The paper presents vegetation changes of Górki nature reserve in terms of their impact on the main subject of conservation – twinflower Linnaea borealis. The research was conducted between 1969 and 1974 and during this investigation a mixed forest Pino−Quercetum was noted. After 50 years of strict protection the studies were repeated to describe the reserve's flora and vegetation dynamics. A considerable decrease in number is particularly observed in species belonging to Vaccinio−Piceetea class. The main subject of conservation withdrew. Nowadays, vegetation evolved into an oak−hornbeam forest Tilio−Carpinetum betuli. Statistically relevant changes have also been noted as regards the soil acidity and the trophic status of the nature reserve's flora, based on ecological indicators.
The paper presents the changes in vascular plants vegetation of Doliska and Zimna Woda nature reserves (central Poland). In 1960s Pino−Quercetum forest was noted at both reserves. Nowadays, it evolved into an oak−lime−hornbeam forest Tilio−Carpinetum betuli. The gradual replacement of Scots pine and other coniferous species into broad−leaved species is observed. Additionally, flora synanthropization and encroachment of invasive alien species (e.g. Impatiens parviflora) into the reserves was found.