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w słowach kluczowych:  duck carcass
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Analysed were 8-week-old males and females of duck paternal strains A44 and A55. The in vivo weights of meat and fat with skin were estimated based on live body weight, breast bone length and breast muscle thickness. Heritability coefficients for meat production traits and genetic and phenotypic correlations between them were calculated. Carcasses were measured and dissected. In breast and leg muscles the pH and water holding capacity as well as water, protein, fat and ash were determined. Simple correlation coefficients were calculated between carcass weight with neck and carcass components, and body measurements. A55 ducks of both sexes showed greater meat and fat weight, but lower meat and higher fat content of carcass compared to A44 ducks. Based on the correlation coefficients between body measurements and body weight and carcass components, it is suggested that in order to increase the meat weight in the carcass, both strains should be selected for body weight, and strain A44 additionally for breast bone length and breast muscle thickness. Chest depth – which is positively and significantly correlated with the weight and content of breast and leg muscles of carcass, and negatively with the weight and content of subcutaneous fat with skin – can be used in selection for increased muscling and decreased carcass fatness. Also breast bone length and shank length, as well as chest and shank circumference can be used in the selection for increased meat weight and decreased fat weight in duck carcass. It is concluded, based on the pH, water holding capacity and chemical analyses of breast and leg muscles, that the culinary value of strain A55 meat is higher than of strain A44.
Materiał do badań stanowiły kaczki z rodu A-44 (90 samców i 90 samic), poddane ubojowi w wieku 7 tygodni. Ponadto posłużono się także danymi liczbowymi dotyczącymi kaczek z dwóch stad zachowawczych - A-l i P-9 oraz rodu A-44 (po 20 samców i samic z każdego) z innego doświadczenia. Wyprowadzono równania regresji do poubojowego szacowania zawartości mięsa (Ŷ; g) lub tłuszczu ze skórą (Ž; g) w tuszce, których najważniejsze zmienne niezależne stanowią dwie stosunkowo łatwe do pomiaru cechy - masa płata skóry z tłuszczem podskórnym z powierzchni tuszki z wyjątkiem skrzydeł (X2) i masa tuszki bez wspomnianego płata skóry z tłuszczem (X3). Równania te charakteryzują się stosunkowo małymi standardowymi błędami oceny (sy/z). Spośród nich jako najbardziej przydatne do zastosowania można polecić następujące: Ý = 0.4659 X, + 1.1743X5- 15.30 (sy = 17.6 g), Ž= 1.0891 X2 + 21.69 (sz = 8.4 g), gdzie: X5 - masa mięśni piersiowych z jednej połowy tuszki (g).
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