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The studies were conducted in the years 2000–2002 at the Experimental Station of Czesławice near Nałęczów on a field of monocultures of runner bean and soybean. The subject of the studies was the rhizosphere soil of these plant species. The experiment of each plant included 2 combinations, i.e. with dressing the seeds with Zaprawa Oxafun T and without dressing the seeds (control). Results of the microbiological analysis of the rhizosphere soil of runner bean and soybean showed that the plants grown of the seeds dressed with Zaprawa Oxafun T always gave a greater number of bacteria colonies, Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. but a smaller number of fungi colonies than in the control combination. In comparison to the rhizosphere soil of soybean, the rhizosphere soil of runner bean contained much more bacteria and a much lower number of fungi colonies. Among the obtained saprotrophic macroorganisms, a more numerous group of antagonistic bacteria and fungi was achieved from the rhizosphere soil of runner bean than from the rhizosphere soil of soybean. Whatever the plant species, considerably more antagonistic bacteria and fungi occurred in the combination with Zaprawa Oxafun T as compared to the control. The plant species as well as the introduction of Zaprawa Oxafun T into the soil together with the seeds had a considerable influence on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the populations of soil microorganisms.
The aim of our research was to evaluate the genetic diversity among 25 commercial varieties registered in Poland and 145 landraces of Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus Asch. (the dwarf common bean) and Phaseolus coccineus L. (the runner bean) maintained in the National Centre of Plant Genetic Resources in Radzików. An additional goal of this study was to compare the precision and efficiency of two techniques of PCR (RAPD and AFLP), used to estimation the genetic diversity of bean. The breeding varieties of bean were registered in the period between 1950 and 2000. The landraces, collected during expeditions conducted from 1985 to 1988, mainly originated from the eastern and southern part of Poland. In the plant genetic diversity research of RAPD and AFLP markers are commonly used. Complex electrophoresis pictures of DNA fragments were taken, and revealed a considerable polymorphism. The polymorphic fragments were obtained on the basis of 6 differentiating primers using the RAPD method and 15 differentiating primers using the AFLP method. P. vulgaris and P. coccineus accessions formed distinct groups. Each of the RAPD and AFLP analyses allowed for the unique distinguishing of all accessions.
The subject of the studies was the soil with introduced solutions containing 0.1 % chitosan. These materials were obtained from the Institute of Chemical Fibres in Łódź (in the form of a microcrystalline gel) and also from the Department of Food Biochemistry and Chemistry of the University of Agriculture in Lublin (in a liquid form, Le. dissolved in acetic acid). In order to set an experiment in a growth chamber, grey brown podzolic soil formed from loesses and taken from a mechanically treated belt of black fallow was used. The soil (1000 g) was watered every 8 days with 100 ml of examined chitosan solutions per pot. Control soil was watered with sterile distilled water. Seven days after each watering, soil samples were taken for microbiological analysis. Then 25 runner bean seeds were sown into each pot. After six weeks of plants' growth the experiment was finished and the number of plants was counted, their healthiness deterrmined and soil microbiological analysis was performed. Regardless of chitosan form introduced to the soil it stimulated the growth of bacteria and fungi, since in these experimentall combinations was found a significantly higher number of microorganisms as compared with the control. A particular high increase in the number of microorganism colonies was observed with simultaneous growth of plants and the application of chitosan. A considerable increase of fungi colonies from the Trichoderma genu s was found in the soil treated with chitosan in the form of both a microcrystalline gel and a liquid. The species of this genus are considered to be antagonists; it affects pathogenic fungi through competition, antibiosis and over-parasitism. An increase in colonies of saprophytic microorganisms, including antagonistic ones of Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. was observed in the soi l treated with chitosan . On the other hand, in the soil after the growth of bean and treated watered with chitosan only few colonies of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. phaseoli - bean pathogen were found. The healthiness of plants grown in soil treated with chitosan was significantly better as compared to the control. The populations of antagonistic microorganisms formed in the soil in these treatments probably limited the growth of pathogenic fungus.
Runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) is, after common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), the second most important species, both around the world and in Poland. However, as compared to common bean, runner bean was not so well recognized, which is indicated by reports from literature. Among the most important values of this bean species are large and very large seeds (the weight of one thousand seeds: 900–3000 g), which, with respect to their nutritional value rival common bean seeds. There are forms of it that differ in plant growth type, morphological features of flowers, pods and seeds, as well as in the manner of use – green pods and for dry seeds. On the basis of world literature, results of the author’s own studies, as well as the studies conducted in Poland by her collaborators and other authors, the issues of development biology, agrotechnical and environmental requirements, flowering and pollination of this allogamous species were presented, as well as yielding, sensitivity to herbicides, effect of pathogenic factors upon generative organs, as well as chemical composition of runner bean seeds and pericarp (Phaseoli pericarpium).
Celem prezentowanych badań było określenie przydatności metody AFLP do oceny zróżnicowania genetycznego odmian i populacji miejscowych Phaseolus vulgaris (fasoli zwyczajnej) i fasoli wielokwiatowej (Phaseolus coccineus L., syn. Phaseolus multiflorus Wild.), zebranych podczas ekspedycji terenowych, a przechowywanych w Krajowym Centrum Roślinnych Zasobów Genowych. Doświadczenia wykonano z zastosowaniem 8 starterów EcoRI i 8 starterów Msel, co dało 64 przebadane kombinacje starterów. Pozwoliło to na wybranie 15 par starterów generujących największą liczbę polimorficznych prążków na żelach poliakrylamidowych. Otrzymane wyniki rozdziału fragmentów DNA posłużyły do określenia podobieństwa badanych obiektów metodą analizy skupień, opierając się na wartościach współczynnika podobieństwa Jaccarda. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały przydatność metody AFLP do odróżnienia poszczególnych populacji Phaseolus vulgaris L. i określenia ich zróżnicowania wewnątrzpopulacyjnego. W wydzielonych skupieniach, a szczególnie w przypadku fasoli wielokwiatowej, można wyodrębnić grupy złożone z podobnych do siebie odmian i jednorodnych populacji miejscowych. Wyłonione grupy, w większości przypadków, charakteryzowało nie tylko podobieństwo DNA, ale również były one podobne pod względem cech morfologicznych nasion oraz pochodziły z jednego regionu.
The quantitative changes of raffinose and stachyose in seeds of Phaseolus coccineus L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L. during their growth and maturation in a two year experiment were investigated. Trace amounts of raffinose were found in Ph. vulgaris seeds during their vegetative growth in 1990. Time of raffinose accumulation in seeds in 1991 began not earlier than on 33rd day since inflorescence. Stachyose started to accumulate in seeds between 33rd and 47th day after inflorescence of all tested cultivars. It was noticed that stachyose and raffinose contents in seeds of most tested cultivars after ten years of storage did not differ significantly when compared to not stored ones.
In the years 1999-2005, in the 3-year cycles, the valorisation of 72 local cultivars of the genus Phaseolus originating from Poland, the Slovak Republic and Ukraine was carried out. The works included 5 cultivars of runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) and 67 cultivars of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). It was found that 16 accessions had a climbing type of growth, 4 - flagellate form and 52 - dwarf ones. All runner beans were climbing. Out of the climbing type cultivars, 6 were snap beans with green pods, whereas the other were dry seed type plants. The flagellate cultivars included 1 for green pods and 3 for dry seeds. The dwarf cultivars included, except the ones destined for dry seeds a 4 snap bean cultivars were found: 1 with yellow pods and 3 with green ones. The valorised cultivars showed variability in such characteristics as: yield per plant, 1000 seeds weight, shape and colour of seeds.
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