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Assays, made on 64 mature carp females aged 5 years, were performed during the spawning season (summer) and in mid-winter. Some fish were subject to intraventricular melatonin microinjections, while other had their pineal gland excised. Intensity of fluorescence in the hypothalamic aminergic nuclei was determined with the fluorescence histochemical method. The lowest fluorescence intensity was revealed in those individuals lacking the pineal gland, the highest intensity being typical of the fish subject to intraventricular melatonin microinjections. In the winter series, all the fish showed a similar fluorescence intensity in the hypothalamic region studied. The results demonstrate a relationship between the pineal gland, melatonin, and the hypothalamic aminergic system, present in carp during the spawning period.
W listopadzie 2009 roku w potoku Rzepnik, w dopływie Skawinki (dorzecze Górnej Wisły), odłowiono 5 kiełbi białopłetwych Romanogobio albipinnatus complex. Ryby te preferują duże nizinne rzeki, dlatego nowe stanowisko w zaledwie 10-kilometrowym cieku o szerokości koryta wynoszącej 2–3 m jest bardzo nietypowe. Jest to pierwsze stwierdzenie kiełbia białopłetwego na terenie Małopolski
A total of 49 common gudgeon, Gobio gobio (L.), were examined for morphometric and meristic differences according to sex. Nuptial tubercles were found in all males collected in spring, as well as in a number of females. On the other hand, nuptial tubercles covered the whole head with opercles in males, but only on the top of the head in females. There were no significant differences regarding meristic traits. Specimens of both sexes were characterized by the formula: 1.1.40-44, sq1 6, sq2 4, D III 7, A III 6, (3)4-5(6,7) scales between the anus and anal fin origin. Males were highly significantly (P < 0.001) different from females with longer pectoral fins, deeper caudal peduncles, and longer V-A distances. The results obtained in the current work are discussed in the context of data from the literature.
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