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w słowach kluczowych:  Dactylorhiza majalis
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Badania terenowe prowadzono w latach 2002-2003 na dwóch obiektach różnie użytkowanych rolniczo w miejscowości Kaczorów. Obiekt pierwszy (A) stanowiła łąka kośna porośnięta zbiorowiskiem typu Festuca rubra i Poa pratensis, obiekt drugi (B) stanowiła łąka nieużytkowana rolniczo, ze zbiorowiskiem typu Festuca rubra, Festuca pratensis, Polygonum bistorta i Anthoxanthum odoratum. Oba obiekty badawcze zlokalizowane były na glebie deluwialnej próchnicznej. Na wydzielonych obiektach w drugiej połowie czerwca wykonano zdjęcia florystyczne metodą Brawn-Blanqueta. W materiale glebowym pobranym z wierzchniej warstwy gleby (0-20 cm), średnio dla badanego terenu oraz z powierzchni bezpośrednio przylegającej do Dactylorhiza majalis, określono ogólnie przyjętymi metodami: pH, zawartość substancji organicznej, makroelementów oraz przewodnictwo elektryczne. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że gleba ze stanowisk bezpośrednio przylegających do Dactylorhiza majalis charakteryzowała się wyższymi badanymi parametrami.
Changes in the microtubular cytoskeleton of Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) Hunt et Summerh. (Orchidaceae) during microsporogenesis were investigated by the immunofluorescence method. Dactylorhiza microsporocytes in microsporangia divide into tetrads after a regular meiosis, which is completed with simultaneous cytokinesis. Three typical configurations of the microtubular cytoskeleton appear during microsporogenesis: the microtubular system in the cytoplasm and at the nuclear envelope, meiotic spindles, and phragmoplasts. Microtubules of the early prophase I microsporocyte are dispersed throughout the cortical cytoplasm, and later the arrays of microtubules are visible at the nuclear envelope. During metaphase I, the microtubules form the spindle which also acts during anaphase I. At telophase I, interzonal microtubules of the first meiotic spindle disappear, and new microtubular arrays extend from the nuclei towards the equatorial plane of the microsporocyte. There, these microtubules form the phragmoplast, which disintegrates before the second meiotic division. During the second meiotic division, the microtubular cytoskeleton repeats the configurations from the first meiotic division. The microtubular arrays emanating from the telophase II nuclei form interconnections of all non-sister and sister nuclei. During the formation of the cell plates between the future microspores, these microtubular arrays disappear. The results support the view that cytoskeletal configurations participate in the formation of the nuclear-cytoplasmic domains of the dividing microsporocyte in its transition from mononucleate microsporocyte to undivided dyad, and to four microspore domains after the second meiotic division.
The subject of the research was the population of orchid growing in the area of Pierzchno in Wielkopolska. This position was found in 2001 where two kinds of orchids were recorded – Orchis morio and Dactylorhiza majalis. Male orchid occurs in the particular position in this geographical region. Quite numerous population of Dactylorhiza majalis (broad-leaved marsh orchid) and counting only a few specimens of the population of Orchis morio were followed in 2013–2015. The research concerned both individual and group features. During this period, we observed a clear progression of broad-leaved marsh orchid population. It resulted in an increase in the number of ramets and the area occupied by it. In the first year of research two experimental plots were extracted and in the next growing season, a third surface was found, occupied by the species. Locating juveniles in the second season also confirms the population dynamics. In the last year of observation, orchids appeared only on the second surface, which substantially increased its dimensions. Unfortunately, in the case of populations of the male orchid clear regression was noted because fewer individuals grew from year to year. On the meadow nearby Pierzchno favourable living conditions were found for Dactylorhiza majalis and unfavourable ones for Orchis morio, which could lead to the disappearance of this population.
In the paper we present the results of studies on the variability range of the flower colour, size and shape in D. majalis. The research was carried out in three populations, deliberately chosen so that to exclude the possibility of hybridisation with other orchid species. The obtained results confirm a wide range of phenotypic plasticity of a taxon, in extreme cases causing problems in species identification. The performed analyses demonstrate that the labellum index, similarly to the colour of the flowers and the shape and the pattern of labellum, have a wide range of individual variability, which makes it quite difficult to classify taxa within the genus.
Nowe stanowisko storczyków - kukułki szerokolistnej Dactylorhiza majalis i podkolana białego Platanthera bifolia znalezione zostało w 2014 roku, w wierzchowinowej, południowej części Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowego w Białym Kościele (przysiółek Murownia). Na niewielkim obszarze ok. 70 m2 rosło 20 osobników kukułki i osiem podkolana. Gatunki te należą do pospolitych w Polsce, jednak na terenie Ojcowskiego PN są bardzo rzadkie. Ich populacje, zagrożone przez rozrastające się drzewa i krzewy, wymagają objęcia systematycznymi zabiegami ochrony czynnej.
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