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w słowach kluczowych:  Wydzial Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarzadzania
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The Bologna Process has made it inevitable to create and implement systems for education quality management at higher education institutions. It involves, among other things, a system for internal and external evaluation aimed at monitoring and improving the quality of education provided at any higher education institution. Therefore, the present paper is aimed at synthetic presentation of regulations adopted as part of the Bologna Process in the context of internal education quality system functioning at higher education institutions. It also describes the education quality system that is in operation at the Faculty of Economics and Management (WNEiZ) at University of Szczecin, determines the role that opinions held by students play in the evaluation of higher education quality and presents the results of the survey conducted in this scope at WNEiZ at US. The questionnaire survey allowed, among other things, to learn about subjective assessment made by students with reference to higher education curriculum, educational system, studying conditions and the teaching staff, all of which have a considerable influence on education quality system. The information in question is of major importance while formulating educational offer and taking promotional action as well as creating higher education institution’s image (and hence recruiting new students) on a more and more competitive higher education market.
The purpose of the paper is to try to answer the question: in what way students see the teaching programme of accounting related subjects and what they think of its usefulness in practice. The study also presents expectations of future employers (owners of accounting service companies) in the area of the knowledge and the skills of graduates of accounting specializations. Information related to the assessment of the way in which lectures on accounting related subjects are given indicates that theoretical ways of passing on the knowledge still prevail. It is similar in case of exercises. Students evaluated the practical usefulness of each particular subject differently, and, according to the opinion of accounting service companies, the knowledge of all the subjects listed in the hour schedule should be of high or a very high level. Accounting service companies as well as students think that more time should be expended on working with accounting applications and simulating the business activity as it would increase the graduate’s chances on the labour market.
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