Ochrona środowiska jest dziedziną wiedzy odnoszącą się w sposób ścisły do przestrzeni geograficznej – przestrzeni, która przy tym poziomie antropopresji wymaga metod pozwalających na szybkie podejmowanie prawidłowych decyzji. Doskonałym narzędziem wspomagającym proces decyzyjny są systemy informacji przestrzennej, będące tą gałęzią wiedzy, której rozwój w sposób ścisły zależy od źródeł danych i metod ich pozyskiwania. Jedną z najlepszych technologii mogących zaspokoić te potrzeby są systemy nawigacji satelitarnej. Ta stosunkowo prosta i szybka metoda realizacji pomiarów bezpośrednio w terenie znalazła wielu zwolenników szczególnie wśród osób poszukujących rozwiązań mogących zastąpić kosztowne i czasochłonne klasyczne pomiary geodezyjne. Dokonując wyboru pozornie prostej technologii, jaką są systemy nawigacji satelitarnej należy mieć świadomość zarówno jej ograniczeń, ale także nie w pełni wykorzystywanego potencjału.
An attempt was made to determine fire selectivity for different vegetation classes and habitat conditions using the HSI (Habitat Suitability Index) model. This is an example of expert model based on theoretical knowledge and experience of researchers. HSI analyses were originally designed to study animal habitat preferences. The assessment of inherent differences in the flammability of the selected fragments of forest stands was carried out on the basis of the derivative vector layers and raster images. The obtained results show fuel characteristics of the forest environment and the theoretical paths of fire spread preferences.
The issue of sustainable tourism within valuable natural areas has been extensively discussed ever since the emergence of sustainable development philosophy in the 1990s. In view of growing public interest in nature recreation and tourism development, the importance of addressing this subject matter has hitherto increased significantly. The main objective of the present paper was to offer a tool for supporting development and promotion of sustainable tourism in Poland’s forests managed by the State Forests – National Forest Holding. GIS technology, and specific tools for network analysis were used in the project. During task realization, only free and open software sources were used. The work was performed based on the example of the Forest District Żołędowo (Regional Directorate of State Forests in Toruń, Poland) with the use of District’s spatial data resources. A web application was created to present information about tourist attractions and infrastructure on an interactive map with tools for route planning. As a result, there has been developed the web mapping application which provides general access to tourism related information and enables planning touristic routes by pre-specified criteria. Implemented routing algorithms can help traffic management and further protection of the areas vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures. The system created not only promotes attractive tourist sites but also, supports targeting tourist traffic, and accordingly – adds to the progress of sustainable tourism.
This paper concerns the use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) methods and the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis to determine microtopography of a natural river valley, case study of the upper Biebrza valley. The scientific problem analyzed in this paper is a morphology of the selected segments of the valley covered by sedge ecosystems which in natural stage form a characteristic tussocks from their root systems. In order to capture the microtopography it was necessary to remove vegetation from the selected areas, and then, for a five typical location, registration of its structure using the laser scanner. As a result the point cloud was generated for each of the selected area and after GIS analysis the microtopography was obtained in form of digital terrain model (DTM). The DTM of each area represents valleys microstructure possible to obtain by use of TLS (TLS DTM), is usually not registered by the Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS), and is the main reason of inaccuracy of the DTM obtained based on ALS. The resulting TLS DTM has been processed by various filtering methods to lower the noise and fi ll the voids from blocking the laser beam by a tussocks. Finally, this allowed to determine the spatial structure of each measurement field.
Paper presents results of measurement accuracy evaluation of two laser rangefinders (TruPulse and ForestPro integrated with MapStar compass) mounted on monopod and tripod under the forest conditions. The precise data on spatial coordinates of 34 trees in the Rogów Arboretum and 8 points from the geodetic control network in the Głuchów Forest were used. The results show that the measurement sets equipped with ForestPro and MapStar were more accurate than TruPulse ones. However, no significant influence of applied stands on the measurement accuracy was observed.
The registered parcel can be explained as continuous part of land within a subdistrict. It has to be also homogeneous legally and separated from other objects by the boundary lines. In the spatial structure of the State Forests National Forest Holding the registered parcel correspond to a forest compartment. The paper presents new approach to registered parcel definition, which can store more than one forest compartment (forest complex). In this way it is possible to create new basic area object as a base for cadastre (land registry) within the forest district. The aim of this study was to assess positioning accuracy of the boundary marker and the area of registered parcel. The measurements were conducted on stabilized boundary markers within forest complex and not−stabilized boundary markers within forest compartments. Using surveying technology the network of polygonal traverses were created. The control points for every travers line were measured by geodetic class GNSS receiver. It was assumed that all measured coordinates are free from error, so it was possible to asses registered parcel positioning errors. These errors are ±3.96 m for not−stabilized boundary markers and ±0.43 m for stabilized boundary markers. Applying the new idea, all existing forest compartments were joint into one big parcel within forest complex. The total number of parcels was reduced from 988 to 335. Based on formula [4] the area of parcels was calculated in two variants: considering their existing borders (not−stabilized boundary markers) and considering merged parcels (stabilized boundary markers). For the previous, the average error of parcel area equals to 1348 m² (26−6606, standard deviation=814 m²). In the latter variant, the average error of parcel area is much lower and equals 147 m² (5−3008, standard deviation=293 m²). The final results prove that new concept for basic area objects is justified and should be gradually implemented in the State Forests. This idea will not only facilitate forest management, but increase accuracy of borders positioning and simplify land registry as well.
Different kinds of solar radiation (direct, diffuse) shape microclimate of forest gaps and have significant influence on establishment and growth of young trees. Adjustment of the shape and size of artificial gaps could create favourable conditions that meet the demands of particular species. Unfortunately there is lack of publications concerning this topic, which could be used directly for silvicultural planning in Polish conditions. Empirical assessment of radiation regimes in a wide range of different shaped gaps is impossible from practical reasons, so modelling in ArcGis environment was used instead. Gaps of different shape and size were modelled as elliptical depression in terrain by the use digital elevation model. The Solar Radiation tool was used to model direct and global radiation on the bottom of the gaps with area varying between 2 and 50 are surrounded by stands of height between 15 to 35 meters. The outcome of modelling was presented in form of nomograms. Additional series of analyses was created to describe the influence of terrain aspect and inclination on solar radiations supplies on the forest floor in gaps. Presented nomograms could be helpful in silvicultural planning, because they could be used to design artificial gaps with expected solar radiations supplies.