Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases cascades mediate cellular responses to a great variety of different extracellular signals in plants. Activation of a MAP kinase occurs after phosphorylation by an upstream dual-specificity protein kinase, known as a MAP kinase kinase. However, only a few of the MAPK kinases in Arabidopsis have been investigated. An active AtMKK3, 35S:AtMPK1, 35S:AtMPK2, and 35S:AtMPK3 constructs were built and their transformed plants were generated. The kinase activity of AtMPK1 or AtMPK2 was stimulated by active AtMKK3 in transient analysis of tobacco leaves. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicated interaction between AtMKK3 and AtMPK1 or AtMPK2 in the coexpressed tissues of AtMKK3 and AtMPK1 or AtMKK3 and AtMPK2. RT-PCR analysis showed that AtMKK3 and AtMPK1, or AtMKK3 and AtMPK2 were co-expressed in diverse plant tissues. Plants overexpressing AtMKK3 exhibited an enhanced tolerance to salt and were more sensitive to ABA. Plants overexpressing AtMPK1 or AtMPK2 were also more sensitive to ABA. AtMPK1 or AtMPK2 can be activated by cold, salt, and ABA. AtMKK3, AtMPK1, and AtMPK2 genes were induced by ABA or stress treatments. All these data indicated that the ABA signal transmitted to a MAPK kinase signaling cascade and could be amplified through MAP kinase1 or MAP kinase2 for increasing salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis.