68 (I), 9,09-2,19 (II); 8,15-1,10 (III); 10,53- 4,64 (IV) and 3,32-0,71 (V), significant increase A:B (p < 0,001) in I, II, III stages of investigatios, A: B (p < 0,001) in I, II, III, IV, V stages and B:C (p < 0,001) in I, II and III stages, significant increate after maximal exercise between I: IV (p < 0,05); I: V (p < 0,001); II:V (p < 0,001); III:IV (p < 0,05); III: V (p < 0,001) and IV:V (p < 0,001). Anaerobic debt: maxima| value of anaerobic debt (7,30-1,021) min, 3760,40-469,89 ml/m2) was found in the third stage of preparating period, significant differences were found between I: III (p < 0,05); I: IV (p < 0,001); III: IV (p < 0,001); II:V (p < 0,05); III:V (p < 0,05) and IV:V (p < 0,05).
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