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Badano wpływ odczynu gleby (pH w zakresie 4,0 - 6,0 przy pFconst.= 2,0) i jej wilgotności (w zakresie pF= 0,0 - 2,5) na zawartość cynku, ołowiu i kadmu w roztworze glebowym. Badania prowadzono na glebie piaszczystej, silnie skażonej metalami ciężkimi przez hutę cynku. Roztwór glebowy pozyskiwano metodą wirowania przygotowanej gleby, a zawartość analizowanych pierwiastków oznaczono metodą AAS. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem zakwaszenia środowiska glebowego wzrastało stężenie cynku, ołowiu i kadmu w roztworze glebowym. Oznaczone zawartości wynosiły: Zn – 1000 - 21900 mg dm⁻³, Pb – 1,4 - 7,6 mg dm⁻³, a Cd – 22,0 - 265,0 mg dm⁻³. Czynnik wilgotnościowy wpływał w niewielkim stopniu na zawartość badanych metali ciężkich w roztworze. Ołów okazał się najbardziej stabilnym pierwiastkiem w glebie, spośród badanych metali ciężkich, mało wrażliwym na zmiany odczynu gleby i jej wilgotności.
The external tail feathers of Magpies were used for assessment of multielemental air-borne emissions. The studies were done in the areas with extremely high heavy metal pollution. Three are the largest Polish zinc smelters and one is a steelwork factory, to be compared, and in areas with potentially low heavy metal pollution - three national parks. Concentrations of 15 elements (Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Ge, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Sr, Tl, and Zn) were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The data were generally in accordance with the lists of elements emitted in the course of technological processes applied by particular works, and present that the vicinities of zinc smelter areas are much more polluted, especially with Pb, Cd, Zn, and Sn, in comparison to the steelworks region so far considered as seriously threatened. The described method enables us to visualise such differences, to assess a degree of multielemental pollution and to control the changes in emissions of many elements from year to year. From amongst the studied areas the district of Szopienice is extremely contaminated and the Ojców National Park is the most polluted Polish national park, with the concentrations of Ba, Ge, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Sn even equal to those found in the surroundings of the steelworks.
Experimental Starlings Sturnus vulgaris after capture in an unpolluted region of north-eastern Poland were transported south - to the neighbourhood of the largest Polish zinc plant. There they were exposed in cages for 8 days. The contaminated group - (C) of the birds was fed with local Orthoptera insects, and the uncontaminated group - (UC) obtained food without metals. Every second day representatives of each group were killed. Levels of lead and cadmium were analyzed with the AAS method in livers, kidneys, brains, femurs, breast muscles, stomach contents, faeces, carcasses and various types of feathers. Found among the Starlings from group "C" was a rapid increase of Pb concentration in liver, brain and kidney as well as of Cd in kidney and liver. A great number of contaminants was also absorbed on the surface of the plumage Accumulated amounts of metals may be significant not only to individual birds but also to consumers at higher levels.
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