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In this paper, the rediscovery of endemic and long missing species, Scilla mesopotamica Speta which had been only known from the type gathering, is given. The species has not been collected again after Sintenis in 1888, whose specimens served Speta for description of the new taxon. In 2004, the authors found it in a steppic rocky area, near Halfeti in Şanliurfa province, South East Anatolia, Turkey. After analyzing Sintenis' original collection notes, they concluded that this area is identical with the type locality. S. mesopotamica has an extremely limited distribution and is represented by less than 200 specimens in the single known population that covers less than 50 m2. Taxonomy of the species, detailed description with illustrations, geographical distribution, habitat, ecology and status of IUCN extinction risk and some comments on conservation of the plant are also presented.
Although the knowledge of pollination systems of rare and threatened species is one of the principles for development of optimal conservation and management strategies, the data about their pollination requirements are scarce or incomplete. Different problems are listed (xerothermic habitat disappearance, overgrowing of patches, plant biology i.e., slow plant growth, problems with seed germination) among the possible causes of Adonis vernalis being threatened, but until now no consideration was given to the flowering biology and pollination. The observations of flowering biology of A. vernalis (Ranunculaceae), a clonal species, were conducted in an out-ofcompact- range population, in the Lublin Upland, Poland (51°18'55" N, 22°38'21" E), in 2011–2013. The reproductive potential of A. vernalis is related to the population age structure, pollination syndrome, and breeding system. The flowers exhibit incomplete protogyny. The dichogamy function is supported by different (biological, morphological) mechanisms. Stigma receptivity occurred about one day before anthers started shedding self-pollen, and pollen viability was increasing gradually during the flower life-span (66.3% in distal anthers vs. 77.3% in proximal). The decrease in pollen production and in pollen viability coincided with the lowest degree of seed set, irrespective of the pollination treatment. Pollen vectors are necessary for efficient pollination, as the proportion of pistils setting fruits after open pollination (41–82.1%) was significantly higher compared to spontaneous self-pollination (only 5.5–12.3%). The pollination requirements together with pollen/ovule ratio (P/O = 501) indicate a facultative xenogamous breeding system in A. vernalis. Therefore, in the conditions of the global lack of pollinators, improper pollination may weaken the population by leading to a decrease in the proportion of recombinants, and in addition to other factors, may accelerate extinction of small A. vernalis populations.
Rare epixylic moss Buxbaumia viridis, which is one of the “Annex II” species of the European “Habitat directive”, has been recorded at 124 localities in the Czech Republic in course of the last 13 years. Most of them were discovered in the last five years following a dedicated search at both historical sites of occurrence and new localities with putatively suitable habitat conditions. The recent and historical area of occupancy and extent of occurrence are not obviously different, although most of the recent localities are concentrated in the Western Carpathians and the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. Surprisingly, only 38% of the localities are located in natural forest habitats, of which herb-rich and acidophilous beech forests were among the most commonly inhabited ones. The rest of occurrences were recorded in non-natural forests (habitats strongly influenced or created by man), particularly the coniferous forest plantations. Sufficient amount of decaying wood of the advanced decay stages, as well as sufficient and constant humidity are crucial prerequisites for the occurrence of B. viridis in both types of forests. True epixylic moss Herzogiella seligeri and the liverwort Chiloscyphus profundus were recorded as the most common associated species, while the rest of commonly co-occurring species were facultatively epixylic, ground or ubiquitous bryophytes; other specialized and rare epixylic mosses or liverworts were only rarely recorded. We also designed a potential distribution model for B. viridis based on the distribution of habitats most commonly occupied by the studied moss. Despite the simplicity of the model, its close match with the recent distribution in the Western Carpathians, the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. and Šumava Mts. supports its relevance for the real distribution of B. viridis.
This contribution presents the results of the investigation of the Oyców birch (Betula oycoviensis Besser) population in Volyně, the Ore Mts., the only locality with its confirmed presence in the Czech Republic. The Volyně locality is situated ca 700 m ASL (mean temperature 6.5°C, annual precipitation 700 mm) mostly on nutrient-poor abandoned pastures. The aim of this paper is to present the results of geometric morphometric study on leaves and to summarize up to date knowledges on this tree species. We found and described altogether 58 individuals of Oyców birch during the field exploration. Dendrometric parameters, vitality and crown shape were analysed. To define characteristic morphological features of Oyców birch, we performed geometric morphometric method on leaves of selected 36 specimens. We found that 15 distinctive traits could be used to distinguish B. oycoviensis from Betula pendula Roth. The traits we considered most important are as follows: petiole length, number of major veins, blade length and blade width. These traits are in accordance with traits that common botanical field guides refer to. The appropriate management steps to support the natural regeneration of Oyców birch in the Volyně locality were recommended. To improve conditions for natural regeneration, grass sward removal in chosen spots is advisable. And finally, the artificial regeneration could be used to accelerate the propagation of the population.
This paper presents results of floristic investigation in the town Łeba. In 2002-2004 and 2006 vegetation seasons 66 interesting and rare vascular plants were found. Among them there are 31 species protected by law (21 strictly and 10 partially) (Rozporządzenie… 2004) and 7 (Drosera anglica, D. intermedia, D. rotundifolia, Dryopteris cristata, Linaria odora, Lycopodiella inundata and Salsola kali) are included in “Red Lists” of threatened vascular plants in Poland, Western Pomerania and Wielkopolska (Zarzycki and Szeląg 2006, śukowski and Jackowiak 1995). 22 species belong to the group of threatened species in the scale of the Gdańskie Pomerania (Markowski and Buliński 2004). According to “Red List” one of them is endangered (EN) – Lycopodiella inundata; 11 species are vulnerable (VU) – Cymbalaria muralis, Drosera anglica, D. intermedia, Epipactis atrorubens, Erica tetralix, Glaux maritima, Linaria odora, Myrica gale, Nepeta cataria, Salsola kali and Triglochin maritimum.
Molinietum caeruleae meadows belong to the most endangered plant communities in Central Europe, nowadays suffering due to the lack of management. The land abandonment promotes strong secondary expansion of macroforbs, sedges or willows, contributing to decrease of the species diversity. In light of these findings very interesting seems to be the evaluation of the variability of features of populations of rare meadow species. In Poland one of strictly protected plant is Gladiolus imbricatus L. It is a tuberous, clonal plant with sword-like leaves and tall stalks bearing purple flowers collected in one-sided inflorescence. The studies of spatio-temporal variability of selected features of subpopoulations of Gladiolus imbricatus were carried out in the years 2009-2011 in Kraków-Kostrze (Southern Poland) in patches of Molinietum caeruleae with different species composition. In Patch I chiefly occurred small meadow species, Patch II was prevailed by shrub willow, Patch III was dominated by tall-growing macroforbs, Patch IV was characterized by substantial share of large-tussock grasses, while Patch V was overgrown by tall rhizomatous grass Phragmites communis. The plant canopy height and ground moisture raised from Patch I, via Patches II, III and IV, to Patch V. Moreover, in all sites the above mentioned parameters increased moderately in consecutive seasons. The decline of abundance of subpopulations observed in the consecutive years and in the successive patches might be caused by a mortality of individuals, a physical damage of tubers, as well as a prolonged dormancy of genets. The structure of developmental stages were similar in consecutive years but differed significantly among Patches. The increasing trend toward senility noted in successive sites could be an effect of lack of microsites suitable for seedling recruitment or absence of vegetative regeneration. The dimensions of leaf blades, flowering stalks and inflorescences remained similar in the subsequent seasons, but they augmented significantly in the successive patches. The length and the width of capsules did not change significantly between seasons and sites. Concluding, it might be assumed, that the perspectives for survivability of subpopulations diminish gradually from Patch I, via Patches II, III and IV to Patch V. Simultaneously, it should be pointed out that prospects for persistence in each place steadily decrease in effect of continuous deterioration of site conditions.
Viola uliginosa Besser is a European species mainly known from the Baltic Region. It is endangered in a significant part of its range. Research carried out in the southeastern part of Poland led to the discovery of numerous sites of Viola uliginosa. Fourteen new localities of this species were found in the area of the Kotlina Sandomierska basin. This paper presents information concerning the localization of all new sites, the abundance of Viola uliginosa at the sites and habitats this species occupies. A discussion regarding the endangered status of this species in the Polish flora is given.
New distribution data for 171 bryophyte taxa in the Roztocze National Park are provided. Among them there are 43 species protected by law in Poland, including 20 strictly protected species, as well as 13 species threatened in Poland. The research revealed 36 species (5 liverworts and 31 mosses) new for the region. Noteworthy is the occurrence of 19 mountain species and 10 bryophytes thought to be relicts of old-growth forests what confirms the specificity of nature of the Roztocze region. The most valuable and interesting finds are: mosses Campylophyllopsis sommerfeltii (Myrin) Ochyra, Dicranum viride (Sull. & Lesq.) Lindb., Buxbaumia viridis (Moug. ex Lam. & DC.) Brid. ex Moug. & Nestl. as well as liverworts Calypogeia suecica (Arnell et J. Perss.) Müll. Frib. and Cephalozia catenulata (Huebener) Lindb. A brief characterisations of these species are presented.
Carex disperma Dewey reaches its south-eastern range limit in north-eastern Poland. It has often been confused with Carex loliacea L. In this paper the diagnostic features of both species are presented. A total of about 47 reliable localities of C. disperma were recorded within the present borders of Poland. Less than one-third of them have only been confirmed recently. They are aggregated in large forest complexes in north-eastern Poland (Romincka, Białowieża, Borki, Augustów and Knyszyn Forests). A list of localities of C. disperma based on herbarium records, credible literature data and the author's own data is provided, as well as maps of distribution of both C. disperma and C. loliacea in Poland. The existence of C. disperma × C. loliacea hybrid was not confirmed. Considering the number of localities, dynamics and population sizes of both species it is clear that C. disperma is a species with higher conservation value than C. loliacea. Unlike C. disperma, the latter species is not threatened with extinction in Poland. The resources of C. disperma are very limited and the species needs conservation measures such as creating sufficiently large nature reserves where appropriate hydrological conditions can be maintained.
Information on distribution and habitats of 176 bryophyte species revealed by a survey of the Wolin Island conducted during the 12th Bryological Workshop organised by the Bryological Section of the Polish Botanical Society is presented. The most interesting (rare, protected and threatened) are: Ctenidium molluscum, Dicranum viride, Frullania tamarisci, Leiocolea badensis, Orthotrichum pulchellum, Syntrichia ruraliformis, Zygodon stirtonii, Z. viridissimus.
In a study of the genus Cetrelia in Poland, four taxa have been identified, two of which, C. chicitae and C. monachorum, are reported for the first time from the country. All taxa differ in chemistry and subtle morphological characters. Cetrelia monachorum is the commonest member of the genus in Poland (237 records), whereas C. chicitae is known only from 6 records. All taxa are endangered, and three, C. cetrarioides, C. chicitae and C. olivetorum, appear to be critically so, thus deserving the category CR; although C. monachorum is the most frequent, it is not common and should be treated as endangered (EN). The distribution of all taxa, their habitat requirements, as well as morphology and secondary chemistry, are discussed.
Information about second finding of Laricifomes officinalis (Batsch) Kotl. & Pouzar (Fomitopsidaceae) in the Gorce Mountains in the External Western Carpathians is given, and its legitimate and illegitimate selected synonyms are cited. This species in Poland is very rare and threatened.
New distribution data for 183 species, one subspecies and four varieties of bryophytes in the Świętokrzyski National Park are provided. The most interesting species (rare, protected and new for the area) are Anastrophyllum hellerianum, Buxbaumia viridis, Cephalozia catenulata, Dicranum viride, Lophozia ascendens, Mannia fragrans and Tetraplodon angustatus.
The present paper describes a diversity of water beetle communities inhabiting five small water reservoirs, located in the north-western part of Wolin Island, near of Świnoujście city (Poland). The analyzed aspects of beetle communities included differences in species composition and the abundance of beetles in various water bodies, taking into account such features of the reservoirs as their size, periodical character, maximum depth, structure of vegetation and the percentage of surface shaded by plant canopy. In total, 60 species of beetles were recorded in the reservoirs, including three species endangered with extinction in Poland, i.e. Haliplus apicalis , H. furcatus , H. variegatus, and one species critically endangered with extinction in Poland, namely Spercheus emarginatus. The largest number of species (42) and individuals (1294) was found in a periodical, relatively big, open and shallow pool situated in a lowland peat bog and covered with soft submerged vegetation. However, the population of beetles found in this location was strongly dominated by two species, Hydrochara caraboides and Hygrotus decoratus, which resulted in the lowest biodiversity coef ficient (H` = 0.705) in comparison with the other investigated reservoirs. In permanent but significantly shaded reservoirs, the number of recorded species was almost two times lower and the abundance of beetles was even eight times lower. However, in such water bodies the diversity coef icient had the highest values (0.981 < H` > 0.991). As fa As far as the environmental aspects were concerned, it was discovered that the most significant were the size of the reservoir and its permanent/non-permanent character. Only the differences in size reached the level of statistical validity (p = 0.040), explaining 34.8% of cases of species variability. The similarity among beetle communities inhabiting particular reservoirs varied from 31.63% to 53.3% and was connected with ecological similarity of the investigated water bodies.
The paper reports results of a study on the population of vimba in the Rega River aimed at localisation of the spawning sites and support of the natural reproduction by stocking. The spawning sites were localised with the help of electric catching and the coordinates were determined by GPS units. The fish caught to be used for artificial spawning (145 individuals) were measured (l.t. and l.c.) using an electronic calliper coupled with a PC unit. The sex of the fish was identified and on the basis of scale analysis the age and rate of length and mass increase were estimated. The backcalculation readings were made using the Rosa Lee method. The model of growth was established on the basis of the von Bertalanffy formula. Comparisons of groups of fish were drawn with the help of the nonparametric Mann Whitney U test. Correlations between variables were evaluated by analysis of regression, while the significance of the correlation coefficient was checked by t test. The rate of vimba mass increase was calculated using the modified von Bertalanffy formula was found to be described by Wt = 1215.103[1-e-0.133609(t+0.57322)]2.7559. The spawning sites of vimba localised in the Rega River section between Gryfice and Trzebiatow were concluded to be good sources of spawners for artificial spawning and the number of spawners caught in this section of the river ensures continuation of vimba restitution in the Rega River. The hitherto stocking measures aimed at restoration of vimba population have brought satisfactory results as evidenced by the age structure of the fish caught in the electric fishing in 2008.
The essential oil of a protected Spanish species, Thymus praecox ssp. penyalarensis, was firstly analyzed [Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)] from wild populations during the phenological stages of flowering and fruiting. In flowering, the yield was 1.2%, and the major components were identified as thymol (18.5%), p-cymene (14.6%), carvacrol (11.6%), and γ-terpinene (10.1%). In fruiting, the yield was 0.9% and the major components resulted to be p-cymene (19.0%), carvacrol (16.5%), and borneol (10.5%). An experimental cultivation of the taxa was made also in order to analyze its essential oil as well. The yield was 1.3%, and the main compounds were thymol (19.1%), p-cymene (17.0%), and γ-terpinene (12.3%). Finally, the composition of the essential oil of this plant is discussed in relation to chemotaxonomic and biogeographical aspects.
The variations in leaf traits of Taxus species in different light conditions are still poorly understood. We sampled leaves of Taxus yunnanensis W. C. Chang L. K. Fu and Taxus chinensis var. mairei (Lemée and Lév.) W. C. Cheng and L. K. Fu along an illumination gradient (full daylight, 40–60% full daylight, <10% full daylight), and analyzed how seven leaf traits and their correlations changed under different light conditions. The leaf trait that showed the greatest variation was specific leaf area (SLA) for T. yunnanensis, followed by leaf dry mass (LM) for both taxa. The smallest variation was in leaf width (LW) for both taxa. Plasticities of all leaf traits in both taxa were higher than 50%, and those of leaf area (LA), LM and SLA were greater than 80%. The light gradient was positively correlated with leaf length (LL), LM, leaf dry matter content (LDMC), and leaf length to width ratio (LWR). LW and SLA were negatively correlated with the light gradient. Analyses of relationships among leaf traits showed that LM of T. yunnanensis, T. chinensis var. mairei and both taxa was positively correlated with LL, LW, LA, LDMC, and LWR, and negatively correlated with SLA under all light conditions. We concluded that leaf traits and their relationships were affected by light conditions.
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