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Jasne scenariusze w nauczaniu geografii Polski

Pozytywne przykłady i optymistyczne scenariusze odgrywają bardzo ważną rolę w kształtowaniu postawy patriotycznej. Są one jednak dość rzadko przedstawiane w szkole, także na lekcjach geografii. W programach i podręcznikach elementy oceny pojawiają się rzadko, przeważa faktografia, dość liczne są też „czarne” scenariusze (zatrucie środowiska, kryzys przemysłu ciężkiego i rolnictwa, bezrobocie, emigracja itd.). Było to przedstawiane w referacie na 56. Zjeździe PTG w Kielcach (Plit 2007). Celem niniejszego wystąpienia jest skupienie się na tych zjawiskach, które pozwalają przekazać młodzieży więcej optymizmu i dumy z kraju. Skupiono się na następujących faktach: Wyjątkowe w skali Europy (a może i świata) walory turystyczne Pojezierzy: są tam najwyższe w pasie pojezierzy młodoglacjalnych na Niżu deniwelacje, urozmaicona linia brzegowa, zróżnicowane użytkowanie ziemi, co stwarza preferencje zwłaszcza dla turystyki konnej; Atrakcyjna kolorystyka (dominacja odcieni złota) piasku bałtyckich plaż i ich długość; Jakościowa poprawa stanu środowiska przyrodniczego, czystości wód, ograniczenie zapylenia powietrza, wzrost lesistości; Malejące bezrobocie i wyraźny wzrost wynagrodzeń (w latach 2003-2007 wynagrodzenie wzrosło przeciętnie o 30%, tj. szybciej od tempa inflacji); Rozwój nowych gałęzi przemysłu przetwórczego (np. meblarskiego), zwłaszcza wysokich technologii (np. monitory telewizyjne, samochody osobowe, sprzęt komputerowy - Dell i firmy rodzime, w wielu dziedzinach dominujemy w UE); Rosnąca konkurencyjność polskiego rolnictwa, zwłaszcza w nietypowych dziedzinach produkcji (bizony, strusie i in.); Rozmach inwestycji komunikacyjnych, w tym w zakresie dróg szybkiego ruchu; Powszechna dostępność wielu usług, w tym handlowych (znacznie lepsza niż w większości państw UE!), obfitość towarów, poprawiająca się kontrola ich jakości; Rewitalizacja historycznych centrów niewielkich nawet miast, ich odnowienie i uporządkowanie. Jasne przykłady i pozytywne scenariusze nie mogą przesłonić faktu, że nadal jest wiele spraw bolesnych i niezałatwionych (np. zaśmiecenie środowiska, wciąż niski poziom wynagrodzeń, zły stan techniczny pojazdów na naszych drogach, brak autostrad, fatalny stan służby zdrowia itd.), jak też terenów o ograniczonych możliwościach rozwoju (trudno np. rozwijać turystykę na bezleśnych równinach, a rolnictwo na glebach klasy V). Geografia nie może ograniczać się do nauczania tylko o pozytywach, oznaczałoby to bowiem uprawianie propagandy sukcesu i utratę wszelkiej wiarygodności. Musimy nauczać i o sprawach trudnych, ale ważne jest zachowanie proporcji i eksponowanie wysiłków mających przezwyciężyć te trudności.
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Wyludnianie się Sahary i Syberii

In the first half of XX century, when the number of inhabitants of Sahara was growing rapidly, population of Saharan oasis was stagnant or was diminishing. It was a result of migration processes and those were effect of the collapse of traditional economy. The construction of roads and facilities to trade caused an inflow of cheap agricultural products, and later, of industrial commodities. The agricultural production in oasis undertaken in very difficult environmental conditions required great labour input and therefore could not compete with imported products (with the exception of date-palms cultivation). Traditional handicrafts decayed as well. The abolition of slavery was also a reason of economic crisis as the slave labour force had been used previously in particularly heavy agricultural tasks. It was only in the second half of the XX century when the development of mining and tourism contributed to flourishment of a part of oasis. Similar mechanism of depopulation appeared in Eastern Siberia and in the Russian Far East in the 90-ties of the XX century. While the number of inhabitants of the whole Russian Federation diminished by 1%, the decrease of population of the Eastern Siberia was of 2% and in the Far East nearly 9% and in some administrative units over 20% (in the Czukotka Autonomous District even of 48,8% in the period 1989-1998). The economic crisis in the Far East was related, in a similar way as in Sahara, although not exclusively, to the collapse of slavery (the suppression of the force labour camps), freedom of human moments and the inflow of cheap merchandise.
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Dylematy nauczania geografii Polski

One of the important issues in the cartography of vegetation is the presentation of range of singular formations in small scales for the sake of teaching and popularization. The biggest difficulty in elaborating such tasks consists in the necessity of broad generalizations, both quantitative and qualitative. The article describes the methods and partially discusses the course of limits on the map ofn grasslands on the Earth. The map was done on the basis of general maps in atlases, consulting more detailed works in some cases. It is a modified version of the map done by J. Plit, F. Plit, published in the „Ecosystems of the World” (vol. 17 A, Bremeyer A. I. ed., Managed Grasslands. Regional Studies, Elsevier 1990). The map, reflecting the grade of Human transformation of grassland areas distinguishes 4 types of grasslands: A. Man-made grasslands on surfaces orginally occupied by forests (in exceptional situations by deserts) B. Natural grasslands, heavily transformed (natural grasslands in the past, today transformed in fields) C. Natural grasslands, heavily transformed but still occupied by grasses, degradated in high degree D. Natural grasslands, slightly transformed, fragments of grassland not transformed Areas occupied by formations dominated by dwarf shrubs (such as tundra), bushes and forest of miombo type have not been classified as grasslands. The situation of areas classified as the same type on different continents varies. The wide Latin American and Australian grasslands classified as „D” type tend to evolve towards „C” type (strong degradation). In Europe, this type consists in small islands of highland meadows, in most cases strictly protected.
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Negatywne strony standaryzacji systemów oceniania

In the Polish education system, a lot of emphasis is placed on standardization and comparability of grading systems, starting from primary school to university studies. This is to be achieved by a departure from oral answers and giving preference to written tests, particularly multiple-choice questions, external examinations and uniformisation of curricula. These measures are producing many positive results. In case of geography, they serve not only to reduce the element of subjectivity in assessment (although ensuring full comparability is not possible), but also allow for practising map-reading skills. However, there are also negative side effects. They include in particular: worse quality of self-presentation skills, worse results in longer oral presentations, lack of regional education content in external lower and upper secondary school examinations (although a lot of emphasis is put on it in the curriculum). The paper also identifies certain frequent methodological errors in preparing tests in geography, and points out that all written tests require that instructions be given in a elear and detailed way; they cannot be clarified as in an oral examination, and therefore students may misunderstand what they are supposed to do - and such answers will also be evaluated.
Post 1989, major changes have been made in the teaching of Geography at school. Until then, Geography was expected to provide pupils with "reliable" and "stable" information. For this reason, great emphasis was placed on the astronomical underpinnings of geography, characteristic features of the geographical environment (particularly geological structure and relief) as well as the role of natural conditions in agriculture. In the curriculum, economic issues received a conventional treatment, especially those related to countries of the Communist bloc, while population, social and political issues were only marginally discussed, partly to avoid indoctrination of youth. Contemporary curricula look at the world in a much more dynamic way and put more emphasis on social issues. Examples here include references to electoral geography, conflicts relating to the development of the Amazon Rainforest or various forms of NGO's aid to the poorest countries. All this means that programmes must be updated on a continuous basis. We are not only supposed to impart knowledge, but also to show pupils how to perceive problems in the world at large, how to observe and form their own opinions. The scope of geographic studies used to be spitefully summed up as being "from geology to theology''. Today, Geography at school is definitely evolving "from geology'' to a more or less satisfactory humanisation of teaching.
The article includes the hypothesis stating that the differentiation of natural environment can be utilized as a synthetic index for the investigation of the relationships between the natural environment and man. The hypothesis is based on the following assumptions: (a) the phenomena, that have been observed in maps, of co-existence of differentiation of environment and concentration of population; (b) views held in literature, expressed by various specialists, that the differentiated environment encourages the development of culture; (c) on the logical assumption according to which in a situation when one of the two interrelated phenomena undergoes change, this usually entails change within the other phenomenon. Attempt was made at verification of the hypothesis on the example of the African continent. The first stage was to draw comparable maps of differentiation of the particular elements of natural environment (geological structure, relief, climate, water relations, soils and plant cover) at the scale 1 : 10 000 000, the differentiation having been calculated for the fields delimited by the geographical projection (fields of a side of 1°, the continent thus having been divided into 2,561 fields). The maps of differentiation of relief, climate and water relationships were drawn on the basis of maps of differentiation of the particular features of these elements, so they are partly synthetical, whereas maps of geological structure, soils and plant cover were based on typological maps of those elements for the African continent. Differentiation of the particular elements was presented in all the maps in five classes. The second stage was to draw a synthetical map of differentiation of natural environment on the basis of maps of differentiation of the particular elements. It is based on the ratio of classes that characterize the differentiation of elements in the given field of a side of 1°. The values received were grouped in five classes comprised within the following sections: class I 1-5¹ class II 5¹ - 5³ class III 5³ - 5⁴ class IV 5⁴ - 5⁵ class V > 5⁵ Fields grouped under class I have the least differentiated natural environment, whereas fields included in class V are marked by the greatest differentiation of natural environment. The next stage was to compare the map of differentiation of natural environment of Africa with the map of the density of population of the continent. In order to facilitate comparisons, the density of population was also presented within five classes (class I - the least populated areas, class V - areas of the largest density of population) and in identical baisic fields of a side 1°. It turned out that small density of population corresponds to the fields marked by small differentiation of environment, and the increase in differentiation is accompanied by the increase in the density of population. More than a half of fields (1,394, i. e. 54.5%) belong to the same class in both maps, and 39.1% (1,003 fields) differ only by one class. Thus, in more than 90% of cases there are no differences in classes between the differentiation of environment and density of population, or they are negligible. The article also includes the discussion about the shortcomings and virtues of the suggested method of evaluation of natural environment through its differentiation.
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